Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 018 Dark Reincarnation 2

(PS: Please don't spray me~~)

Jack said something horrible, and someone immediately shouted: "Hey, didn't the master say 'logical puzzle solving'? Why did it become an unsolved situation again? Are you kidding me?!"

"Ha ha, what do you think?" Jack sneered, "Do you think that the master is the teacher of the college entrance examination, and you are a primary school student of your own nature, and you are going to do some 1+1=2 childish questions?"

"You are just kidding me! Do you believe what the master said?!"

The young man immediately shut up and ran to the corner to draw a circle with a ashamed face~~

Yes, the task that dominates the release has always been at the top of the list of the top ten most untrustworthy words. You don't know when you will be led into the gutter by him. Basically, every task has a trap. If you find it, you can live. If you don't find it, you have to fade your skin. What's more aggrieved is that you can't judge it, so you can only break your teeth and swallow it~~

"Well, let's discuss some plots about this horror film while we still have time." Someone suggested, "If you know yourself and know your enemy, you can be invincible. Unsolved horror movies sound strange and scary, but so many of us can always come up with a solution, right? Let's brainstorm."

"Well said, I'm the first one to support it!" Immediately, someone raised their hands and agreed.

"I'll talk about the information I know first..." Dark Floor is indeed a scene with a very high annihilation rate. It is said that the mortality rate is more than 90%, and even those who pass the test are very taboo about it. So there is almost no sound discussing similar scenes in the space.

"About the plot... Dark Floor is a rather strange and unsolved film, at least I don't understand the * setting of the movie. You can refer to the two versions that have been circulated so far. First, start with the transfer to another hospital. Because of mechanical failure, the father wanted to transfer his daughter to the hospital. Because he did not know that his daughter's epilepsy needed to take medicine regularly, his daughter died on the way to the hospital. This can be seen from the conversation between the father and the nurse. The nurse kept saying that it was almost time to take the medicine. The father kept asking what would happen if he didn't take the medicine, but the nurse did not give a positive answer.

After his daughter's death, the father became angry with the hospital, believing that it was doctors and nurses who casually changed their daughter's medicine, resulting in her death, so he retaliated against the hospital. The hospital was set on fire. This explains why the hospital's body died in a different way. The fire burned from the ground floor and the people on the second floor wanted to run to the first floor and block them in the stairs, trampling on many people. The people on the second floor were scorched. The water in the third floor was roasted to death, just like sand. The deceased above the sixth floor was killed by his father, so his flesh and blood were blurred. The doctor's tape recorder actually said that the father did not cause his daughter's death by transferring his daughter to the hospital.

The five monsters represent five people: the sand man represents the black guard, the screaming queen represents the nurse, the hexagonal monster and another monster represent the bear man and the old man respectively, and the last dark monster that appears is the father himself.

A girl should go to heaven to enjoy warmth after death, but because of her father's paranoia, she thinks that everything she does is the best for her daughter. The daughter and the dead souls were imprisoned by their father in their own hell. What the girl has always said about going home is not to live with her father, but to the place she should really go after her death.

The old man said that outside the elevator is a hell, which was built to punish his father. The cycle of things one after another is to give his father a choice. Sacrificing his daughter to save everyone, if the father makes the decision to sacrifice his daughter will also repent of the crime he has committed and know that the crime he has committed is wrong. But my father made wrong decisions again and again. The daughter fled again and again in the hope that her father would let go of himself.

The second statement is that the whole movie is actually the imagination of a little girl.

The little girl wanted to go home, but because she couldn't be discharged from the hospital, she had to imagine that her father would take her out of the hospital. And those monsters represent reality. She can't get out of the hospital, and adults, including doctors and fathers, will not let her be discharged in reality. Therefore, she had to toss around with the character she imagined in such a strange hospital where time stopped and time and space were chaotic, and in the end she still couldn't get out. The little girl's lines from the time her father took her out of the hospital basically repeated what she said 7 minutes before the movie. Especially in the last scene in the garage. After her father took her out of the car, the line she said was the original words her father told her in her ward 6 minutes from the movie. And finally, she said with a flash of her whole body, "I want to go home", which can be said to be her heart. Don't dwell on the saying of light and darkness, which is actually easy to understand.

Red and blue are a symbolic technique used by the director. Red symbolizes the unreal world, that is, the little girl's imaginary world; blue symbolizes the real world. In real-world hospitals, the floors and walls are blue and clean everywhere; in non-realistic hospitals, the floors and walls are red, and the more dark and dirty they go back. Of course, the most important tip is the crayons. When red crayons appear, they represent imagination, and when blue crayons appear, they represent reality.

“...... Of course, we can't fully believe these two explanations, but they always have a certain reference value. After all, most of the scenes are based on the main line.

Another humane: "According to my analysis, when we enter the dark floor, we may not be able to find a way out. At that time, the key lies with the father and daughter. Only by eliminating their obsession can we get out of that world."


A group of people discussed carefully and carefully, analyzing various situations that may occur during the period. Lin Xiao did not have the desire to show. He just stood aside and listened silently, thinking about various possibilities at the same time.

When the domination protection period ended, more than a dozen people walked out of the bathroom one after another. Integrate into the hustle and bustle of the hospital.

Lin Xiao and the other three naturally act together. First determine your location, observe time, environment, pedestrians, and then collect necessary items, including food, disinfectants, bandages, flashlights, Swiss army knives, not limited to concentrated sulfuric acid, king water, etc.

The three have agreed to act separately. Lin Xiao quickly came to the radiation and chemotherapy room. In the case of throwing out a thousand dollars, it was easy to get the patient's information from the nurse on duty--

Patient: Sarah, Guardian: Ben.

Disease: Parkinson's syndrome.

Attending physician: James. Franklin.

Treatment: radiotherapy + drug assistance

At the bottom is a small line: the patient is in a serious condition, and it is recommended to use the newly introduced drug "SCP-126."

Seeing this medicine, Lin Xiao suddenly raised his eyebrows, was silent for a moment, picked up a pen, and drew a horizontal line under the name of the medicine.

A few minutes later, the father, who was angry because of the instrument failure, pushed his daughter out and insisted on transferring his daughter to the hospital, followed by a blonde nurse, and the two sides came to the door of the elevator in this quarrel.

At this time, there are already businessmen in suits and holding toy bears outside the elevator, tall, burly and powerful black security guards, wandering old men who play the role of mysterious prophets in the original play, and a group of adventurers with different shapes... At a glance, I'm afraid there are nearly 20 people.

There is nothing we can do. The main task requires everyone to follow the protagonist's father and daughter into the dark floor. No one knows whether they will be directly erased if they don't follow the regulations. For the sake of their lives, it is necessary to squeeze.

A group of people fished into the elevator and was full, but the elevator did not emit an unbearable alarm. Then someone pressed the switch immediately before the plot character left. After a slight tremor, the elevator slowly began to run down.

After Lin Xiao came in, he first took a look at the elevator.

The clean stainless steel wall is pasted with the poster of the hospital's love angel. The floor is clean and there is no dust. It shows the civilized spirit of Westerners.

Even the corners are clean, without a trace of confetti dust.

In the crowded elevator, only the sound of deep breathing could be heard, the atmosphere was dull, and no one spoke.

All the adventurers took a deep breath, and everyone familiar with the plot knew that FLAG had been launched. The protagonist enters the "death elevator", and the next time the elevator opens, what will appear in front of everyone will be a floor full of darkness and horror...

Ten seconds later, the elevator came as promised. With a thrilling shaking, the sound of the steel cable twisting and cracking suddenly came from above his head. At the same time, the lights in the elevator were overwhelmed, and the sound of crackling disappeared after flashing several times.

"It's coming!"

At this moment, the adventurers all breathed and their muscles tightened. Try to find clues of the transformation of the world on the surface. But helpless, the adventurer is just a stronger ordinary person without being able to use any skills and props. In the face of the elevator that suddenly crashes for some unknown reason, there is nothing we can do.

Only the emergency indicator light of the elevator is still flashing with dangerous red light, which is not extinguished on the 7th floor of the 6th floor.

In the dark, there was a deep and hoarse voice, saying:

"Not the 6th floor, not the 7th floor. It's not hell, not heaven."


The next development was nothing new. When the lights returned to calm, the elevator door slowly opened, and the empty quiet floor appeared in front of everyone.

The bright light, the empty corridor, in the corner against the wall, there is even a cup of coffee that has just been brewed, emitting bubbles, and you can smell the sweet smell in the air. It's like a relaxing afternoon, a leisurely afternoon tea time. However, the empty environment adds a little depressing atmosphere...

After a short exchange, everyone unanimously decided to leave this weird hospital first. Therefore, under the leadership of black security guards, a group of people set out and went to the unknown darkness.

A young man walking behind suddenly screamed and was loud and harsh in the silent corridor. It immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Looking back, the young man was covering his left hand with sweat, and the dark red blood flowed along his wrist, and soon accumulated a pool of blood in the ground.

"Daw! I don't know what scratched me!"