Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 033 End of Darkness

(Graduation season, job hunting, renting a house, all kinds of things can't be confused. I'm sorry to everyone here. I wanted to write an interesting story, but a lot of irrigation disappointed many readers. So, it's finally over. If you don't like children's shoes, you can go. I don't force it, just don't want to spray)

Dreams that can't be rid of, reincarnation over and over again...

With a crisp ringing finger, Lin Xiao's action suddenly paused, and everything in front of him suddenly blurred...

Everything in front of him passed away, like fireworks all over the sky, like smoke and fog, passing quickly. As if the reflection of the pavilion in the water that was smashed into the boulder, everything disappeared in the violent trembling.

...... The memory is fixed here.

“...... This is... Where?"

The cold and slippery touch came from under his body, which cold into the bone marrow. Lin Xiao opened his eyes and quickly jumped up from the ground. With a sweep of my eyes, I have branded the surrounding environment in my mind.

The light yellow storage wardrobe, the white bath towel, and the sound of water dripping in the corner. Obviously, this is a bathroom.

In the large bathroom, only Feng Xiaoxi and Xu Le are lying on the ground. Fortunately, the master did not disperse the three people, which can avoid many unnecessary troubles.

Shaking his head, Lin Xiao woke them up, and then began to check the tasks promulgated by the master.

"Main task: Follow father Ben and daughter Sarah into the dark floor, protect them during this period, and successfully leave the dark floor."

Note: This adventure world is a peaceful scene, and there is no reward for killing adventurers. The arbitrary damage caused by each other's attacks between adventurers is reduced by 50%.

Note: This world is an adventure puzzle, and you can't use any items and skills. And personal attributes are weakened by 50%.

Seeing these contents, Lin Xiao was stunned first, and then frowned. The content seemed very strange.

During the dominating protection time, the three first discussed their views on this adventure mission, and then searched for available props according to their personal interests. After all, the ability is now sealed, and I'm afraid it's not enough to deal with monsters.

The three changed into white coats and easily integrated into the bustling crowd of the hospital. It didn't take long to find a backpack with medical alcohol, hemostatic gauze, scalpel, flashlight, apples, and other gadgets.

Xu Le whispered:

" boss, I have seen the film Dark Floor, but unfortunately I didn't understand it at the beginning. I really don't know the purpose of those directors shooting these messy things... Those scum should be pulled out and shot!"

Lin Xiao nodded: "Well, don't worry. Although I have no choice but to have luck this time. However, the master will not release a mortal mission, which is the same truth this time. As long as you find the right way to live, it is still very simple to pass through this adventurous world.

"Did you find a way to live, boss?" Xu Le asked in surprise.

"Of course not. You think I'm a god." Lin Xiao was speechless, "to paraphrase Conan's sentence, that is, 'there is only one truth'. As long as you calm down and peel the cocoon, you can always find the answer hidden behind the illusion."

The three talked and quickly crossed the corridor to the door of the emergency room. I saw the medical record card of the protagonist father and daughter at the clinic at the door.

Patient: Sarah, Guardian: Ben.

Disease: Parkinson's syndrome.

attending physician: James. Franklin.


Below is a line of small words: the patient's condition is serious, and it is recommended to use the newly introduced drug "SCP-128."

At the bottom is a line of meaningless scratches drawn with a black carbon pen, which made Lin Xiao frown. Looking left and right, there was no one around. Under the strange gaze of the two, Lin Xiao quickly tore off the last piece of paper.

Five minutes later, the father, who was angry because of the instrument failure, pushed his daughter out and insisted on transferring his daughter to the hospital, followed by the blonde nurse, and the two sides came to the elevator door in the quarrel.

At this time, there are already waiting outside the elevator for middle-aged men in suits and black * bags, tall black security guards, wandering old men in rags who play the role of mysterious prophets in the original play, all the characters and adventurers related to the plot, no more, no less, a total of nine people.

After Lin Xiao came in, he first took a look at the elevator.

The clean stainless steel wall is pasted with the poster of the hospital's love angel. The floor is clean and there is no dust. It shows the civilized spirit of Westerners.

It's just that there are some uncleaned pieces of paper in the corner that have not been cleaned out. I don't know which impolite person left them at will.

After everyone came in, the elevator door slowly closed to isolate the internal and external world.

The three took a deep breath, and everyone familiar with the plot knew that FLAG had been launched. The protagonist enters the "death elevator", and the next time the elevator opens, what will appear in front of everyone will be a floor full of darkness and horror...

The elevator runs very gently, and the light overhead is bright, but the atmosphere is very dull, as if everyone has their own thoughts. Only the quiet breathing and the moans of the little girl Sarah can be heard.

A businessman with a blank face and nothing to worry about himself, a black guard with a straight waist, an anxious and painful father, a trance daughter, and an adventurer with an indifferent expression but secretly nervous alert... Life is full of all kinds. It is vividly displayed in this small elevator.

Lin Xiao seemed to be trapped in some kind of painful wandering, frowning and staring at the corner silently. There is a pile of rag notes, which at first glance looks like a prank of a naughty child. There is no handwriting or marking on it, just fragments torn from the corner of the page.

However, the texture of those pieces of paper is exactly the same as the note that Lin Xiao just tore off...

Lin Xiao bent down and silently tied up her shoelaces. In the palm of his hand was the piece of paper that had just been torn.

Ten seconds later, the elevator came as promised. With a thrilling shaking, the sound of the steel cable twisting and cracking suddenly came from above his head. At the same time, the lights in the elevator were overwhelmed, and the sound of crackling disappeared after flashing several times.

"It's coming!"

At this moment, the adventurers all breathed and their muscles tightened. Try to find clues of the transformation of the world on the surface. But helpless, the adventurer is just a stronger ordinary person without being able to use any skills and props. In the face of the elevator that suddenly crashes for some unknown reason, there is nothing we can do.

Only the emergency indicator light of the elevator is still flashing a dangerous red light, which is uncertain on the 7th floor of the 6th floor.

In the dark, there was a deep and hoarse voice, saying:

"Not the 6th floor, not the 7th floor. It's not hell, not heaven."

Then, the old man in a rag jacket suddenly fell down, and the elevator fell down in a shaky way, and a terrible roar came from below. The strong sense of vision makes people confused. It seems that such a scene has been experienced many times...

After a simple first aid, the mysterious old man woke up, but the darkness did not subside as expected, and the emergency lights were still flashing. The old man sat up and said ghostly, "Why did you save me? Isn't it better to let me die?"

Hearing this, the others had no reaction, but the suit merchant holding the bear sneered and said, "Jesus, hehe~~"

At the same time, the sound of "everything" suddenly sounded under everyone's feet, and it seemed that some kind of huge thing was climbing up the elevator passage. However, for a moment, the baffle under his feet suddenly shook, and the titanium alloy steel plate several centimeters thick actually raised three sharp claw marks!

The vibration under his feet became more and more violent. In a sour creak, the steel plate under everyone's feet was quickly torn apart like a pair of black claws cut cheese, and then pentled into a horrible head.

The head is as dark as ink, with no facial features on his face, only a huge mouth, and his mouth full of yellow sharp teeth. He opened his mouth and let out a deep roar, and the strong stench accompanied by the faint smell of sulfur made everyone almost vomit.

The businessman holding the bear fell to the ground with a scream and was immediately grabbed by the sharp-toothed monster. How sharp are the claws that can tear steel? He just caught deeply into the flesh and blood of the merchant. The pain made the merchant roar loudly.

On the other side, Xu Le curled his lips and threw out a glass bottle. The sound of "pop" hitting the monster's head shattered, and the strong irritation** quickly corroded a yellow-white smoke on the monster's head.

Strong sulfuric acid!

After all, adventurers are not ordinary people. Even if they are limited by the use of props and skills, they can find enough props in just a few minutes before the start of the task. And with the coordination ability of strong neuromuscular tissue, these dangerous movements have a fancy juggling effect.

Brushing, Lin Xiao and the other three launched attacks one after another, or scalpels, or punches and feet.

The monster suffered such a beating, knife, axe and sulfuric acid were disfigured, and all kinds of vicious means were greeted. He couldn't help it. Half of his head was smashed and collapsed by Lin Xiao's heavy punch. After making an angry roar, regardless of the bloody water all over his body, he grabbed the merchant who had fallen to the ground and was about to drill back into the elevator shaft from the gap.

"It's now!"

At the moment when the businessman holding the bear was dragged down the elevator by the black charcoal-headed monster, Lin Xiao's eyes flashed. Unexpectedly, he grabbed the merchant's thigh, and then followed the merchant and fell into the darkness!

The businessman suddenly turned around, with a faint green light in his eyes, and he was surprised: "You..."

Lin Xiao smiled and showed his white teeth, "I caught you!"


In the dark morgue, a group of frozen tourists. Suddenly, a young man suddenly opened his eyes, and his black pupils suddenly dilated in the cold ice.

Lin Xiao!

Huo Ran opened his eyes, and Lin Xiao only felt a piercing chill penetating into his bone marrow, and his whole body seemed to be frozen in the ice. With a low roar, 2008 muscles suddenly exerted their strength, directly smashing the ice and jumping out of the corpse cabinet.

Boom! A flame ignited from his hand and dispelled the cold in an instant.

"Damn it!" Lin Xiao opened the storage space, took out a black priest's robe, put it on his body, and then kicked the cabinet beside him to pieces. In the loud noise, a frozen body rolled to the ground.

These bodies are men and women, old and young, and everyone's faces are full of panic. They have stopped breathing and are cold all over.

The mental scan was launched, and Lin Xiao shook her head slightly. The bodies of these people were stiff and cold, and even their hearts stopped beating. Obviously, they were completely dead.

The crackling sound of flames outside the morgue is getting louder and louder, and the pungent toxic gas has begun to pervave in the narrow space. Lin Xiao doesn't have so much time to hurt spring and autumn. Quickly found Feng Xiaoxi and Xu Le, who still had weak vitality. The two were also frozen in the corpse cabinet, cold and covered with frost, and only their hearts were still beating slightly.

The situation was so critical that Lin Xiao didn't dare to stay any more and picked them up. Then he broke through the wall and rolled out of the morgue.

Ding: Main Mission: Escape from the hospital to complete. 2,000 points will be rewarded.

"Return to dominate the city in ten seconds..."

Lin Xiao exhaled, stood barefoot on the scorching cement road, looked at the burning flames behind him, and the black smoke rolled straight into the sky, and suddenly laughed.