Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 09 Real Pandora

Lin Xiao can fully appreciate the shocking charm of this different world...

The clear lake, the flying creatures as beautiful as pterodactyls, giant trees towering into the sky, steaming fog, and spectacular waterfalls with a drop of hundreds of meters high...

This is a dream world similar to the earth, but much more beautiful than the earth before it was destroyed and polluted by human beings...

This is a planet that only exists in the depths of dreams and is worshipped by countless nature lovers.

Tracking and marching in the jungle is undoubtedly difficult. After breaking away from the road crushed by large exoskeleton armor, everyone completely integrated into the beautiful and dreamy planet Pandora.

The ears are chirping birds, the churning fog in the distance, and the blue-purple rivers flowing under the feet, but these are not the most impressive. It was not until the jungle sniper team was attacked by a group of basin-sized frogs and reduced staff that everyone really realized the cruelty and ruthlessness of Pandora...

"Counterattack, counterattack! Use an electromagnetic bomb!" Seeing the big frogs falling like rain, the leader of the team shouted hoarsely, "These frogs are carnivores. If you don't want to be gnawed into a pile of bones, kill them!"

Lin Xiao dodged while recalling the information found.

"Tree Sword Frog: Rain Frog (variant), physical strength 15, agility 11, strength 15. It weighs 13.5kg, and the gallbladder can be used as medicine. The meat is delicious. It is cooked by special techniques, which is wonderful.

This big frog is actually the lowest-end creature in the Pandora's food chain, similar to ants in nature. Because of its weakness, it makes these guys become a group. Even the powerful phantom dragon will not provoke this green, soft, slime for no reason.

Tree sword frog is a mutant "variety" of ordinary tree frogs. It is not only nearly ten times larger than ordinary tree frogs, but also changed from a "farmer's good helper" who originally caught small insects such as beetles, oxen, mosquitoes, etc. to carnivorous animals. The usual main meal turned out to be tree snakes and birds.

These tree sword frogs suddenly became bloody butchers and killers!

In fact, this is the law of natural competition and survival of the fittest. After the mutation, the tree sword frog is nearly ten times larger. As an organism that consumes energy in the body to support the body's movement, only by eating a large amount of protein-rich and highly nutritious food can it produce enough energy to support life activities. This is a common feature of all carbon-based organisms...

Where does the energy come from? Nature comes from food. The tree sword frog has become ten times larger, but its food intake has not only increased by dozens of times? The mosquitoes and flies flying all over the sky can only fill the small belly. After the sharp increase in size, in order to survive, the tree sword frog gradually adapted to the transformation from "vegetarian" to "meatist" and became a very aggressive creature!

On Pandora, there are only prey and hunters!

And this revenge team has become a food that can replenish the energy in the body in the eyes of this group of tree sword frogs!

With an angry hum, Lin Xiao supported the ground with one hand and bounced up. Looking at the left shoulder, it has been licked by the evolved tongue of the tree sword frog!

At the same time, the master has just received the battle tips:

"No. E4532, you were hit by the tongue arrow of the tree sword frog, triggering the chance of critical strike and causing 43 basic damage! After the defense reduction, the actual damage to you is 35 points!"

"The puncture of the tongue arrow will cause bloody damage to you, and your health will be reduced by 5%, and 3 lives will pass every 10 seconds, lasting 30 seconds."

Lin Xiao threw a card with his backhand, and the black square turned into a long hair, flashing in mid-air and nailed the big frog to the trunk. "Good latent, good camouflage, powerful outbreak, coupled with ultra-fast reproductive attributes... This frog is simply a locust on Pandora's planet. Well, I just don't know how it tastes.

At the same time, at the moment when Lin Xiao was attacked, others were not spared. A three-legged frog the size of a bowl and a washbasin seemed to fall from the sky and fell to the ground. These "cleaners" and "waste recyclers" of nature burst into powerful power at this moment. Acid shells sprayed randomly, and a tongue that could stretch out several meters long flew across, hitting the soldiers from time to time.

"Damn it, such a big toad!" Old Gray screamed, and his bloated body was surprisingly flexible at this moment, rushing left and right in the thick swamp jungle to avoid most of the attacks. And every time it slaps, a frog will be pumped away and hit the tree trunk, directly turning into a ball of colorful minced meat.

Xiaohei's counterattack is very simple. At the beginning of the battle, the man took out a golden AK from his arms, half knelt on the ground, and shot at the big frog that fell like rain in the sky. In the quack in the sky, you can clearly hear the sound of frog being blown through by bullets.

As for the glasses girl Anlan, she was too lazy to move, and a round shield appeared outside her body, directly rebounding all the attacks.

And at this moment, the big frog that landed all over the sky had thrown a soldier who tripped over the water to the ground. Hundreds of big frogs rushed up and shot out with their inverted tongues. In a blink of an eye, the strong smell of blood drifted far away with the wind. The soldier who could still scream at the beginning quickly lost his voice. There is only one white skeleton left, half buried in the mud leaves.

"Bitch, kill them!" The captain of the leader's eyes turned red and directly detonated the electromagnetic bomb in his hand. Boom, a group of ripples spread strangely. A big frog that was eating happily twitched and fell to the ground, and other red-eyed soldiers raised their machine guns and shot crazily. For a moment, the green smelly mucus splashed everywhere...

Half a day after leaving the base, the first soldier was killed.

The boss of the body lying in the blue mud with an open mouth and black eyes looking at the sky. It seems to be questioning the fragility and injustice of life...

The atmosphere of the team is much more dull, and this time even the fat wine barrel no longer complains in a low voice. The death of the team member was a big blow to the team.

Unfortunately, the latent and wild survival skills learned on the earth are not all applicable on Pandora. When a soldier cut open a water vine and tries to drink a sip of fresh water, the green vine that has been cut into two suddenly flew up in the air, revealing a ferocious mouthpiece from the fracture. A bite on the soldier's throat...

Death always comes inadvertently. Even if accompanied by scientific inspectors and an APM-powered mechanical armor escort, the fate of death cannot be avoided.

Walking in the jungle, you don't know if there are man-eating beasts hidden under the thorns, and don't know if the seemingly delicate flowers will suddenly burst into a big mouth to swallow you, even the humble grass crawling under your feet, or may have sharp roots that pierce the protective clothing. Not to mention those large wildlife.

Rumbled, and a land creature larger than a rhinoceros rushed in, and the earth trembled at its feet. Every time the T-shaped horn hammer is waved, it can break a big tree with its waist... Horned Thunder Beast.

This huge thing, which weighs more than ten tons and is more than three meters tall, is like a moving meat mountain. Since the discovery of the sniper team, it has been chasing Lin Xiao and others excitedly all the way.

In the face of this kind of rough and thick monster, ordinary bullets can't be broken at all. At this time, the power armor, which had been very depressed, rushed over, and the driver waved the big pliers in his hand and smashed down the head of the horned thunder beast...

This is a collision between primitive and barbaric, human and mechanical. One side is the upper end of the food chain in the forest, and the other side is the crystallization of human individual combat. A powerful battle began in this reckless jungle.

Watching other soldiers looking for shelter to hide, several adventurers looked at each other and made a very tacit decision.

(This is a horned thunder beast. The creatures that have appeared in the original plot will give him a lot of points after killing him. Maybe the side plot and potential points...)

A certain number of points will be given after the wildlife on Pandora is killed. For example, a large number of frogs that people killed before. Each frog is given 1 point. Although it's a little small, at least mosquito legs are also meat. Picking around is not what adventurers do.