Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 020 The Dead Woman

The blue starry sky, on a dimly lit night, two men and women "fighting" together, dry wood and fire, uncontrollable.

"It's too dry to get in..."

"Stupid, you won't use your mouth!"


**After that, Wan Wen buried her head deeply in Lin Xiao's arms and said in a hoarse voice:

"Thank you..."

Lin Xiao shook his head and said, "Maybe I will come to this point. Besides, you have compensated me."

In order to avoid being attacked by this demon vine strengthened by Druids again, the two found a rocky slope with a wide view to sit down, drank some water and began to rest. After becoming a mummy, Wan Wenmei has no love for the military dry food they carry. After licking her sexy and enchanting lips, she looked at the battlefield in the distance and her eyes shining:

"I think the meat of the dragon beast must taste good. What do you think?"

It is a big red beetle, the size of a native dog, which is very common in the jungle.

Lin Xiao was stunned. Just thinking of the kind of purple-red meat with some decay, she felt a burst of nausea and hurriedly stopped it:

"Hey! The body has been roasted under this high temperature for a day. Aren't you afraid to eat rotten meat?

Wan Wen's beautiful girl said that she didn't care:

"These bugs have strong vitality. Even if the internal organs are damaged, they can survive for at least a few hours. The muscle tissue is also very fine and can block the shooting of ordinary bullets. So if you want to find it, you can definitely find fresh meat. And haven't you learned to survive in the wild? Animal muscles are not poisonous. Besides, anyway, I don't feel anything about my body now, and I can't be poisoned by food, right?

She actually took out a military dagger and polished it on the stone next to her, and then held the dagger with her mouth, wearing a military vest, showing her snow-white plump skin and swaying to the battlefield over there, leisurely as if she were visiting the vegetable market.

It didn't take long for Wan Wenmeiniu to drag a dragon beast that was still twitching over, opening her belly very quickly, removing bones and dirt. All kinds of techniques were simply more professional than butchers and more quickly than meat stalls. Then he didn't see any effort, so he built up a stone stove and raised a bonfire and began to barbecue. Lin Xiao looked at the purple flesh of the ferocious beast and felt disgusted, but after Wan Wen's beautiful girl sprinkled various ingredients, an indescribable fragrance emanated. She first cut off a large piece of the fattest and tenderest one and stabbed it to Lin Xiao with a dagger.

This barbecue is the size of a palm, with a strong aroma and golden grease flowing on the surface. The aroma alone makes people's index fingers move.

Lin Xiao is not a picky person. After thinking about it, she took over this barbecue.

When removing the oxygen breathing device, Lilin felt a strange taste, which seemed to be a strong fragrance and seemed to have a pungent spicy...

Without going too far, Lilin began to cough violently. His respiratory tract and lungs seemed to be burning freely, as if he would be burned the next moment.

The environment here is beautiful, which makes people feel completely relaxed and can't sleep, but there is a good saying...

The more vicious, the more beautiful...

"If you don't put an air filter mask under the air here, you will suffocate in 20 seconds and die in four minutes..."

(Sure enough, in fact, the biggest threat of this mission is the environment of Pandora. The oxygen breathing devices distributed by the army are actually easily broken, at least for adventurers. But in this way, I seem to be able to make a lot of money...)

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao bit on the fragrant barbecue. The strong and delicate touch bursts out in the mouth, like a 7-ripe steak.

"Ding: Because you bravely ate unknown pieces of meat, your achievement of 'steel stomach' has been completed 1%..."

"Dominant tip, you are now poisoning..."


Three or two swallowed this piece of meat, and Lin Xiao had to put on a breathing mask again, otherwise he was likely to suffocate to death due to blood coagulation. On the contrary, Wanwen's beautiful girl is very elegant and lazy to eat the barbecue in her hand, but I don't know if she can taste it...

"My name is Wan Wen. I used to be a geological prospector. My biggest dream is to travel around the world in my own boat. I didn't expect to realize my dream here." Throw away the barbecue that tastes like chewing wax in her hand, Wan Wen said quietly:

"I can't imagine that my first mandatory main mission was the magic version of Captain Grant's Children."

(The Children of Captain Grant is a representative work of Jules Verne, the father of French science fiction. The story of the novel tells the story of Griffin, the owner of the cruise ship Duncan, who got a clue from Captain Grant, a Scottish navigator who died and disappeared two years ago and asked the British government to send a ship to look for it. The British government reclusively rejected Griffin's decision to organize his own travel team to complete the cause in person. He took Captain Grant's children through the grasslands of South America, across the interior of Australia and New Zealand, and circled the earth. Along the way, they overcame countless difficulties with incomparable perseverance and courage, and finally found Captain Grant on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean.)

"It's an overhead steampunk world, where reality and fantasy are intertwined..."

"That small bar is full of legends and stories. So the python that can devour a ship appeared, the forest island that can float on the sea, and the devil's island with the Devil's Night Rage also appeared on the island. Some people firmly claimed that they had seen Kunpeng. The most speechless thing about was that all the people on the ship insisted that they had accidentally sailed the ship to the giant turtle. On his back, the ship was still sailing normally. Suddenly, he found that the ship was stranded, and the whole earth was shaking. Then the sea gradually retreated. Their ship was completely exposed to the bottom of the sea. In fear, they begged God to forgive their sins and took out the most precious treasure to give it to heaven. Only then did the earth stop shaking, and the sea came back, and I escaped from the horrible sea in panic...

Coincidentally, when I was looking at the literature, I also found such a legend. This is originally a story spread by word of mouth among sailors, saying that there was a sailor named Sinbad...

Sailing on the sea is lonely and silent. Many people will make up some beautiful, horrible, or grotesque stories to enrich their lives. After a period of time, these stories will be slowly processed by one dictator after another, plump, and then Add your own understanding and it will look like this.

Although some stories are absurd, I still read them with great interest. If I want to discover the truth from these most primitive documents, I need to thoroughly understand these stories... I want to be a scholar in the city to record these great, mysterious and ancient history and record their past.

"Life is very fragile. In the city, the least valuable thing is human life. Many people come and walk quietly until they die. They don't know what has happened or what they have. Although we are just humble reptiles, we are also people with stories..."

"I like that sentence the most... If you don't have a dream, what's the difference between being a man and a salted fish?

Lin Xiao was surprised and didn't expect that this weak-looking woman would have such a great ideal and despair. Typical great candidate.

"Well, if you don't mind, I can help you, of course, within my ability."

"Thank you." Wan Wen wiped the corners of her eyes without tears. This venting of feelings made her feel drained. From the fear of death at the beginning to the mummy who lost all emotions and reactions for the rest of his life. In order to live, it seems that you can really discard everything...

She suddenly became very tired and didn't want to think about anything. She just lay in Lin Xiao's arms and fell asleep.


The night of Pandora is very short, only about 5 hours. After a night of trekking and fighting, the sky is already clear.

Bright and soft light shines through the dense plant crevices overhead and sprinkles on the wet ground, swaying mottled. At a glance, the oblique golden pillars of light, the tender green vines hanging in mid-air, the flying small insects of various colors, the thick trunks are covered with new green moss and ferns, and all kinds of strange flowers on the ground... All these are combined into a fantastic beauty, which is pleasing to the eyes.

Especially when I looked up, I looked through the gap between the branches of the huge wood, and I could faintly see large and small suspended mountains and a huge planet in the thick smoke. Such a scenery is really eye-catching and amazing.

"It's really beautiful." Wan Wen's beautiful girl couldn't help sighing. Suddenly, a pink furry ball came into Wanwen's sight, and she immediately fell in love with it, "What a cute little ball..."

She just reached out to touch it, Lin Xiao said:

Does the caterpillar know? This is the Pandora version of the caterpillar. If you don't want to get cancer all over your body, don't touch it!"

Wan Wen was shocked and quickly withdrew her hand. After thinking about it, I suddenly sneered:

"I'm invulnerable now. What are you afraid of? I have never heard that this kind of poisonous insect can even bite stones. With that, he pinched the furry ball and played it freely.

After a moment, Wan Wen looked at Lin Xiao and said, "So what's your plan?"

Lin Xiao thought for a moment and said:

"It's very simple. The first choice is to return along the original road. Although it is difficult to identify the direction in the jungle, I think anyone can leave a mark and find a way out, right? However, in this way, our reputation and friendliness with Colonel Miles will undoubtedly be reduced, and many tasks will be missed by us.

The second choice: continue to act. It's not a problem to find the captain just now and get a tracker from him to kill some 'Somer' with our strength, but it will take a long time.

"The third choice: catch a prisoner, a human defense base, a star colonial dealer, and maybe add the Pandora's indigenous camp. It's not as simple as we thought. However, before the veil is lifted, we will force it to enter, which will definitely make things much more difficult.

"Fourth choice: Don't consider anything, first find a safe and hidden foothold. After you have enough information, carefully arrange the battle plan.

Be careful and there is no big mistake! Especially in this strange and murderous primitive rainforest.

However, with Lin Xiao's love to die, I'm afraid he won't hide in a corner honestly. To use an ancient poem: Life must be full of joy, and don't make the golden bottle empty against the moon.

Wan Wen's beautiful eyes flashed with different colors. Unexpectedly, she was in a seemingly helpless situation, but Lin Xiao easily proposed so many feasible solutions. He was about to speak, but his mouth was suddenly covered by Lin Xiao.

"There is something in the sky!"

The rustling sound came from far and near, and a panicked girl was stuck in a small thing on her head, at a low altitude nearly 15 meters from the ground, flying quickly.


"Well, you're right." Lin Xiao once saw this thing in a mysterious store.

Item: Bamboo dragonfly.

Price: 3000 points, 1 C-level branch plot.

Description: Flying props from Doraemon's magical pocket.

Effect: After wearing it, after the microprop rotates, an anti-gravity force field will be formed around the body, with a maximum speed of 80km/h.

Note: Power consumption. The battery can last for 72 hours at full speed after it is fully charged.

In fact, Lin Xiao also exchanged one of these things to prevent unexpected situations in the future. The price of 3000 points is not cheap at all. But I didn't expect that someone would use it now.

"That woman is dead..." Lin Xiao shook his head and sighed.

Suddenly, the sound of panic came from the sky, accompanied by the low roar of the monster: "It's a flying dragon!"

Then, the two felt that the sky and the earth were dark, and a pair of wings covering the sky and the sun blocked the hot sun for them - of course, unintentional.

It is a giant that hovers nearly 100 meters high and has a wingspan of more than 17 meters. In the original plot, the most powerful individual creature on the planet Pandora, the strong man at the top of the food chain, and the hegemon in the sky - the Phantom Flying Dragon!

The Phantom Dragon is a well-deserved super air overlord on Pandora's planet. It is related to the female demon winged beast, but it is more than several times larger than the former. If you want to give an example, it is the difference between a tiger and a Persian cat.

The adult Phantom Tyrannosaurus wter can reach more than 25 meters, and it is even rumored that someone has witnessed the super Phantom Tyrannosaurus Rex with a wingspan of more than 35 meters. This exaggerated size is almost comparable to the most powerful war weapon that humans have on this planet. The Flying Dragon air gunboat assault ship.

When the two saw this giant beast in the air up close, they were really deeply shocked by its huge presence and Tyrannosaurus Rex-like majesty...

This red, yellow and black striped Toruk beast has a dragon-like shape similar to the European magic world. It has a dark blue bone crown on its head and lower jaw. The crown is very sharp, like a sharp axe in the hand of the brave, making it impossible to doubt its destructive power, and the large giant of the Toruk Holy Beast In the mouth, the nail-like cold fangs are even more chilling...

Unlike the banshee winged beast, the back wings of the Phantom Overlord Dragon are completely separated from the hind legs, and its hind claws are like eagles and raptors. At this time, on those huge claws, there is dripping blood and a windy large intestine. Obviously, an unlucky man was once pinched by this pair of sharp-clawed aunt...

The bamboo dragonfly girl in the air is still crying and screaming loudly, struggling with despair. Unfortunately, she fell into the hands of the air overlord of Pandora, and her final fate could not be changed...

Race: Phantom Tyrannosaurus Rex!

Habitat: planet Pandora.

Level: inferior leader-level elite.

Habits: ferocious, active attack, no natural enemies.

"By the way, this woman is really so stupid. Why would she rather die in the sky than hide in the jungle?"

Lin Xiao muttered:

"Adventurers who can come to this world are not rookies. Naturally, they know the dangers in the sky. The reason why she refused to come down in the sky is that there is only one possibility - there is something more terrible on the ground.

Wan Wen frowned, "What's more terrible? But isn't the Phantom Dragon already the most powerful creature on Pandora?

Lin Xiao said meaningfully, "What's more terrible, but it's not necessarily the indigenous creatures on Pandora..."

As soon as Lin Xiao finished speaking, the green earth under his feet began to shake, as if it were an earthquake. At the same time, it was accompanied by a strange roar.

Lin Xiao's eyes widened, the mental scan opened in an instant, then looked around, and finally locked in the ground where they stood! Where they stand, there is a gradual convergence of red light below, getting brighter and more manic. The area covered by the red light is very huge!


Lin Xiao shouted in a low voice, "Damnly, some huge creature is rapidly rising from the ground... We are standing on its back!"


As Lin Xiao roared, the "ground" rose in vain, and the two people standing on the "ground" staggered.

After the violent shock, everyone stood still, and then they saw a very shocking and horrible scene: two huge crabs held high in the sky in front of them. In the sight, the pair of crab pliers just clipped the sun in the middle, and the rows of sharp serrated teeth on the crab pliers were shining!

"Damn, is this a scorpion or a crab?"

"I don't know, but if we don't run, I think we will soon become its Chinese food."

This is a giant crustacean that is more than 20 meters in size. The dark armor reflects the green light in the sun, and a strong sense of threat is released from the big chistings, making people cold and erect.