Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 022 What is it?

I'm afraid few people can make it clear how many fighters' blood genes have been collected and integrated in the crazy blood. It is like a huge treasure, buried with gold and silver treasures, and there is also a non-life destruction*...

(TheKingOfFighters) is an arcade game that was popular in the mainland from the end of the 20th century to the beginning of the 21st century. Although the era of arcade machines is gone forever, the classics will last forever.)

Whoever hangs a sword of Damolis on his head will be panicked. Lao Huang is careless on the surface, but in fact, he is thick and thin. He has never relaxed to find a solution to the big hidden danger of crazy blood. Although it has not been solved perfectly for the time being, Lao Huang has been able to play the moves and memories of some fighters in the blood of madness.

Crazy Land. Seven-shackle club. One of the eight heroes of the King of Fighters series has the power of the earth and can dominate the power of the earth, so the close attack is very strong.

To put it simply, this is a pure man. The ability to use is also dominated by close-blooded fighting, which has attracted a large number of enthusiastic fans. The reason why Lao Huang can first decide on the ability of the Seven Shackles Society is also related to the giant bloodline obtained in the world of Attack on Titan...

The giant is the blood branch of the ancient gods Titan, and Titan is the favorite of the earth in ancient Greek mythology, so under the stimulation of the two bloodlines, Lao Huang has mastered part of the power of the earth.

This power is different from the skills and moves given by the master, but a powerful special force. And the possession and control of this power is often the real boundary between the strong and the weak.

Standing on the ground, the earthy energy fog turned into a whirlwind, wrapped around the old yellow body. Old Huang opened his eyes angrily and hunted in his clothes. Within a few meters, the soil on the ground moved like boiling water. Holding the spear of judgment in his right hand, the powerful momentum swept away...

Wan Wen also recognized Lao Huang's appearance and asked in a low voice, "That big crab is very powerful. There will be no problem with your companion."

"Don't worry, everything will be fine." Lin Xiao's face was calm, "Lao Huang is a fierce man who has experienced eleven adventure worlds, and he can't be captured by common sense~~"

Although the two had a communication, it actually took only three seconds. At this time, the hairy crab also seemed to find a strong threat and struggled to wave eight long legs and crawl to the side. Of course, crabs are rampant...

"Break it!" Lao Huang shouted in a low voice, and his muscles were knotted, like a bucket of thick arms that almost broke his vest. With all his strength, a short white-haired man in a red jacket flashed away in the air. The spear of judgment with five bags of explosives in his hand turned into a golden electric light, with the momentum of piercing a hole in the sky, and disappeared into the position where the hairy crab's abdominal armor was connected to the head in the blink of an eye.

"Flash!" Tiger shouted loudly and rolled down the hillside.

Other people naturally reacted not slowly and looked for shelter to escape.

The next moment, there was a loud noise, and the high-power plastic bomb exploded in the body of the Cancer. The flame of the explosion broke the soft armor in the abdomen and gushed out like a spray, forming a violent flame smoke ball. With the explosion, the Cancer was destroyed by the explosion, but also by the impulse generated by the explosion. The huge body flew up and then turned over.

Eight crab feet and two crab pliers are dancing in the air. The strange cry also spread around with the sound of the explosion.

The scorching wind generated by the explosion caused ripples on the earth, and waves of strong wind spread around.

"Haha," Tiger laughed and said, "Good job! Now let's see if it dies or not?"

"Is it over?"

"It should be dead. My stomach has been blown through."

"To be on the safe, let's make up for a few knives... It's hard for me to feel at ease if I don't watch the big crab hang up.

"It makes sense!"

Several adventurers carefully go forward to mend the knife, mutation and regeneration! The giant crab's abdomen suddenly exploded again, and the powerful shock wave directly hit a man standing in front of him. The people around who were just about to catch their breath were also pushed back by the explosion.

"What's going on? Who fired another bomb?" Someone asked weakly.

"No! This is not the sound of a bomb explosion, you idiot. Tiger said angrily, "That giant crab is not dead yet!"

Everyone looked back and saw a yellow-green column of filth ejected from the chest and abdomen of the giant crab, which was more than ten meters high. The yellow green is quite viscous, and a foul smell spread in the air.

"Well, has this guy been beaten to the point of vomiting/shit?"

"Stupid, that's digestive juice, okay!"

A group of people complained unscrupulously, but their movements were not slow at all. A man in a green military uniform carried out a rocket again and bombarded the hairy crab that fell to the ground.

At this time, the hairy crab's abdomen is facing up, and there is a big gap between the chest and abdomen. Several rockets burst straight into the gap, and a mass of sticky yellow-green juice splashes everywhere.

Others were not idle. Regardless of the firepower, they were supported by firepower and bombed for nearly a minute before finally blowing up the hairy crabs into pieces.

It was not until then that everyone was finally relieved.

"Grandma, I finally got rid of this big crab."

"Huh, is this a crab? No! It's a wolf in sheep's clothing! It's the damn war machine made by that man!"

"Mom, that man is crazy to do such a thing! Is he going to turn the whole Pandora planet into his back garden? How can the master agree to this kind of thing?

"Do you think these adventure worlds are actually parallel? Although you don't know what means to dominate, it doesn't matter if you abandon a world, right?"

"There are always so many crazy people in the city who impose their thoughts on others. Don't you know that doing so will become the public enemy of everyone?"

"I can't help it. Who makes people strong? What can we do?"

The hairy crab, the near-ultimate combat weapon, was solved, and there was not much happiness on everyone's face. Two adventurers died when dealing with one of the enemy's creatures. Of course, this is also related to their apocketing. But as long as there are a few more monsters, who can resist?

Tiger said in a low voice, "Pack up and we'll get out of here quickly. If you kill the other party's war weapon, you can't act lazily anymore.

While talking, the black teenager came to Lao Huang and said bluntly, "Give me back my weapon!"

"Weapon, what? Why didn't I see it?" Lao Huang smiled and casually put the spear of judgment into the storage space, "Look. I'm empty-handed. How can I get what you want?"