Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 049 Hidden Task 1

Iron blood, strong wind, sunset.

The two silent men launched a final duel, as if it were a reappearance of the cowboy spirit of the Great Gold Rush era in the western Americas in the 17th century.

The picture is so beautiful that I can't bear to look directly at it, but the result is often cruel.

The dragon knight who lost his mount is not the opponent of the Predator at all, even if he still has the power to tear tigers and leopards, which is no less agile than an ape. The spear he took from the home tree finally collapsed in the fierce chopping. His skin bones that could resist armor-piercing depleted uranium bombs were torn in a huge bomb, blood spilled and stained the sky.

At the end of the duel, the angry and unwilling Chief McCarnon was finally cut off his head, and the green blood surged like a fountain and rushed up to a height of two meters. Under the sunset, in the strong wind, a strange crimson appeared...

People live a lifetime, and the vegetation is autumn. The most unforgettable are the warriors who know that they will die but still walk generously and sing...

The defrauded tribal chief should have known the fact that the tribe was destroyed, but he did not retreat and did not choose the ancient motto of "ten years of a gentleman's revenge", but came generously alone and a dragon.

Although tens of millions of people have been there, there will be no life...

Although this behavior is not something that adventurers will learn, it does not mean that it can't touch the safest place in the heart. I once yearned for the happy life of the ancients, "killing one person in ten steps and not staying for thousands of miles". But under the bondage of reality, the blood has already been extinguished and the ambition has been extinguished...

People are actually a very complex animal... They sympathize with the weak and look up to the strong, but hate people of the same level. They can be moved by an inadvertent moment and cry for a small thing, but they will not help people in need.

People are always sad animals, but this kind of sadness comes and goes quickly. A trace of strangeness on everyone's faces soon disappeared, but all looked excitedly at the Predator, to be precise, the blood-stained head in his hand.

"Let's go." The Predator solemnly tied his head to his waist, and then strode away without looking back. Others keep up closely, and Lin Xiao naturally does not lag behind.

As for cleaning the battlefield, there is no need to worry about it. The surviving seven-headed aliens have begun to swallow up to make up for the loss of flesh and blood energy. Sure enough, it's the cleaner of nature~~


Lin Xiao walked for a moment and found that this road was actually the direction to the home tree.

It wasn't long before I saw a small river. This is a very clear river, with a steep cliff on the left and a spacious grassland on the right. Not far away, there is a dense forest river with a width of about 30 meters, but the water is quite shallow. At most, it can only reach the calves. The beach is rocky, and purple water birds can be seen staying on the rocks that appear on the surface of the water, staring at the water with bright eyes.

This creature is called the spiny bat. It is bright purple and has four wings. Its body is between a carrier pigeon and a wild duck. The unique linear structure on the yellow chest is full of sensory nerves, which can sensitively detect various microwaves, objects and disturbances in the water. The cross teeth in their pointed mouths are mainly used against slippery fish, and only the needle-shaped tail is toxic.

For adventurers, it is basically a creature with no threat, unless the number is more than 100.

Intuitively speaking, the common degree of this thing can be understood as dragonflies in this world - of course, large.

Crossing the river, a low and fertile flat soil appeared in front of us, with rows of green plants planted in disorder.

Spiral leaf is a creature similar to mimosa on earth. Because it cannot move freely, the extremely fast contraction reaction can protect them from other organisms. And other animals in the jungle also rely on spiral leaves to guard against the dangers around them! At the same time, when some small creatures fall into their leaves, they can quickly put them away, trap and digest them to get extra nutrition.

When Nawe people need tents and sacks, the stems and leaves of spiral leaves can serve as very high-quality raw materials. If you want to make gorgeous ceremonial robes and other costumes, then kill a peacock deer and bury it under the root of the spiral leaf. It only takes a week, and the spiral leaf will wither.

Then it withered and fell off the leaves, but they were quite gorgeous and delicate, as if to commemorate their own withering. This is the last raw material used to make a dress. It is said that Avatar saw the Nawi people extract the orange pigment from the spiral leaves as paint.

Therefore, seeing the spiral leaves is like seeing the fields opened up by farmers. It is almost certain that the Neville people are close at hand, at least they have entered their life circle.

After continuing to limp 70 or 80 meters, everyone's eyes suddenly became empty, and they could clearly see that the trees in front of them became sparse.

Even the grass on the ground seems to be lying on the ground in awe.

What's more strange is that some seemingly heavy stones actually hovered in the air, and even floated with such a sense of strength that it was difficult to press hard. There was even a large amount of soil on the stones and even grew some moss and lush shrubs...

Obviously, this is the magic of Pandora's superconducting ore crystals. This expensive ore can not only maintain superconductivity at room temperature, but also resonate with the planet's magnetic field to form a permanent magnet vortex floating in the air. This means that Lin Xiao and his party have come to the location of the Neville tribe again from another direction.

In less than five minutes, people can see a towering giant tree standing in the dense forest. This big tree is lush and nearly 1,000 meters high. It takes at least hundreds of people to join hands to hug each other. The first branch 40 meters above the ground has a diameter of four meters! At the roots near the ground, a large number of huge plate-like roots are deeply rooted into the soil like tentacles, and its soft and tough bark has another feature: with the thick trunk, it can be regularly folded into a deep groove, up to half a meter deep!

Such a huge tree, just looking from the side, gives people a sense of solemnity. It shows a slight spiral growth, and the part of the giant village near the ground has been wrapped with a lot of decorations. This should be the meaning that the Neville people have occupied, and the bottom of the giant tree has The tall entrance and exit of the cave can be seen, from which it can be inferred that there must be a hollow inside. Although it was still quite far away, everyone felt that the giant tree had a solemn divine power and couldn't help but make people worship it. Of course, if it is not burning with flames now...

Lin Xiao exhaled softly and turned around, as if he had returned to the origin. Even the Nawe soldiers who were pierced by spears have not changed at all.

The group did not stop, but went straight to the location of the tree hole in their home. Lin Xiao's heart moved, could it be...