Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 060 Dark Altar 2

It was a huge altar. Even in this hundreds of meters deep underground, there is still a bunch of faint moonlight shining from the sky and shining directly on the altar. The bright beam of light is surrounded by boundless blue flying insects. It is the "firefly" on Pandora's planet, which reflects the whole starry sky. , beautiful and fantastic! From afar, there is a sense of holiness that people can't help but worship!

“...... This is the place where the secret of immortality is hidden in the legend! The mysterious altar of the goddess Eva can get the power of immortality!"

Lin Xiao heard a lot of information from this sentence, and his eyes flashed, and he couldn't help taking a cold breath. So the ultimate goal is immortality? These appetites are too big! However, if there is a hidden task that can make people immortal, I'm afraid Lin Xiao will never let it go...

Against the contrast of light and darkness, there is a deep darkness around the altar. Coupled with the underground swamp environment of the surrounding fragrant grass and parrot Island, Lin Xiao can't find out whether there are other people hidden around. But these can't erase his curiosity... He walked forward slowly, looking at the strange beauty and began to collect information with great interest.

This altar hidden in the ground is not very high. When it gets closer, it is found that it is made of huge gravel rock blocks of cyan. There are four flat steps leading to the top of the altar, and the stone steps are shining with a bright oily luster. The four corners of the altar are placed with a rather strange-looking human-headed snake statue, holding a black clay pot in their hands, facing each other, and their bodies are equally shiny. Because of the long erosion, the face of the statue has long been blurred, but it still gives people a feeling of palpitations.

The channel has been filled with a thick layer of dust, and Lin Xiao even found two carbonized and incompletely burned bonfires... Judging from the scattered traces around, a long time ago, there must have been a sacrificial activity of the Neville people, but for some reason, they abandoned here.

Lin Xiao did not act rashly. With his toes, he could imagine that this altar must be full of crises and organs. So after a slight meditation, he simply summoned cannon fodder again. A mummy warrior walked up the altar steps at Lin Xiao's order.

Just as the mummy warrior was about to approach the edge of the altar, one hollow pipe after another suddenly rose on the ground, and then bursts of indescribable smoke began to release from it, which gathered together densely, and it seemed that even the wind could not blow away. And the mummy warrior simply disappeared.

Before long, the mysterious altar was completely submerged in the rolling smoke and clouds, which looked quite similar to the sea of clouds seen in those famous mountains and rivers... The only difference is that the sea of clouds presents a large mass of cotton wool, and the smoke clouds here are the sewage of the underground swamp plain. It seems that there is a touching color, as if it were the color of human blood clouting!

At this time, Lin Xiao suddenly understood that the rock that piled up the altar would have an oily luster. It is estimated that this is to avoid being corroded by this cloud. He carefully walked to the edge of the altar and picked up a stone from his feet without that layer of oil and pointed it at the thick surging smoke. The cloud was thrown over, and then...

There is no more then!!

The stone is said to fall down through the clouds because of gravity, but in Lin Xiao's eyes, the stone the mouth of the bowl disappeared quietly, as if it had been wiped off directly with an eraser, as if there were countless hungry giant mouths in the cloud, which were going to be swallowed crazily. Anything that dares to invade!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help frowning gently. Even the stone is corroded so fast, not to mention the flesh and blood? Even the skin of the Predator can probably be melted directly.

At this time, Lin Xiao did not step forward, but looked around and found that a remnant with obvious artificial marks was found on a large dry rock next to him. There is a faint layer of copper-green powder, which is very inconspicuous, but spreads widely. It's like yellow powder.

Lin Xiao's wrist turned over, and there was already a cool windproof lighter in his hand. After shaking, he threw it on the powder. The powder immediately ignited, but it was like gunpowder seeing fire, and it did not emit a burning smell similar to gunpowder, but the temperature of the powder was extremely high. The lighter metal that Lin Xiao threw down showed signs of being burned.

The mysterious altar does not occupy a large area. At most, it is equivalent to a conference room of 60 or 70 square meters, but it is full of strange, not to mention thick white smoke clouds. Even at the top of the altar, Lin Xiao can clearly see the growing plants! God knows whether that moonlight also has the ability of photosynthesis! And those plants are strangely prosperous!

The top of the altar seems to be quite suitable for plant growth. A large number of unknown green plants are growing in it, and some are still blooming small flowers, but a round flower platform is built in the altar.

The most eye-catching thing is the plants in the flower bed. This thing looks like a creeping plant like honeysuckle and grapes. It seems to have thousands of branches, but in the end, there is only one main stem.

Its leaves are wide and thin, and even have clear transparency in the moonlight. The leaves are colorful, as bright as flowers, but its flowers open in the cracks between the leaves and stems, just like osmanthus flowers, small, light and inconspicuous. But there is an invisible kind of incomparable vitality flowing in it.

The flower platform is only seven or eight square meters in size. The main material of the flower platform is the gray-white Neville skull one by one! All of them opened their mouths, giving people a feeling of calling crazily. It seems that ** will ooze from time to time from the flower platform, which converges to the skull mouth of the flower platform and falls drop by drop.

Such a strange and evil scene appeared on this clean, quiet and warm altar, and the contrast between people's senses was also extremely strong, which immediately added an indescribable evil feeling to this warm and bright place! Nature has also become the most attractive place.

There is also a circular canal around the flower bed. The canal looks very artificially built, and the material of the canal is actually gold, which looks golden and bright.

It can be distinguished that there is an unknown ** flowing slightly in the canal. This kind of ** is also very special. It is like mercury, with a special light and texture. Unlike the moonlight in the sky, it comes from itself. The light is completely different from the sunlight, soft, sticky, and vaguely with a purple feeling.

It is worth mentioning that the source of ** in the canal is dripping from the dense skull mouth built into a flower bed. If you want to deepen your understanding, you can treat it as saliva, excreta, sweat and other similar things.

In front of the flower platform, there is a path paved with a miserable white skull. Half a meter around the skull is not grass, so the rest of the green vines in the hole are clearly isolated.

Once you step on the path, I don't know if the builder deliberately did it: the mouth of the skull is facing up, and the void under your feet is enough to make people have the wrong feeling of being bitten by the dead at any time. I'm afraid that timid people will keep trembling. It must be noted that 99% of Neville humans who enter here do not wear shoes... Such an environment alone can make people afraid and tremble, and thus lead to incomparable piety...