Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 065 swerve

At this moment, Lin Xiao suddenly understood a lot...

Why do you take the trouble to transform a girl with pure love into an adventurer? Why don't you want to abandon it even if you know that the girl's strength is just a burden... It turns out that his cat is just a trap, a trap that must be filled with human life!

It's ridiculous that I have found the tricks in it for a long time, but I don't want to think about it deeply. Damn it!!

The six flowers, the vague and cute girl, were regarded as abandoned in this way. And judging from her expression just now, she had already known this result, but she silently endured it alone and never revealed anything to Lin Xiao...

At the cost of life and soul, ** "Flower of Eternity" sucks, and then use the power of kaleidoscope blood wheel eyes, perhaps plus the fantasy ability of secondary diseases, to create a few more seconds for others... It turns out that the meaning of her existence is just to buy more seconds.


Birds swim in the six flowers, the heroine in the light novel and animation work "Middle Two Diseases also need to fall in love". Two patients in active service, a freshman in high school, 16 years old... The right eye is covered with a blindfold and a different-color pupil made of contact lenses. The skin is pure white, petite, and has purple dull hair. There is a thin sense of existence in the class. Mathematics is very bad, and subjects such as Mandarin, society and English affected by secondary diseases are still sloppy. In addition to the tailor's ability, daily life is also infinitely close to incompetence.

Liuhua, who became an adventurer, is a girl who knows how to care about people, compromise and protect. She may not be strong or smart, but she is willing to give her life for something.

...... Everyone's story belongs to everyone. What is her story? Lin Xiao didn't know that perhaps only those flowers buried in the wind could know the girl's feelings.

(PS: As before, this chapter was intended to write some stories from the perspective of Liuhua. However, everyone doesn't seem to like it. In addition, the plot here is compact. Think about it left and right. Well, forget it. Please make up for it yourself~~)

Lin Xiao didn't know if he had to sacrifice the soul of the adventurer to get the flower of eternal life, but at the moment when the Predator and the armored man opened their hands, he took a deep breath, but abandoned all his feelings and also kept up!

Lin Xiao noticed that although the two moved quickly, they did not try to uproot the flower of immortality. The tall iron blood just pinched a small yellow flower hidden between the branches and leaves, and Zhang Chao was more cautious and chose a malnourished yellowing leaf.

Seeing such a scene, Lin Xiao's heart moved, but he saw the largest and strongest seedlings! Although this seedling is entangled by the roots of its mother, even if its brothers and sisters have withered and withered, it is still resisting and tenaciously supporting its vitality with its branches. Of course, Lin Xiao is not moved by this tenacious and unyielding spirit. Just... Compared with flowers and leaves, this seedling is definitely many times more important.

The adventurer's extraordinary personal ability is of course unmatched by ordinary people. Lin Xiao directly broke the beard root that entangled the seedlings with his backhand. Under his pull, he found that the beard root was indescribably tough, as if it was pulled by iron. On the silk. However, as soon as Lin Xiao exerted her strength, she still broke the beard root, and ejected a pale yellow ** from the section of the beard root, which looked like blood spewing after the human arm was cut off.

"What are you doing?!" Suddenly, there was a roar of the armored man in his ear, "You will kill all of us like this!"

And the iron-blooded hunter was even more direct, but he didn't even ask. He pulled out the exaggerated and ferocious bone knife and cut off Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao was also prepared for a long time. Suddenly, a layer of yellow sand armor and a shield of holy light shelter appeared on her body, but she kept moving and suffered this blow! The two layers of shield exploded directly in the swing of the bone knife, and the murder weapon directly cut a huge wound on Lin Xiao's left rib. The flesh turned outward, and even the existence of internal organs could be faintly seen. But the strange thing is that there is not a drop of blood...

After taking advantage of the time of being stabbed and breaking the root, Lin Xiao's palm suddenly inserted into the soft and wet soil, digging out the living seedling growing in the soil without damage, and then turned around and fled!

Lin Xiao's series of actions is complicated, but it is done in one breath! Probably less than two seconds wasted. In addition, he was well prepared and was attacked by two people, which made him succeed!

Lin Xiao covered his wound and ran away and said coldly, "Hey, since it's playing, of course it's a bigger game. What do you say?"

After feeling that her tentacles were torn off, the mother body, which was imprisoned by the soul of Liuhua, suddenly fell into a state of rage. The thick stem trembled, and the dirt suddenly flew around, and unexpectedly aimed at everyone fiercely like a cannibal flower! At this time, Lin Xiao had done all the bad things. In the face of the attack of this thing, she did not dare to resist at all and hurriedly rolled away. The warning sound of indifference also sounded in his ear:

"If you have successfully obtained the 'Eternal Flower' seedling, please ensure that you can hold it for at least three minutes and cannot be put into storage space during this process."

“...... What's the trick?"

Successfully got this seedling. Although Lin Xiao doesn't know how to use it for the time being, there is no impervious wall in the world. As long as he is willing to spend money, he will definitely be able to buy it. And the top priority now is... How to get out of here!

Because of Lin Xiao's "big hand", the flower of immortality woke up from the absorption state in advance, swept the tentacles randomly, and directly forced the iron blood and armored man back. What's worse, the thick white "smoke" floated again in the clay pot held by the statue of the snake at the four corners of the altar.

Although the two hated Lin Xiao very much, they did not have time to take advantage of the victory and fled from the altar before the smoke was completely blocked. Zhang Chao, who gasped heavily, saw Lin Xiao standing aside with his abdominal wound covered. His eyes were full of fierce light and he was about to take action. He had made up his mind that no matter what nuclear bomb threat it was, he must cut down the bitch in front of him to scum! After planning for so long and paying so many costs to get to this point, I only got two leaves at the last moment. How unbearable! But listen to Lin Xiao's light:

"Before you do it, look at the environment~~

In the empty cave, there was a sudden sound of rustling long legs passing by the water grass. With the blue phosphorus light emitted by plants, Zhang Chao suddenly took a breath of cool air... What appeared in front of the three people was a sea of insects!