Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 077 Follower...

(Sorry, it can only be updated tomorrow~~)

And just then, Vincent's cold voice came from the air:

"...... I have been observing you before. From beginning to end, there has never been any panic or despair in your eyes. You always calmly put yourself in the right position, ease the relationship, and do not endure until the end of the sudden disaster and grab the greatest fruit of victory... It is not that your strength is very strong, but your calmness and calmness. After reaching the inhuman level, it has completely stimulated my interest in you. Finally let me make a decision... I'm going to kill you to complete my coming-of-age ceremony. Are you ready?"

"You can start at any time!" Lin Xiao nodded with a smile. The next moment, he suddenly fell back, his waist folded back as if there were no bones, and his back almost hit the ground...

Just wiping a few centimeters of Lin Xiao's belly, after a gust of wind blew, there was a super giant invisible flywheel with a diameter of one meter flying over him. If it hadn't been for Lin Xiao's sudden lie, he would have been directly divided into two by this blow...

Iron-blood boomerang, one of the favorite long-range weapons used by iron-blood hunters, are usually only as big as a palm when folded, but as long as it is opened, it is a cruel weapon with a huge blade fan, and if Lin Xiao remembers it well... this thing still seems to be automatic. Fly back to the return mark in the user's hand.

Sure enough, the next moment, when Lin Xiao rolled again, the invisible knife wheel flew back from the rear, bringing a sad wind. It dangerously flew over the place where Lin Xiao had just fallen down. The knife wheel made a strange mark in the air and finally returned to iron-blooded hunting again. Vincent's hand...

Vincent's cutting-edge killing skills in the iron-blooded family, along with the growth and continuous hunting process, are the eternal memories engraved in the depths of its body, which are no different from the body instinct and will naturally not be lost. This is the physical memory that adventurers have tempered, just like eating and drinking water. In fact, unless some awesome people, most adventurers fight with skills mixed with general attack...

Also preserved is the armor and weapon she wears. These weapons brought out of themselves are not only Vincent's memory, but also the support of his survival in the city.

Vincent, the iron-blooded hunter, once killed the whole belligerent and ferocious Neville tribe, and even the extremely strong Death Beast Knight was nailed by it to the top hunter on the trunk of the tree more than ten meters away from the ground. And as a tough reincarator, it is far stronger than other adventurers. Lin Xiao will naturally be tragic when he is targeted by such a strong man and vows to kill him, but there is no depression on his face. On the contrary, a joy is clearly written on his face...

After obtaining the pseudo-immortal body, Lin Xiao is already thinking about whether to strengthen his melee fighting skills. After all, he acted alone most of the time. The so-called long-range turret met a melee master, which was undoubtedly a doomed tragedy... Now the iron-blooded hunter comes up and is undoubtedly a good target for practice.

"It seems that you can learn from that stupid woman to take the double reinforcement route in the future..."

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao dodged the iron-blooded spear that once put the big spider to the end, then put a black and white sad and happy mask on her face with her backhand, and took out a black dagger.

"Landry's mask, the dagger of danger..."

These two props are not bound to equipment, so Lin Xiao can also play with them. And the various additional damage attached to these two props is the best way to deal with rough-skinned and thick-skinned guys. As for the strong attack power of the iron-blooded hunter... As long as he can't kill Lin Xiao with one blow, he can recover by relying on the special effects of immortality.

Then, it's the third prop... Throwing weapon: Frost's boomerang. Its damage is not high, and only one attribute is very attractive, that is, after successfully hitting the enemy, it will cover the enemy's legs with the power of frost, reducing its movement speed by 30% and lasting 5 seconds. This ability is preferred.

And the throwing cooling time of this Frost Boomerang is only three seconds. This means one thing, that is, once hit by it, it is likely to be completely glued and in a bad situation where you can't escape.

The guy was ready, Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he shook his hand like a dart shot into an empty place... The iron-blooded hunter's invisible device is actually quite simple in principle. The armor comes with light simulation refraction technology, which confuses the other party's sight. But this method cannot erase the sound, smell, heartbeat, etc. Lin Xiao, with the gray wolf beside him, naturally saw through the invisible position of the iron-blooded hunter without pressure.

...... After receiving the frost's boomerang, Lin Xiao's face showed a trace of disappointment: "Have you left?"

I have to say that Vincent, the iron-blooded hunter, is an extremely decisive person. One blow does not neutralize the horse retreat, but many of the moves prepared by Lin Xiao are wasted.

Vincent, the iron-blooded hunter, had been injured in the battle with the demon team, but now it is not cowardly to retreat, but to preserve his strength and wait for the opportunity to make a comeback. However, Lin Xiao has a headache. If he is targeted by such a powerful guy, I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort in the future.

Shaking his head, Lin Xiao smiled and continued on the journey of return. Anyway, this "walking" journey is finally about to come to an end. From tracking the phantom dragon knight in the forest, to discovering the burning home tree, to bumping into a group of iron-blooded hunters carrying out bloody genocide, they were forced to join the team and enter the ground, and finally got the flower of eternal life... One ring after another, what happened in just two days has a thrilling smell.

Back to the ground, the burning flame on the huge roots of the home tree has long been extinguished by an early morning rain and dew. The ground is wet and muddy, and the flowers moistened by the rain are blooming brightly. The flowers are beautiful. Take a deep breath, and the elegant fragrance of flowers mixed with the smell of earth goes straight to the lungs, making people feel refreshed.

Lin Xiao glanced casually and was about to leave, but suddenly found a delicate figure in the tree hole... Long hair, blue skin, big and charming eyes, slightly green chest wrapped in two * silky leaves, and the lower body is a grass skirt made of leaves. Who is the Neville girl who sings ancient sacrificial songs?

With a slight movement in his heart, Lin Xiao walked up with a smile and said:

"Hey, beautiful girl, why haven't you left yet?"

The girl looked at Lin Xiao quietly. After a long time, she suddenly said, "I want to go with you, okay?"

This girl speaks English! Although there are still problems with unclear pronunciation and stiff intonation, it is enough to surprise Lin Xiao. However, Lin Xiao quickly figured out the reason. The English of this Neville girl should have been taught by adventurers who joined the Neville camp, and the dominant tone soon sounded in Lin Xiao's ear:

"Is it agreed that Inisha, a Neville native, volunteered to be your follower?"

"During your stay in the space and adventure world, the follower will continue to consume your points as his salary, and return to the real world. The stronger the servant's strength, the more points will be consumed.

"Your servant is an auxiliary type. Once he dies, he will lose 10 points of loyalty, but he can be resurrected without potential points and only consume a certain number of points. The points spent are directly related to the strength of the follower and the wearing equipment.

"If the loyalty of the follower falls to the standard of defection after death, then it will not be resurrected."

"Note: The opportunity to receive followers is quite rare. Please cherish this opportunity."

"Do you want to collect the follower? Yes/No?"