Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 079 tame the mount

Inisa blinked her eyes, then nodded without saying anything. She took Lin Xiao away from the route and quickly came to the vicinity of a clear river.

This is a very clear river, with a steep cliff on the left side and a spacious grassland on the right. Not far away, there is a dense forest river with a width of about 30 meters, but the water is quite shallow. At most, it can only reach the calves. The beach is rocky, and purple water birds can be seen staying on the rocks that appear on the surface of the water, staring at the water with bright eyes.

The two stopped far away, and Inisha said in a somewhat stiff English, "This should be a source of heavy armored horse. We can try to tame a heavy armored horse as a mount."

"Are you sure?"

"There is nothing wrong with it. I believe those heavy armored horses will definitely come." Enisha said lightly, "Please carefully observe the stone next to the beach. Its surface is very smooth. It should be because some large creatures often rub itching there. There is a large open space around the largest rock, bare. And there are only some grass roots left on the lush grassland nearby, which means that the creatures here are plant-eating creatures, and by the way, they will use nectar as desserts..."

Speaking of which, Nawei's sister paused:

There are many traces of collapse on the cliff, where the rocks are yellow and white, which is a necessity with a very salty taste. This is the most important reason why those heavy armored horses come here regularly to wading ingest those things to keep them healthy.

Obviously, those yellow and white things should be crystal salt from the stone wall...

Sure enough, not long after Inisha's words were finished, there was a rumble of hoofs in the distance. Appearing in front of them were about fifty armored horses. They had six vigorous long feet, with long necks and small heads, bright stripes, and mysterious dots like pupils all over their bodies. Their whole body was covered with a few pieces of armor and covered the back of the head along the neck. Two tentacles came from the ears. When the position grows out, Namei controls their behavior through the docking of their hair tactile nerves.

Because the gravity of Pandora is lower than the earth, the heavy armored horse can reach 5 meters and 4 meters high, which is almost all smart and tame, but this animal is also easy to frighten, and the maximum speed of escaping can reach 95 km/h.

This kind of heavy armored horse with super endurance can be used as a meat shield at critical moments, and is undoubtedly the best choice for transportation. In fact, many creatures and plants on Pandora have familiar shadows... For example, heavy armored horses and horses, sting wolves and domestic dogs, Neville people and earth people... As the old saying goes, matter determines consciousness, just like we living in a three-dimensional space can't understand the existence of high dimensions. Some things that have never been recognized and understood cannot be fabricated out of imagination alone. No matter how talented the director is, he can't create something that he has never had before.

Looking at these heavy armored horses playing in the river, Lin Xiao nodded and began to think about how to catch them...

You know, many creatures on Pandora are extremely hostile to human beings, basically to the point of endlessness when they meet. As an excellent mount, the armored horse's defense and health value are quite good. In the face of its habit of running away as soon as it is attacked, it seems to be quite difficult to capture it.

"Trap? Explosives? *?" For a moment, Lin Xiao had 17 or 18 vicious thoughts in his mind, but before he could take action, Enisha, the sister of Nawei beside him, suddenly walked out, singing beautiful syllables of unknown meaning, and slowly walked towards them under the gaze of a group of heavily armored tigers.

When her mind moved, Lin Xiao understood Inisha's intention and simply smiled and watched the play.

The heavy armored horses obviously had a certain hostility to Enisha's appearance. Several heavy armored horses even dug their hooves to attack, but at the attraction of Enisha's singing, they quickly calmed down. Three minutes later, a melodious song slowly fell to an end, and the heavy armored horse group produced a slight burst of **, and then a four-meter-long male heavy armored horse came out of it. The big guy was obviously just an adult. A pair of big eyes looked at Enisha curiously, hesitated and seemed to be looking forward to it. Two bundles of nerve fibers slowly stretched out from behind his head. And Inisha did the same...

At this time, the sun is shining brightly. Under the purple mandarin duck flying all over the sky, with the suspended floating mountain in the distance as the back/view, one person and one horse slowly connect with nerve bundle fibers, like the most beautiful picture scroll...

A few minutes later, two bunches of nerve fibers separated, and the newly adult heavy armored horse affectionately rubbed Enisha's chest with her big head, and then the Nawei girl deftly jumped up and jumped on the horse's back, sprinkled a silver bell-like laughter...

The heavily armored horse also made two "mour" roars, carrying the Neville girl to shake her head and tail on the beach and run naively, venting the joy in her heart.

After the heavy armored horses left, Inisha rode the heavy armored horses under her to Lin Xiao.

The big guy was deeply hostile to Lin Xiao. As soon as he met, he crawled on his body and roared to demonstrate. Under the efforts of Nawei's sister, she finally spit out a lot and turned her head, but she didn't want to be ridden on Lin Xiao's back in any case.

Although he was despised by a beast, Lin Xiao was not angry. Instead, he smiled and took out a handful of fried soybeans from his pocket and handed them to the armored horse.

The heavy armored horse sniffed. Attracted by the fragrance of fried beans, he quickly turned his head. His big eyes curiously looked at the golden and fragrant fried beans in Lin Xiao's hand. After a moment, he hesitated for a moment and quickly came to Lin Xiao, stretched out his wet tongue and licked it. Directly sweep away the whole bean, bite the ground and rattle in your mouth, and there is a taste of enjoyment in your big eyes~~


A handful of beans is naturally not enough for it to eat. After swallowing the beans in its mouth, the heavy armored horse looked at Lin Xiao again, and the vigilance in his eyes obviously faded a lot. So Lin Xiao smiled again and took out a handful of fried beans~~ After so many times, Lin Xiao quickly got together with this foodie and jumped on horseback.

The mouth is soft and short-handed. The ancients didn't bully me!

The Nawei girl quietly looked at Lin Xiao's movements. After seeing Lin Xiao successfully sit on the back of the heavy armored horse, Inisha's eyes narrowed slightly and raised a faint smile at the corners of her mouth.

The dominant prompt sounded with the sound:

"Ding: Your follower Enisha's favorability of you has increased by 10 points, and it is currently 60 points. Please keep up the good work!"


Under the running of this heavy armored horse, the two quickly rushed out of the jungle. It is worth mentioning that it seems that the Neville people do not have the habit of riding with strangers, and Inisha was very awkward when she got on the horse. And because of Lin Xiao's some dishonest actions, Inisha's favorability fell by 10 points again...

Five hours later, Lin Xiao returned to the valley base where the interstellar pirates were located. Suddenly, he heard the continuous roar. He turned his head and saw that the six special air-to-air * platforms laid around the whole base kept rotating and shooting out two sets of *. * obviously had the characteristics of automatic tracking, and the light gray exhaust gas dragged out long traces in the air. And there was also a little black in the distant sky, and soon flew over the base. If you look carefully, you will find that it is a strange flying creature growing a large number of sharp exoskeletons.

Unlike the spore dragons of the attack helicopter previously seen in the jungle, the size of these flying creatures has become significantly smaller, with bat-like bone wings and sharp claws, which makes them dive high into the infantry group into a disguised massacre. In addition, Obviously, their sharp claws are not just for landing.

A large number of air-to-air* flew out quickly, and almost every shot* was able to hit the target, blowing a mutant explosive mosquito into a bursting blood mist, but this attack level was far from saturation. There are still many mutant explosive mosquitoes swooping down from the top of the base. After their sharp wings unfolding, they can easily cut a soldier into two sections, and even SUVs with steel armor are not spared.

Suddenly, a mutant explosive mosquito aimed at Lin Xiao's position and dived down directly. Its little red eyes are full of fierce light, and it seems that dying with the enemy is the only meaning of life. Lin Xiao's agility was not high, and it was obviously too late to dodge this extremely fast flight attack, but Lin Xiao had no intention of dodging at all. After he felt that he was locked, he directly pulled out the silver left wheel and pulled the trigger directly after it entered the range.

* The loud roar roared, and the bullets shot on the mutant blood mosquito. Suddenly, a glass-sized wound was blown out, and the smelly yellow-green mucus was sprayed out. Before crashing into Lin Xiao, the mutant explosive mosquito was not very well under continuous bombardment, and the diving momentum also obviously appeared several times of stagnation, making a few dull whinings.

About a second before being hit, Lin Xiao felt a clear sense of danger in several parts of his body, so he immediately turned to one side. Although he was knocked to the ground by the mutant explosive mosquito and blood gushed out, it was just a skin injury. It belongs to the injury that can recover in an instant.

Then Lin Xiao rolled and regained her balance. She aimed at the monster and rushed straight up. At this time, it was about to flap its wings and climb up. Lin Xiao's short and thick neck made a sad whimper and rolled to the ground. On the surface, the sharp bone wings kept fluttering, rolling up a large cloud of dust.

However, Lin Xiao raised her fist mercilessly and punched it on the head, making the green pulp splash everywhere, and all kinds of bone fragments were also flying everywhere. The unlucky guy fluttered wildly, but was finally beaten to death on the spot by a live fist.