Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 088 Shopping Frenzy

The base of the PDA mining company was broken by the Zerg. The most important thing is that the immovable red police base car is still there. It doesn't have enough money to fight against the Zerg, but it makes people panic. If it hadn't been for the murderous behavior of the Devil Team, I'm afraid that someone has begun to consider going to rely on the other side. .

Seeing that Lin Xiao couldn't say anything, the optician shook her head with some disappointment and said:

"In any case, we must take back the base! Now go and organize people and launch a counterattack..."

Before the words were finished, someone retorted: "Just after a siege battle, everyone is exhausted. They attack the enemy with tired divisions. Once they fail, it will definitely cause a huge blow to morale. Not to mention the casualties of the soldiers, we can't afford to lose. We just want to fight with the sea of insects. Hard touch, it's just hitting the stone with the egg, right?

"What do you say?"

"Well, first try to counterattack with a small force and consume the strength of the Zerg. During this period, integrate soldiers and pirate teams, try to earn the reputation and points of the camp, buy some advanced life-saving equipment, and finally start a decisive battle with the Zerg!"

The glasses frowned and thought for a moment, and finally nodded, "This is the only way for the time being... However, let me say first that although I can publish the purchase list to everyone regardless of the reputation level, the things in it dominate the pricing, and I don't have the ability to give any discounts at all.

"Well, no one expects much from you at all."


Then, a holographic 3D purchase screen appeared in front of Lin Xiao, with a long list of purchase menus. Even worship-level items that need the highest prestige can be purchased above. Fang Senyan was suddenly ecstatic. You know, many adventure worlds have the gameplay of camp reputation, but it is extremely difficult to achieve the highest level of worship reputation. Many people have never been exposed to it at all... But soon this excitement was scared by the horrible amount of money needed to buy it.

In the reputation purchase menu of the worship level, the first one is a missile with a bright red color...

Name: Small Tactical Nuclear Warhead

Origin: the ninth production star of the Star Alliance Human Horse Galaxy

Quantity: 1

Weight: 48KG

Note: The battlefield finally destroys weapons, with super weapons that instantly destroy dozens of kilometers and have an incidental strike range of more than hundreds of kilometers. High temperature and radiation waves can purify any organism.

Note: Because of the terrible power of this weapon, please use it with caution. In case of accident, we are not responsible.

Purchase conditions: reputation level worship, 120,000 points, 40 potential points, authorized by the highest commander of the base. And the weapon cannot be carried out of the world.

Apart from how much profit this small tactical nuclear bomb can bring, the terrible price has killed everyone...

In addition, there is also a set of armor in the worship-level purchase menu:

Name: ghost standard devil individual combat equipment.

Origin: the ninth production star of the Star Alliance Human Horse Galaxy

Introduction: This is the latest human armed fighter armor developed by high-end scientific research laboratories. It is made of the hardest nickel alloy. This set of equipment comes with stealth, locks interfering organisms, and has the functions of call tactical * positioning and self-healing. And it gets rid of the huge and bloated shape of the AMP exoskeleton power mecha, has all-round combat capability by sea, land and air, and can charge itself. Super standby, you deserve it!

Note: This series of products is an experimental model and has not yet been put into the military's official armed queue. Current stock: 3.

If the last small tactical nuclear bomb represents the ultimate of large-scale killing, then this devil's individual combat equipment is the ultimate of individual combat function. The attractive appearance and strong ability are all dazzled by adventurers, but the high price is also desperate... Its purchase price in the holographic panel is the same horrible 100,000 points, 30 potential points...

Compared with these unattainable purchase options, other props are undoubtedly closer to the adventurer's purchasing ability. For example, the black armor displayed on the screen...

Name: NBC Advanced Carbon Organic Armor

Level: plot special equipment

Origin: the ninth production star of the Star Alliance Human Horse Galaxy

Material: Kevlar Advanced Carbon Organic Memory Fiber Cotton/Hemp

Description: Powerful combat uniforms provide life protection for wearers

Equipment: u-238 depleted uranium ammunition enhanced to increase the wearer's maximum range by 25%

Equipment: Advanced life-sistence system, NBC advanced carbon organic armor has an advanced life-sistence system inside, which can restore 5 health points per minute.

Equipment: Doping, inject a mixture of * scopolamine into your body to instantly reduce your current health by 20%, improve your shooting speed by 100%, correct the shooting accuracy by 15 points, and move 50% for 30 seconds. After using the doping once, you must wait 15 minutes before using it again.

Equipment: Up to 60 points of physical defense can reduce most of the ordinary damage. After it is damaged, it can be repaired by engineers.

Buying this armor requires your reputation in the base to pay 4,000 points. Purchasing this equipment will also pay you 3,000 points of prestige. The armor should disappear when you leave this world.

Almost all the attributes of this armor are tailored for the shooter, which can be called the best. It suddenly makes many people's eyes flutter and hearts beat, and the other weapon can be regarded as a big killer against a large number of ferocity beasts.

Name: Prometheus 3 Fire Sprayer

Level: plot special equipment

Origin: the third production star of the Interstellar Union Festy Galaxy

Material: Manganese titanium alloy

Explanation: Horrible slaughter tools have terrible lethality against hordes of enemies, but they are lacking in range.

Equipment: unlimited fuel, the Prometheus 3 flamethrower can automatically absorb oxygen/hydrogen components in the atmosphere to fill the fuel. The disadvantage is that the time of each injection cannot exceed five minutes. During this period, it must be cooled naturally for 30 seconds.

Description: When you equip or remove this weapon, it will take at least five seconds, and you need to hold and use this weapon with both hands. When you activate this weapon and start to fire, your movement speed is reduced by 50%. Stop spraying flames and return to normal.

Buying this weapon requires you to pay 5,000 points for your reputation in the camp base. Purchasing this equipment will also pay you 3500 points of prestige. The weapon disappears when you leave this world.

Then there are more purchase options, including magnetic storm rifles used by ordinary soldiers, biochemical protective clothing, emergency treatment kits used by medical soldiers, drilling robots, as well as the AMP exoskeleton power mecha driven by Xu Le, maintenance robots, and adrenal injections Agents and so on.

So many purchase options are really exciting. Immediately, many people quickly went to the quartermaster and began to buy their favorite items and props. Some adventurers with insufficient reputation are no more lazy, but rush to the task release to receive the task to earn prestige...

Soon, the adventurers of the whole base set off a shopping frenzy...