Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 091 Hunting

"Before taking action, let's repeat the previous plan again... First of all, our goal is to attract the two overlord phantom flying dragons in the nest and then steal their dragon eggs. After all, it is almost impossible to kill the two overlord phantom flying dragons with only eight people. Secondly, the specific task is assigned to... Bruce Lee and Monica were responsible for arranging the trap at the entrance of the cave. Lei Hai and Andreevich acted as MT to buy time for me and Lin Xiao and release spells. Of course, it was mainly about procrastination. Finally, the monkey and Wang Lin went into the hole to steal dragon eggs! If there is no mistake, I can buy you at least 5 minutes..."

Such manpower arrangement takes into account their respective strengths and abilities, which can be regarded as moderate, so no one raises any objection.

At the end of the action, Wu Qingcheng said again:

"Well, there is one last point..., the distribution of task rewards is calculated according to the final personal contribution. Don't think about it. After all, a dragon egg can never achieve results in a short time from hatching to growing to forming combat power. I advise you not to do anything stupid for small profits. It's coming."

I have to say that the dancing atmosphere during the training was extremely strong, and even the black brothers who had been laughing honestly closed their mouths, as if they were primary school students in class.

After arranging all the actions, this poaching plan finally began...

In the face of the huge suspended mountains floating in the sky, Wu Qingcheng took out a bamboo dragonfly from the world of Doraemon and said helplessly:

"The Phantom Flying Dragon's nest is halfway up the mountain of the hanging mountain. It's not realistic to climb along the vines. There are almost no flying props in everyone's hands. Let's use them for the time being. Don't deliberately damage the parts. These are what I rented~~

"Item: Bamboo dragonfly.

Price: 3000 points, 1 C-level branch plot.

Description: Flying props from Doraemon's magical pocket.

Effect: After wearing it, after the microprop rotates, an anti-gravity force field will be formed around the body, with a maximum speed of 80km/h.

Note: Power consumption. The battery can last for 72 hours at full speed after being fully charged.

In fact, Lin Xiao also exchanged one of these things to prevent unexpected situations in the future. The price of 3000 points is not cheap at all.

After taking over the bamboo dragonfly assigned to him, Lin Xiao suddenly remembered the scene of the phantom flying dragon swallowing the dragonfly girl he saw during the jungle hunting mission. He couldn't help sighing. In the eyes of the overlord's phantom flying dragon, this kind of prop, which is moving slowly, is actually not much faster than a snail... .

A group of people with bamboo dragonflies on their heads quietly flew to a mountain in the hanging mountains. After really stepping on this huge mountain and looking down at the vast land, Lin Xiao couldn't help sighing at the magic of the Creator again.

This is a very unique natural landscape on the planet Pandora... mountains flying in the sky.

The Nawe people call it the "Thunderstone" and humans call it the "Hallelujah Mountains".

This is an incredible view of boulders stacked close to the mountains and floating in the air through thousand-year-old vines.

The reason for this grand event is that these rocks contain a large amount of thunderstone ore. This rare normal temperature superconductor can produce a very unique magnetic field effect, making huge rocks float in mid-air, forming an incredible magnificent landscape of countless large and small mountains floating in mid-air... ...

After preliminary visual inspection, Lin Xiao roughly inferred that the mountain under his feet was at least the size of two airports, almost a small island.

Sneathly walking to the waist of the mountain, Wang Lin, a black-haired young man, pointed to the cave 100 meters away and said in a low voice, "Those two monsters are there..."

In the dark night, the entrance of the cave is dark, like the deepest dark abyss. The rocks near the mouth of the cave were polished quite smooth, not even a weed, and no birds or beasts could be seen, indicating the majesty of the hegemonic creature.

“...... Is everyone ready?

"Then, take action!"

First of all... Bait! Seduce the two overlord's phantom flying dragons out! Andreevich, a tall white man, walked out of the hiding point, stood dozens of meters away from the cave, raised a horn, and then pinched the throat joint. After brewing for a few seconds, a loud roar suddenly cut through the sky! That is... The roar of the ground overlord Death Beast!

Andreevich's enhanced ability is the forest Druid, which can not only control animals, but also make animal linguistics vivid. This provocative and sarcastic roar was quickly responded to. Soon there was a huge roar like muffled thunder from the cave, rolling like thunder! This made the situation suddenly tense, and everyone's heartbeat doubled, and they held their breath and listened carefully to the sound from afar.

A huge wind mixed with a fishy smell surged out of the cave, and an adult overlord phantom flying dragon suddenly drilled out of the nest and came to the moonlight. Even if they are ready, everyone can't help taking a cold breath. The huge and ferocious body undoubtedly reveals the brutality of this giant beast at the top of the food chain...

The Phantom Flying Dragon is a well-deserved super air overlord on Pandora's planet. It is related to the female demon winged beast, but it is several times larger than the latter. To give an example, it is the difference between a tiger and a Persian cat.

The adult overlord phantom flying dragon wingspan can reach more than 25 meters, and it is even rumored that some people have witnessed the super overlord phantom flying dragon with a wingspan of more than 35 meters. This exaggerated size is almost comparable to the most powerful war weapon "Flying Dragon" air gunboat that human beings have on this planet. Hit the ship.

When Lin Xiao really faced this kind of giant beast in the air, he was really deeply shocked by its huge existence and overlord-like majesty...

This red, yellow and black striped Toruk beast has a dragon-like shape similar to the European magic world. It has a dark blue bone crown on its head and jaw. The crown is very sharp, like a sharp axe in the brave man's hand. It is impossible to doubt its destructive power, and the Toruk Holy Beast In the big mouth, the nail-like cold fangs are even more chilling...

"Race: Overlord Phantom Flying Dragon!

Habitat: Pandora

Habits: ferocious, active attack, no natural enemy

Strengthes:65 points

Agility: 60 points

Special ability: hegemony. It has a suppression effect on the enemy and weakens the enemy's damage output by 10%.

Special ability: holy beast totem. Get an additional 3000 health points.

Special ability: kidding armor. It has strong physical and magical immunity and ignores less than 20 points of damage.

On this planet, there are not only a few terrible and ferocious creatures, and the Death Beast is not necessarily the real king of the earth... After all, Pandora has a very complete ecosystem and a huge natural circulation system, and is comparable in size as the earth, let alone "species extinction" "Unknown's experts" human beings have been destroying it for a long time, so there are more species of creatures here than on earth.

After all, human beings have only come to this planet for a few years, and their energy has also been used to mine lightning ores. The funds for scientific investigation only account for only a fraction of this, and the activity area is limited to an extremely limited forest area, such as the not too far East China Sea and horse Habitat. There is almost no trace of human involvement in the vast original...

So the detailed recorded species data held by human beings actually account for only a small part of the biological system of Pandora, but so far, they have never encountered an aerial raptor more powerful than the Overlord Phantom Flying Dragon, which is enough to prove its strength and horror from the side.

The overlord phantom flying dragon came out of the cave nest with its head held high. His nose sniffed and just opened its razor-sharp fangs, and suddenly there was a tremor under his feet. In the click, two big hands composed entirely of rocks suddenly stretched out from the ground and hugged the right leg of the Overlord Phantom Flying Dragon.

Then, two dark disks were thrown out and landed at its feet. A huge explosion sounded, accompanied by a faint yellow smoke, the angry roaring phantom flying dragon fell into a state of dizziness and kept shaking its huge head.

Try an electromagnetic cloud bomb, which is a newly developed weapon with great lethal power. After detonation, it causes 30 to 120 points of sound wave damage to creatures within 10 meters around the landing point. This damage will damage the auditory balance organs such as the vestibular organs of the indigenous creatures of Pandora, so it will cause an additional 5 seconds of vertigo effect.

For ordinary people, the weight of the 30 kg of the electromagnetic cloud bomb makes it impossible to throw like *, but Andreevich, the power enhancer, does not need to consider it at all and throws it out as easily as throwing a fring disk.

While the overlord's phantom flying dragon was stunned, a shocking gun suddenly sounded in the distance. An electromagnetic sniper bullet wrapped in mysterious patterns with puncture and corrosion effects passed through the sky and completed a shooting flight at a distance of 3,000 meters in 2.18 seconds, with scratching. The electric light penetrated into the left eye of the overlord's phantom flying dragon!

Black buddy Bruce Lee, l115a4 long-range electromagnetic sniper rifle!

The pupil of the bright yellow beast the size of a human head suddenly exploded, and a large ball of fishy juice splashed out. More than that, a blue air mass containing extremely low temperature fell from the sky, and wherever it passed, it froze blue ice crystals on the overlord's phantom flying dragon... Absolute zero!

Then, the ground rock under the belly of the overlord's phantom flying dragon suddenly exploded, and a large blue-purple flame gushed out from the surface. Lin Xiao, a real flame fountain!

Finally, it was a depleted uranium bullet shoulder cannon that kept roaring out of a power mecha, which hit the wound of the overlord's phantom flying dragon. Where the flame came into contact with the frost, cracks suddenly appeared in the extremely hard armor of the Overlord's Phantom Flying Dragon. Under the bombardment of depleted uranium bombs, the wound burst and flowed out a large stream of blood.