Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 06 Tragedy

Li Daniu and Land Rover were fine. Only then did Lin Xiao notice that the shadow of the assassin who had launched his stealth ability lurked in waiting for the opportunity from the beginning of the battle had been shaken away.

In the stealth state, the adventurer's movement speed was reduced by 20%. Even if the shadow had the intention to dodge, it could not avoid the attack of this mental storm. Unfortunately, he happened to encounter the 30% chance of dizziness and fell into a two-second vertigo state...

Two seconds is very short, short to only one breath, but in such a battle, two seconds is enough to determine life and death...

The flesh-and-blood mutant rushed out like lightning and rushed to the side of the assassin's shadow. The horrible and ferocious sharp mouth opened to nearly 100 degrees, and the black awl sharp teeth bit on the neck of the shadow!

Even if he was still dizzy, the shadow trembled and twitched all over because of the severe pain, and blood flowed down his neck, as if his whole spirit was being absorbed and swallowed by the mutant zombies.

Lin Xiao's face changed and shouted, "No! This mutant is sucking flesh and blood to evolve. Hurry up and separate them!"

A roar suddenly sounded in the rear, and the hot lead bullet wrapped in a dazzling electric current drew a beautiful streamer in the dark parking lot, instantly hitting the mutant's head and blowing the zombie out. But the state of the shadow is very bad... A large piece of flesh and blood has been bitten off his neck, and he can even see the gray throat tube, and his pupils are quickly becoming dull. Unlike the instinctive trembling caused by pain, he is now like a fish thrown out of the water and thrown on the shore. His whole body is twisting and convulsing crazily. Obviously, The virus carried by this mutant is more violent and deadly!

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao frowned, but did not hesitate to take out a single-edged machete and cut down the head of the shadow in the shocked eyes of everyone.

"Puff", blood splashing!

He cut off half of Jueying's throat with a knife, but he was not dead. His eyes stared at Lin Xiao crazily and resentfully, but he, who had lost his body control due to virus erosion, could only "cluck" in his throat.

Blood splashed, Lin Xiao cautiously avoided the blood, and then continued to shoot down without blinking his eyes. He cut off seven or eight times in a row before he abruptly cut off the head of the shadow.

Kicking the head that had turned blue and purple and began to mutrate, Lin Xiao said coldly:

"He was bitten and will soon become the same monster. Think about it, a monster transformed by an adventurer may still retain his memory of his life. What a terrible creature would that be?"

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly shivered and looked at the headless body on the ground and no longer had any sympathy. Even the Land Rover, which has always been generous, has closed its mouth. When faced with the choice of death, it is really stupid to insist on morality, and it is only blamed on this guy for taking it.


The variant that was blown away by an electromagnetic bomb by Li Feng is curling up and down against the wall. The flesh and blood can't help squirming, as if it is evolving into a new form after breaking its leg.

The original bone wings on its back have changed from a pair to four, and the edges show a cold chill, which obviously becomes sharper. The original huge body gradually shrank, and the surface was also covered with a layer of pale bone plates to protect the appearance. The arms were gradually twisted and deformed, forming two crab-like pliers, and the legs gradually atrophied and turned into bird's claws. With the gradual improvement of evolution, it looked like a horrible giant mantis!

Lin Xiao is also uncomfortable now. His attributes have been reduced by most of his attributes. He has just suffered a mental storm attack, and his head is still buzzing, like a hundred bees holding a birthday party in it, eating a mass of refreshment to recover his strength, and then improving while the surface of the evolutionary body is still squirming rapidly. A great opportunity to take out the silver left wheel and directly aim at the four compound eyes on its head! The crisp gunfire sounded continuously, and the silver light kept hitting the tough and wrinkled eyelids, cutting them, and the two deep eyes on the right side of the evolutionary body were blown up, flowing out disgusting mucus, but this move undoubtedly accelerated its evolution process, but in just a few seconds, Lin Xiao had to Take it away and fly back! The four dead white bone wings of this terrible evolutionary body spread flat, and the cold light flashed, which was nearly four meters wide. It actually glide directly in the air at an extremely fast speed, while the mosquito-like terrible mouth device at the front suddenly expanded, and wherever it shoots, it is a small hole that can't see the bottom!

Seeing such a sharp point-to-point attack speed and power, everyone is bold, but they don't want to rush forward again. After all, the biochemical virus on this monster is too horrible. If it is infected, you have to wait to die.

And this monster seemed to stare at Lin Xiao, hissing and screaming, spitting green slurry in his mouth, rushing towards Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao's pupils contracted. He always acted extremely safely. Before he took action, he planned a number of retreats in advance. After shooting blind the monster's right eye, he immediately endured the nausea and discomfort in his mind, jumped out to the right into the visual blind area of the evolutionary body, and rolled into the bottom of a Ford next to him. .

Even so, he still felt the wind behind his head, and his back was cold, and his clothes were torn by the edge of the bone wing! And there was a loud noise in the parking lot, and then there was the sound of masonry slipping in the dust and smoke. It turned out that the mutant could not stop flying, and the edge of the hard bone wings swept across the two thick columns next to it, which actually collapsed most of it!

At this time, Lin Xiao turned over and jumped on the roof next to him and calmly aimed at the mutant evolutionary body and shot again. However, his bullet at this time seemed to be completely harmless to him. The silver light was lightly bounced away by the bone armor on its surface, and the bone wings of the mutant evolutionary body only fanned slightly. In an instant, she jumped in front of Lin Xiao, but Lin Xiao was well prepared and had a very accurate grasp of the battle situation. Once again, she fell down one step ahead and narrowly avoided this deadly assault!

After the mutant evolved body fell into the air again, it seemed to be really angry. It screamed bitterly and suddenly spread its wings and glided close to the ground. Where it passed, the neatly parked cars and vans rolled and cracked one after another. For a moment, it was extremely powerful and powerful, but it was slipped away by Lin Xiao again! And taking this opportunity, the female elf, who had not taken much action, silently sent out a blow that had been brewing for a long time.

A slender arrow wrapped in green quietly cut through the sky and instantly crashed into the heart of the mutant. The powerful force directly shot the mutant away, but it couldn't get up for a while.

Lin Xiao took this opportunity to step on a Seymour next to him, ignited the accelerator, and accelerated crazily as if he wanted to escape. How could the mutant evolutionary body let it escape? Even though it was nailed to the wall and struggled, the front end of the bone wings suddenly grew like a plane's suspended *, and an in an instant shot out a dark green biological missile. It almost wiped Lin Xiao's ridge* and exploded at the only exit, forming a strong corrosive mucus all over the ground. Once the tires of the motorcycle The crushing will go up, and the end can be imagined!

The mutation and evolution suddenly became difficult. This sudden situation made Lin Xiao a little unprepared. He suddenly supported the ground with his feet and directly turned to the front of the car. The harsh tire friction filled the eardrums. The smell of rubber spread away. Finally, he turned his head in time and did not hit the mucus.

But with such a delay, the mutant has broken free from the shackles of arrows. Even if a big hole has been exposed in the chest, it is more fierce, and the four wings are spread flat and come quickly. The action of gliding in the air is actually quite similar to the devil batfish hunting in the sea. Wherevering, the parked steam The car and the load-bearing pillars in the parking lot suffered this reckless disaster one after another. They were easily smashed and collapsed by the hard bone wings. They were seriously damaged, and broke and collapsed one after another. The field was full of dust and smoke, which was difficult to be seen within ten meters for a time.

Lin Xiao only did one thing at this time. Jump up and abandon the car. It shrank into a ball in the air, rolled when it landed, and turned to escape again!

If you can't quickly change your position, you will be sucked up by the vicious mouthpart sooner or later!

It's just that the mutant evolutionary body seemed to have expected this move, and suddenly put away its left wing and hit the wall next to it! The hard walls of concrete peeled off like dust one after another, and were plowed into a dent half a meter deep, and the mutant evolution successfully changed its direction with the power of this collision and immediately decorated Lin Xiao, who was trying his best to run! Its sharp mouth device has stretched out of the body, and as soon as it is locked, it will suck his life into a tonic!