Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 08 Means

At this time, Li Daniel found that in the previous fierce struggle, Lin Xiao had been intentionally or unintentionally guiding the mutant evolution to damage the load-bearing column on the left side of the building, but the one on the right was almost intact!

"Is it! ..." Their eyes suddenly became extremely hot, and their faces also showed surprise and joy.

The mutant also seemed to be aware of the crisis and rushed to the door crazily! The hard concrete floor was trampled by it and splashed fragments! Even in this fierce running, the actions of the mutant evolution at this time have a horrible sense of elegance and coordination!

50 meters...

There are still four semi-destroyed pillars that have not been destroyed!

Forty meters......

There are three more!

20 meters!

Two more!

The whole experimental building suddenly shook, as if it were an overwhelmed giant, moaning helplessly and collapsing!

The remaining load-bearing columns in the underground parking lot were pressed by huge forces in an instant, completely exploded, and collapsed at the same time!

At this moment, the whole huge building dozens of meters high suddenly sank down, and the glass curtain wall on its exterior burst, shining like a torrential rain, and actually collapsed the space on the first and second floors together with the ground parking lot! Even the whole city trembled like an earthquake. But it made everyone see with their own eyes what it means to push the golden mountain and fall down the jade pillar.

When the collapse occurred, the mutant had rushed less than ten meters away from the door. It roared out its sharp dark claws, showing a ferocious and cruel expression on its face, and falsely grabbed Lin Xiao, who shot calmly!

Two pairs of equally cold and evil eyes look at each other in an instant!

Lin Xiao sighed, turned his head, closed his eyes and whispered:


As soon as his words fell, only in an instant, a huge beam falling from the sky blocked the sight of both sides. Then the masonry fell, and the dust and smoke covered the sky! Completely buried this terrible monster under thousands of tons of masonry!

The collapse lasted for several minutes. After the smoke dissipated, the original entrance and exit had already been buried under 10,000 tons of boulder and could no longer see dust. At least Lin Xiao doesn't believe that the mutant evolutionary body has broken this 10,000 boulder and then come to the ground to make waves...

Lin Xiao narrowed her eyes and said lazily:

"OK, finish the work!"

Comrade Li Daniu raised his eyebrows and said with some surprise:

"Is it done?"

Xiaopang also spoke: "I guess that the monster should not be killed. Now it seems that the more you attack it, the more it will promote its evolution. The more serious the injury, the stronger it seems to become.

"That's not right." Lin Xiao curled her lips and explained, "It's like there is no strongest spear or the strongest shield in the world. Under the rules set by the master, nothing can't be killed. It's just how much it costs."

“...... According to my estimation, this mutant evolution should be one of the most powerful bosses in this area. There are two reasons why we can't beat him head-on. Lin Xiao said lightly, "First of all, thirteen people came together, but six people left. If thirteen people fight together, will this monster still be so difficult to deal with? The second point is the assassin's mistake. If he is not bitten and has not been absorbed by the mutant evolutionary body, we will not be embarrassed to run around... But it is precisely because there are so many coincidences that the world is wonderful.

"Of course, we are using the third clever method now." Fang Lin leisurely said, "I trapped it under thousands of tons of reinforced cement, making it unable to move. From a biological point of view, to maintain such a high activity of cells, its metabolism must be extremely strong, so its life expectancy will not be too long. It will not exceed 12 hours at most. Without energy supplementation, it will definitely die..."

Little Pang and Li Daniu both sweated coldly behind their backs. Unexpectedly, this seemingly gentle-hearted young man, who seemed to be harmless, had so many flowers in the dark. It seems that he deliberately did not break the load-bearing column in order to eliminate the instability in the team.

In fact, Lin Xiao is indeed unwilling to play a soy sauce role behind other people's buttocks. Therefore, from the beginning, he tried his best to show his value, analyze mission intelligence, formulate a plan process, and establish his prestige from every small place. However, during the mutant war, the team members rowed Lin Xiao down. For example, when Jueying was stunned, two long-range snipers who came to contain him casually and would not let him be caught and bitten. However, for the sake of his own safety, neither Li Feng nor the elves silently did any rescue action. . For example, when Lin Xiao first cut the neck of Jue Ying, no one came out to stop it. Because they have acquiesced in letting Lin Xiao kill this unstable factor that may mutate into zombies...

Such a team with serious selfishness and can't be entrusted at all made Lin Xiao completely lose interest, so he did not move and forced Li Feng and the female elves to leave automatically. Lin Xiao originally thought that he would restore his status as a loen walker after this battle, but he didn't expect that Li Da Niu and Xiao Pang would choose to stay, which was not bad.

Of course, Lin Xiao also didn't have any good intentions, so he cut the final shadow to death at the first time. Naturally, the purpose was for that bloody key... However, under the rule of reducing the damage of adventurers attacking each other by 40%, it's really troublesome to cut people's heads~~

Use the key to summon a bloody treasure chest and randomly get a hint to dominate the two out of five.

Option 1: You will get 50% of the adventurer's points."

Option 2: You will get 50% of the adventurer's potential points.

"Option 3: Specify the item to get the equipment on the adventurer, limited to two pieces."

"Option 4: Get 5 props of any of the adventurer's exclusive space."

"Option 5: Randomly obtain one of the adventurer's abilities, which is limited to the use of this world. If you leave the adventure world, it will be automatically forgotten."

The option of two out of five directly stripped the dead guy. No wonder the guys in the city have always been crazy about killing people and selling goods. As the old saying goes: Ma Wuye grass is not fat, people are not rich, and the ancients sincerely did not bully me...

There is no love for Lin Xiao's equipment and skills on Jueying. There is no eye-catching equipment on this obviously "poor" assassin, and Lin Xiao is also not interested in his skills, so after a little hesitation, Lin Xiao quickly made up his mind:

"Choose the first and fourth items!"

"Ding: You got 2854 points."

"You get a fruit salad, use it in a non-combat state, and continue to restore 120 health points in 5 minutes..."

"You got the broken ring, agile +1."

"You get the touch of vampire: d-level dagger, attack 15-20, the attack has a blood-sucking effect, which can convert 9% of the attack damage into your own vitality, and 50% chance of causing blood loss to the target for 10 seconds, losing 2 points per second. It can fuse the vampire's fangs, and weapons can be upgraded.

"Well, an ordinary dagger is really loveless in the basic attack~~"

"You get the spirit*, the recycling price is 800 points, the item level is d, the muzzle kinetic energy is increased by 6, and the fire attribute damage to ordinary bullets is increased by 3 points for 5 seconds, which is only effective for individuals, and the flame damage effect can be superimposed up to three times. The power effect is doubled when using special bullets with fire attributes. The rate of fire is 2.5 rounds per second. Use D-level bullets, and the bullet damage is 12 points.

This weapon is the first long-range attack weapon that most adventurers buy. The advantage is that it has a fast rate of fire and continuous damage ability, which is suitable for most scenes. The disadvantage is that the lethality is low, so it is best to use it with an unlimited bullet box.

"You have obtained a D-level special skill: plunder."

"You can use the plunder skill on the specified target to get equipment and other items. The world can only be used once for each target/each mission. For close use skills, the target's health value must be less than 10% before use. This skill belongs to a special class of skills, and the success rate depends on the skill level, the opponent's attributes, will, priority access to special skills and the remaining health value of the other party. When this skill is used for death targets, the success rate of plunder is doubled. Time limit, within three seconds after death.

"Note: The probability of success of this skill is 30%, and you can't break through it under any conditions."

Lin Xiao said softly and didn't expect to get a skill book. Although it is only the lowest D-level skill book, it is a special type, which is worth learning.