Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 014 Encounter

Five minutes later, an extended RV quietly drove out of the garage.

Looking at Lin Xiao with a calm expression, the knight stopped talking several times, and finally asked puzzledly:

“...... This task is a trap at first glance. I really don't understand why you have to go next?

"There is no free lunch in the world, so have you ever considered what is the purpose of the domination to release such a 'trap' that discerning people know?" Lin Xiao sat in the co-pilot's seat, biting chocolate from nowhere, looking at the dim and dark street in front of him, explaining faintly.


"The task of 'death revenge' is very harsh first. First of all, you have to defeat but you can't kill the manual, and then find the photo of triggering the task, and then use mental communication to conclude the task by hand." Lin Xiao wiped his mouth and said in a low voice, "Ordinary people will never have such patience or Talk about the idea, what task to trigger with a mutant monster, and the punishment hint of the master is not so much a warning, but more like a suspicious plan, in order to make us not to take this task... So, I'll bet that the reward for this task is absolutely generous.

In the dark night, the extended RV was moving forward smoothly. Brother Knight sat in the driver's seat and listened to Lin Xiao's words. He couldn't help grinning at the corners of his mouth and smiled bitterly:

"Listen to your analysis, I am also moved by this task... Unfortunately, I still like to walk step by step, and I still don't participate in it.


The door of the convenience store on the corner.

A beautiful tail of the black RV was parked in front of the convenience store in the harsh rubber friction. The next moment, two men jumped out of the door, kicked the half-closed glass door, and broke into it with a laugh: "Haha, little rabbit, welcome the old man's 'favor'!"

The gunshots roared and bullets splashed. The two worked together to kill more than a dozen zombies wandering in the convenience store, and then walked towards the shelf.

"Food that replenishes calories, pure water, walkie-talkies, cigarettes, wine... Take more necessities, and take some entertainment luxury goods to prevent them from committing suicide.

Lin Xiao and Li Daniel broke into the convenience store, just like locusts crossing the border. In just a few minutes, they swept away the goods on the shelves and put them into two large bags of black textile bags. Then he killed the zombies who rushed into the door of the store, ran back to the car again, drove the RV and crashed through the gathered zombies, opened a bloody road, and rode away.

"Don't mention these things for three days, a month is more than enough!"

"Well, it's always good to be prepared." Lin Xiao recalled the map in her mind and said, "Turn left in front of you, turn right after 300 meters... Let's go to a nearby Japanese metropolitan bank.

As early as when checking information on the Internet, Lin Xiao remembered the location of a relatively large bank nearby. After all, there is no insurance vault at ordinary bank handling points.

Thirty minutes later, the two stopped the RV at the intersection, strode to the door of a Yokohama Stock Bank, looked up at the dozens of stories high building, and couldn't help sighing.

"It looks like you're busy..."

Banks and supermarkets have always been the most crowded places. Due to the frequent volcanic earthquakes in Japan, Chinese people have developed the habit of looking for shelters and hiding anytime and anywhere, so there must be many zombies in this bank building.

Lin Xiao nodded and commanded the remaining eight death guards to rush into it first. "These are all points. Don't waste it. In fact, the area we need to clean up is not very large, as long as a road is opened."


For most of the hours, the two finally came out of the bank building sweating profusely, looked at each other, and couldn't help smiling bitterly. The two killed 180 zombies at least, including two mutant zombies. Needless to say, even the death bodyguard summoned by Lin Xiao was damaged by only three. Fortunately, I got the key to the insurance vault from a zombie who became a bank president, otherwise he would definitely have to go through a lot of ups and turns.

This trivia is short, but in fact it is very long. By the time Lin Xiao and the two returned to the residential area, it was close to the early morning.

When Xiao Pang saw the two coming back, he immediately greeted them with a smile and said:

"I was really right by Brother Lin. There are indeed many survivors in this community. I just looked for them casually and found more than a dozen people... Are we going to take all these people with us?

Lin Xiao pondered for a moment and nodded, "We found enough food for 20 people to eat for a week, and the bank vault can only hold this amount... Take a break. We'll leave early tomorrow morning.

The fat man and the knight looked at each other, which was a surprise. Twenty people, each of them has 200 points a day. As long as they don't die for a day, they can get 4,000 points. If they don't die the next day, that's exactly 10,000 points! And how could they die? I gave them a safe environment, enough food, and even luxury goods, and more hope of living. It's really unreasonable to die again.

Lin Xiao returned to the second floor. The young woman was waiting for Lin Xiao with sleepy eyes. Seeing Lin Xiao coming back, she immediately gave a surprise cheer: "Where have you been? I thought..."

Hang the young woman in his arms, Lin Xiao found the familiar position and drew a gun directly. In the voice of Mihuizi*, she smiled and said:

"I found a safe place to live with Jiaer and some of your neighbor nearby."

"Well... It's all up to you..."

The next morning, in the morning light, three cars stopped gently at the corner of the street under the mist. A group of more than 20 people poured out and quickly entered the bank building after Xiao Pang's first investigation...

"Don't worry, it's safe here. Wait quietly. My companions and I will go to see how the military defense zone is. If it's safe, I'll come back to pick you up and leave."

Mi Keiko was filled with tears: "You should be careful!..."

"Well, I'll be careful." Lin Xiao replied with a smile and raised the walkie-talkie in her hand, "I will always be by your side. Tell me if you need anything..."

The 50cm thick alloy gate slowly closed, finally cutting off the line of sight of both sides. Lin Xiao played with the key in his hand, and no one knew what he was thinking.

Standing for a moment, Lin Xiao waved his hand: "Let's go."


Just walked out of the area where the insurance vault was located, the three of them were stunned, because three men and one woman suddenly appeared opposite them!

Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, and the two sides looked at each other for a moment. The middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes led by the other party did not talk nonsense and shouted in a low voice:

"Do it! Kill them!"

Before the words fell, the middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes raised his hands and "swhisked" twice. Two black daggers about ten centimeters in length suddenly shot out and shot straight at Lin Xiao's head and neck!

"Special items in the world of Naruto - nothing! Instantaneous, the attack range is 20 meters, causing 30 points of fixed damage, and there is a 20% chance to interrupt the skills being released by the place.

Lin Xiao sighed helplessly in her heart: "Sure enough, the master will not let others earn points for nothing. The vault is more than enough to block zombies, but it can't stop these jealous adventurers~~"

Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly, one turned over to avoid a handful of bitterness, and at the same time, he punched the other bitterness and shouted in a low voice:


There is no virtual or commission snake, only ** naked killing. The two sides have already wanted to kill each other under their own abacus plans without even saying a polite word.


Li Daniu roared, and his muscles quickly bulged. He took a shield in one hand and a spear in the other, and charged out fiercely. Even the fat man, who had always been timid and afraid of death, gritted his teeth and rushed up with a dagger, because he knew that there was no way out this time.

Lin Xiao's strength is the "weakest", but he is the second of all. At the moment when the middle-aged man shot bitterness, he also released a burning fireball at the same time and hit the other four people. It can be said that the two launched an offensive almost at the same time... The reason is very simple, because this is the killing scene in the nightmare space! If you don't kill him, he may kill you at a critical moment. For Lin Xiao, killing all the unstable factors is the best choice, so at the moment when these four people appear, Lin Xiao is ready to kill people!

The angle of his two fireballs was very tricky, which calculated the dodge position of the middle-aged man. In addition, the man had just shot bitterness, and his body was in a rigid state, and he was directly shot by two fireballs!


Two flames exploded, and with the improvement of the proficiency level of Zhangyang fireball, the power of this fireball has also been continuously enhanced. From the original bowl-sized fireball to the current big bowl-sized fireball, and the color is also one point deeper than before.

But at the moment of the flame explosion, a white shield suddenly rose from the middle-aged man's body. No matter what the flame burned, the white man was not damaged at all, but retreated a few steps under this huge anti-shock force!

Lin Xiao immediately looked at the girl who was waving the staff behind the middle-aged man. This shield was just released by her, "It's a priest's assistant! You must be the first to take her down!"

The team with healers has always been the most troublesome, because it is not easy to beat an enemy to death, but it is instantly full of milk by the priest, which is definitely the most annoying and crazy thing. The four people on the opposite seemed to have been used to the murderous intention in the eyes of Lin Xiao and others, and their faces did not change at all. They just firmly protected the girl at the end, and the orderly process of progress and retreat. Obviously, this is not the first time to face this situation...