Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 016 Talent

The girl's pupils contracted, but the two were extremely close, but they could not be avoided! In an instant, he was hit by panic, and his body trembled and stiffened in place.

Then, the deep spell sounded quickly. Lin Xiao shook his hand, and a pillar of flame spewed out from the girl's feet... Really. Flame fountain!

The power of magic is only related to Lin Xiao's spiritual attributes, but it has the damage increase of "ao shu Talent", and the weakened damage is still far more than the same...

The hot flame devoured the girl, but lasted for less than a second. Obviously, the material of the robe on the girl's body also turned into flying ash, and the pieces fluttered away, revealing the perfect green * under the robe. And then, the hair on the girl's body also disappeared in the flames... Even if it was just a glance, Xiaopang saw the pink gap and suddenly swallowed his saliva, and the smell of barbecue floated faintly in the air.

"Damn it!" The white-haired and red-eyed female assassin's face changed. Seeing that the elf girl was swallowed up by the flames, she was anxious and rushed to Lin Xiao with a dagger and wiped his neck fiercely. However, he was blocked by a fat arm in the oblique thorn, but Xiao Pang blocked the assassin's attack with his body according to Lin Xiao's instructions.


A scream sounded in the flame, and a painful female elf burned by the flame suddenly appeared on her head with the word "pardon". The faint golden light shrouded the surface of her body, but the flame was directly separated by the golden light.

Lin Xiao was depressed, "Has the gold medal turned into a big road goods? Why does everyone have a piece of hands?

This is Lin Xiao thinking too much. As a wet nurse, the elf girl is naturally the core of the team and the focus of protection. It can be said that as long as she does not die, the team's endurance is infinitely powerful. Therefore, all kinds of resources are closely used by her, and the means of life-saving are also the most...

In the ten-second invincible state of the death-free gold medal, although the elf girl could not speak and move her hands, she could see what was happening in front of her. She looked at Lin Xiao with resentful eyes and couldn't wait to eat meat.


Hearing the scream of the wet nurse behind him, the razor tightened his heart, but he did not look back, but the offensive in his hand became more and more fierce.

Since the captain received the task of "cleaning up the bank" outside the door, there has been a faint ominous feeling in his heart, which is an instinctive warning that has been sharpened on the edge of life and death for a long time. And after coming upstairs, this feeling is even stronger! In fact, he didn't want to go here directly before, but the artificially cleared road was extremely obvious, as if he had pointed out the best path for them. People are curious. Naturally, they have to find out what to do in this situation. He wants to oppose it, but he can't find any reason. After seeing Lin Xiao and the newly closed vault door, he instantly understood that the real purpose of this suddenly triggered task was to snipe the three people in front of him. They were just the knives in their hands!

I was unhappy, but I also found that what Lin Xiao and others had done was absolutely the only way to get points, so at the beginning, it was destined that only one side of the two sides could get out of here.

Therefore, as soon as he saw the most powerful knight, he secretly made a plan and tried his best to kill them. It was necessary to solve all these people in the shortest time! For this reason, he even launched the most powerful S-level skill "Ghost Cut" at the first time!

However, it can't be solved!!!

With the damn 40% damage reduction, even if the power of three people is gathered, they can't kill this guy with one blow.

The knight, who was supposed to be seriously injured, was resurrected with blood and looked at himself with tyrannical eyes... He caught his crack-like attack, which was as stable as a black reef in the stormy waves! This makes the anger in the heart of the razor even more, and the murderous intention is also surged!

At this time, I heard the variables coming from the situation that should have been stable in the rear, and my heart was impatient and angry. I shouted and rushed forward. The thick iron-like arm suddenly expanded again, and there was a blue light using mental power on my body. My hands were closed into a hammer and whistled from below!

This is the stunt of the famous Eight Gods Temple among the King of Fighters! Sunflower three strikes in a row!

The knight shouted, and he had exerted 80% of his strength and raised his arms to fight back! Although I barely catch it, my lips, ears and corners of my eyes are slightly bleeding! Take a step back under your feet and step on the hard cement floor with several cracks!

But the same second blow followed!

The knight snorted, and then opened his life, but at this time, his footsteps seemed to stagger a little, and his hands were trembling slightly. Obviously, it was the end of the crossbow, but the most powerful sunflower was still waiting for him!

With the momentum of raising his hands, the razor strode forward, and the whole person jumped forward from mid-air, and the two huge arms were knocked down from top to bottom, from fist to elbow! He bombarded the knight's chest, making him deeply depressed. Just seeing the tragic situation, he knew what a fatal injury it was!

And the knight's reaction was obviously slow, and his stiff hands had time to hold the wrists of the razor weakly. At the same time, from the feet of the knight who took this move, dozens of cobwebs spread deep cracks, rolling up white dust fog, and it seemed that the hard concrete floor under his feet turned into The thin and crisp glass wall shows the great power of the last blow of sunflower!

The two melee strong men looked at each other, and the distance between them was so close that even their breathing was warm. The razor looked at the blood gushing out of the knight's mouth and said coldly blankly:

"It's not unfair that you can die under my sunflower three consecutive blows."

The knight held the corner of his mouth, and he didn't know whether he was unable to speak or disdain to say much. But the razor suddenly felt that the two weak palms holding his wrist suddenly became like steel hoop! He was shocked, and the protruding raw iron muscles under his body tightened, and even the tight vest on his body burst into a cloth all over the sky with a crack!

"Is that cool enough? Now it's my turn!" The knight suddenly said with a gutter smile. If these two big men are bulls with all their strength, they will compete with each other in the most primitive competition!

The razor's pupil contracted, and countless thoughts have turned around in his heart: he can speak, but he can still speak! At the thought of this, the thick man's eyes gradually turned red, and the blood vessels on his body protrude like cyan snakes! And the knight's hands, which were as stable as a rock, began to be slowly oppressed down again!

"Are you going to use the bottom card? Unfortunately, you missed the best time!" The knight sneered and said that his body began to sparkle with a faint mixture of black and white!

The razor's face was so red that it almost dripped blood, and he said with difficulty:

"This...this is impossible! This is a feature of talent activation! How can you awaken your talent as an ordinary adventurer?!

The so-called talent ability is an ability that perfectly fits the adventurer's own. If you want to get it, you can only get the master's certification and seal in the novice trial mission, and most people have no talent ability. Because of its scarcity, adventurers with talent ability are often stronger than others, that is, the so-called top Top adventurers!