Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 023 Test

Under Lin Xiao's silent waiting, but in more than ten minutes, the riot at the end of the bridge has evolved into *. Then, the two machine gun bunkers that were originally quiet suddenly showed their ferocious fangs and spit out countless metal storms to the chaotic crowd. Large areas of citizens were directly torn and torn apart like wheat waved by sickle. For a moment, blood splashed all over the sky and pieces of meat flew across.

"Sure enough..." Lin Xiao sighed and was about to withdraw his eyes when the roar of the helicopter suddenly sounded in the distance. Two Black Hawk fighters rushed straight to the sky from the military defense zone and came to the riot in the second half of the bridge. Without saying a word, they actually dropped two * with red warheads!

A dangerous premonition surged from the hearts of the three people and did not dare to neglect at all. The three quickly fell to the ground. The next moment, two flames rose to the sky...

In the sky, two * with long flame tails were like meteorites and smashed down. There were two loud noises. The two large groups of dazzling fire suddenly rose from the bridge and rolled up. The storm formed by a flame of dozens of meters spread away, and the black smoke rose up in the sky. The infected zombies and people who cried and howled The group, all of them are extinguished in these two *, and there may be a little ash left...

“...... Damn it!" Seeing this scene, the knight brother was nervously tough and couldn't help scolding his mother.

"Are these government officials all grown up eating shit? Unexpectedly, they will slaughter their own civilians. If these two * are thrown down, not to mention zombies and so on, how many people will be burned? Xiaopang also spit out angrily, "I hate these S.Bs who think they are superior and regard human lives as grass mustard!"

Lin Xiao nodded and said:

"It's really a little vicious... As long as the army reacts quickly, quickly advances the defense line, sprinkles a large number of floating equipment into the sea with planes, and orders the uninfected people to jump into the sea to escape, and then the army advances to block the route of these zombies, and build a defense network through tanks and machine gun bunkers. Among other things, at least the lives on this bridge is Keep it... Damn it! These two * were thrown down, but thousands of innocent people were burned to death!"

“...... No, I can imagine that those government officials can't imagine these obvious things. Of course, although this idea can save these people for a while, the area of the military defense zone is still so large, and there are still so many people who can protect... It seems that these people have decided to 'clean'!"

Although the zombie raid was Lin Xiao's handwriting, his original intention was to find a way to enter the military defense zone. Although he also considered this possibility, he did not expect that these government officials would really dare to risk the world to clean up their own people.

When the crisis comes, everyone has the mentality of seeking benefits and avoiding harm, and does not want death to fall on their own head. After all, if there is a choice, who will want to die? Living has always been one of the most primitive desires of living beings. Therefore, in the face of the possible destruction of their current safe living environment, those government officials will carry out cruel and bloody repression on the masses, saying that it is to protect the safety of the vast majority of the people and sacrifice the interests of a small number of people. To put it directly, it is to protect the lives of those in power, that's all... ....

Lin Xiao has never had much interest in the darkness of the political inside story. Even if she figured out this key, she just sneered and continued to look far away and look at the other side of the bridge.

In the previous "diving" game, although most people were washed into the sea by the river due to poor water quality and failed to land, and some dry ducks who "followed the wind" fluttered to the bottom of the water and became drowned ghosts, there were always a few lucky enough to swim to the other side. And in these chaotic crowds, the "duck zombies" that had been lurking in the water before finally found an opportunity to quietly touch the shore under Lin Xiao's order.

It has only been more than ten hours since the outbreak of the virus, so the government has not formed any strong protective circle that can surround the whole area. Most people's eyes are attracted by the riot bridge. Duck zombies swayed and easily penetrated into the military protection from the remote corners of abundant water and grass. In the protective area. And in the overcrowded military protected areas, the most indispensable are ordinary people...

A few minutes later, an imaginable sad scream came. In the originally quiet military reserve, there was a roar of firearms. Needless to doubt that the military reserve was also overcrowded. As long as there is a new source of infection, the spread of the virus is naturally extremely rapid. From Lin Xiao's point of view, you can happen to see a "body tide" that has just emerged and the crowd crying and running away.

This kind of biochemical virus infection, which has not yet been developed to deal with the abnormal speed of biochemical virus infection, can only last for more than a minute, not to mention ordinary people with weak physical resistance. After being bitten, it only takes dozens of seconds to complete the mutation and join the zombie army.

In front of the gradual formation of a large-scale "body tide", several explosion-proof policemen who had just gathered were soon torn apart like fallen leaves in the autumn wind. Seeing that the situation was about to escalate, a group of guys in camouflage clothes and green berets suddenly rushed out, with a total of ten people. With a shout, he raised the ferocious killer on his shoulder and burst out at the chaotic crowd and zombies!


A series of explosions sounded. From a distance, dozens of "fireworks" seemed to rise on the ground. Under the bombardment of this ferocious killer, whether it was hissing zombies, crying civilians, or even hard cement floors and buildings, all were blown into the sky!

These green berets that suddenly rushed out were actually carrying on their shoulders... Rocket gun?!

Of course, the real scientific name of this ferocious killer is anti-tank rocket launcher. The reason why it is called rocket launcher is just a bite.

Anti-tank rocket launcher is a portable anti-tank weapon that fires rockets. It mainly fires rocket armor-breaking shells, and can also launch rocket grenades or other rockets, which are used to attack armored targets, kill people and destroy fortifications at close range. The anti-tank rocket launcher was first manufactured by the Soviet Union in the late 1960s and was brilliant in the Fourth Middle East War. This weapon is generally used by two soldiers or individual soldiers, and mostly uses shoulder-resistant firing, and can also be kneeling or prone.

However, in the real world, anti-tank rocket launchers are mostly disposable weapons. Because the warhead is propelled by the reaction force of the rocket engine, the launcher does not withstand any pressure and recoil. The natural structure is simple and the cost is low, so that most of the anti-tank rocket launchers in the world are one-use, launchers and packaging cylinders are thrown away after launch, which is conducive to infantry light combat. In addition, the rocket launcher is originally a close attack weapon, relying on "one hammer to buy and sell". Once it hits, it will be done. Once it is not hit, it will be a series of preparations such as loading and aiming. It is too late to hit the second shot, which is also the reason why the rocket launcher adopts one more use type.

And here, Lin Xiao can see clearly that this group of guys in green berets fired at least three warheads in the rocket launcher on each person's shoulder, and the whole corner is nearly 1,000 square meters, and the whole "plow" one side!

“...... Your uncle, do you want to be so cruel!" Lin Xiao's mouth twitched and cursed fiercely, almost with the impulse to gritt his teeth. The commander of this base seemed to be decisive and ruthless to a certain level, completely regarded human life as grass mustard, and seemed not to care about the pressure of public opinion at all...

After a volley, the group of green beret soldiers disappeared into the building again. After waiting for a while, Lin Xiao finally took a deep breath and hid into the corner after seeing the rest of the riot police coming to clean up the messy battlefield.

"Well, through the experiment just now, the following information can be obtained... First, the defense of the municipal government is very tight! If you want to rush in, you are afraid that you will be bombarded and there is no scum left.

"Second: Those government officials have torn their faces and want to fan ordinary people and break down the military defense line is tantamount to a dream."

Third: In addition to the police, tanks, machine gun bunkers and other forces that can be seen in front of you, there are other hidden military forces in the military defense zone. This green beret guy is obviously a secret elite arm..."

Fourth: The internal defense force of the military defense zone is slightly insufficient. In the 'corpse tide' caused by duck zombies, after ordinary people were infected by zombies, it took three minutes for the explosion-proof police to come. Five minutes later, the green beret soldier just appeared..."

Seeing that Lin Xiao and the other two came over as if nothing had happened, the archer quietly gritted his teeth and asked:

"Did you do what you just did?"

"Yes, we did it," Lin Xiao nodded. "I told you before that I took a hidden task, which is just a test to complete the task."


The archer was originally ready to listen to Lin Xiao's nonsense. He didn't think that Lin Xiao would admit it so easily, but he was slightly stunned. After a moment, he gritted his teeth again and asked:

"Then are you going to do it again like just now? Bastard! I warn you that I have five survivors with me. Although I haven't met Land Rover and others, I'm afraid they are also nearby. You should be careful of public anger by doing this!"

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly:

"Don't worry, everything is inseparable. This method can no longer be used again. The other party must have formulated a response to this situation... So I decided to cross the river tonight and go to the opposite military defense zone!"

The archer was shocked. She really couldn't figure out Lin Xiao's thoughts and said carefully, "Can I act with you? Take the survivors I saved..."

"It's up to you." Lin Xiao answered so simply.