Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 030 Variation

As the white frozen airflow slowly dispersed, a huge ice cube up to more than two meters appeared in the steel container. The ice cube was crystal clear, revealing what was sealed inside.

It is a creature more than two meters tall, with a human appearance and shape, with golden tattoos on its forehead and cheeks. There is no gender, because the lower body of this creature is white and smooth, and there is no hair.

As the power was cut off, the ice quickly broke and cracked, and finally completely melted on the ground. The slender and fit body of that kind of human creature began to dissolve and decompose strangely, turning into a pool of seemingly harmless black water at a speed visible to the naked eye, disappearing and evaporating...

An adventurer carefully tried with a dagger stained with black water, but there was no special situation. There was neither acid-base reaction nor special smell, as if it were a pool of black ink.

The adventurer was also a fool. Seeing this situation, he shook the dagger with a boring face and just threw the black water on a pretty girl next to him. Then I saw that the girl's arm stained by black water blackened at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a black gas quickly spread upward. A young man next to him suddenly roared, waved the dagger in his hand without saying a word, and cut off the girl's whole arm fiercely!

"Puff", the blood light splashed, and an arm flew out in the girl's scream, spewing red blood from the wound, splashing several feet away.

Seeing the red blood, everyone gasped slightly. The red blood meant that the toxin had not invaded. Compared with his life, an arm was nothing. When they returned to the city, they could recover in minutes.

However, things are far from that simple. Just as she was about to help the girl bandage her wound, the sweaty girl's expression suddenly became stiff, and then a stream of black water gushed out of her eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Her eyes widened and her pupils contracted, as if she had seen the most horrible thing in the world. Her mouth was wide open, and there was a hen rattling in her throat...


In just a few seconds, the beautiful face of a girl named Sona was covered with black sewage, as if she had put on a strange face. He fell stiffly to the ground.

"I didn't mean it. This thing is obviously not dangerous..." In the face of the cannibal eyes of everyone, the originator trembled with fear and quickly whispered.

Phoenix's face was pale, her eyes were cold, and she said:

"You idiot! Is your head full of shit?!..."

"Look, Sona is moving again!" Someone exclaimed.

Saw Sona, a girl who had died in anger, unexpectedly opened her eyes blankly and slowly sat up.

"Sona, are you all right?" A young man who seems to be a girl's suitor said in surprise.

Sona turned her head, and her big black and white eyes had turned into dark pupils, staring at the crowd coldly. The original cute, innocent and generous temperament on her body that day disappeared, and was replaced by a strange and gloomy feeling.

Seeing this scene, everyone knew that the situation was wrong and stopped one after another and looked at the girl in front of them with surprise.

After a few seconds, the girl seemed to have adapted to the changes in her body, as if a sweet smile suddenly appeared on her face wearing a black mask and whispered:

"Zhang Yang, why are you standing so far? Hurry up and help me up."

"Sona? It's great that you're fine!" A young man named Zhang Yang showed a trace of joy on his face and strode to Sona. "You just scared me to death. I thought..."

"Why?" Sona continued to smile, but her eyes were strangely cold and indifferent, "Isn't it... Is that so?"

Before the voice fell, a black-red tubular fleshy tongue spur came out of Sona's mouth and suddenly bit the young man's neck. The straw tongue stained with thick saliva was extremely disgusting, the flesh wall contracted, and a stream of flesh was peristalted and sucked into Sona's body.

Seeing this scene, everything took a deep breath. There is no doubt that Sona has become a monster in human skin...

Phoenix's eyes were cold and he waved decisively, "Kill her!"

Almost in an instant, the sound of "da Da Da" sounded, which roared on the body of the young girl Sona, but could only make a wound the size of a wine cup, and black blood flowed from the wound, and then the wound grew sprouts one by one, healing and growing rapidly.

Sona, who was attacked, screamed, threw away the man in her hand, and her mouth was as wide as a flower. She suddenly cracked into four petals, revealing a mouthful of black teeth and came to everyone.

The tower shield defender named Tal took a step forward and was hugged by the mutant Sona in an instant. The two were close lovers and clung to each other. Although Tal's dark golden shield is not small, it can only cover the 180-degree dead angle in front of him, and there is still a huge gap behind it! But don't forget that Sona's attack range can include her tongue!

Although the tower shield blocked the mutant Sona's attack, the sharp tongue bypassed the shield's obstruction, and the sharp poisonous teeth penetrated deeply into him! It can be seen that the blue veins on Tal's forehead suddenly swelled, and the severe pain even made his eyes red!

"No!!" The woman's scream suddenly echoed, and an invisible spiritual shock wave spread, blowing the nearby confetti documents all over the sky.

And the team MT named Tal suddenly let out a deep muffled roar, and a snow flash flashed from the shield, as if tearing the darkness... It's as hot as burning people's eyes!

From Tal's shield, an indescribable shining light exploded, which instantly refracted in the whole underground hall. This dazzling light may not be as overwhelming as the sun, but it has lasted for a long time, while affecting and occupying the vision of all the eye-catching creatures near it. Remembrane. It's more like an arrow, like a thorn, like a gun! The temperature of the light was so hot that it directly ignited the flying documents and papers in the hall, and the red roar ignited the whole hall in an instant.

This light comes and goes quickly, and disappears after only two or three seconds! After this ability was used, the sun-shaped tower shield in Tal's hand was directly smaller and looked like a dark and ugly bottom of a washbasin.

The mutant Sona, who clung to the Tal Shield, was ignited by this light all over her body. The orange flame made her body crackle, and her limbs convulsed on the ground, and there was an unpleasant smell on the surface of her body. If you remove some cumin and Sichuan pepper noodles, it will be almost the same as the dry ribs on the shelf...

Obviously, this is the most powerful method at the core of the team, but the power is quite good, and even Lin Xiao is secretly shocked.