Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 032 Completed

He walked around behind the buttocks of a group of people in the wind team. Through the collected information and analysis of intelligence, Lin Xiao has roughly figured out the root cause of the outbreak of the virus crisis...

Difference from the protection/umbrella company that is crazy in the biochemical crisis and committed to turning the whole world into a big flesh and blood market, the origin of this incident is a spaceship that crashed on Earth and a ship of dead aliens. In the initial research, the body tissue of these aliens who were dissected and studied soon melted into a pool of harmless black water. Because of ignorance, scientists dumped a huge amount of "waste" into the Pacific Ocean, which covered the whole earth with the movement of ocean currents.

And with the gradual adaptation of "black water" to the microbial atmosphere, this worm from the universe finally revived... They are completely different from viruses and bacteria, with strong aggressiveness and devouring ability, and they have long been rooted in everyone's bodies. Even those who seem to be infected outside are already full of horrible insects, and one day they will break out.

At this time, Lin Xiao finally understood why the master gave a three-day mission limit, because the adventurer's body is also full of this kind of cosmic bug. Three days is the time for them to hatch...

This worm can't find a solution with the current technology of the earth, and it can't be cured. It does not need to be transmitted through the air, because it has long been lurking in everyone's body. When the mature body bites the immature body, it will wake up the dormant worms in these people's bodies and turn into new zombies. The only way is some kind of spray on the spacecraft, but it can only be suppressed and cannot be killed... And because of its "non-renewableness", this benefit is destined to have nothing to do with ordinary people.

In fact, sometimes you die in hope, but you have to follow better...

“...... Damn, what's going on! Couldn't those gang of Americans and Russians join forces to attack us?

"I think Americans are more likely. These guys were the first to come into contact with the lost spacecraft. Since 1950*, various secret experiments have been carried out in it, and the 'Super Warrior Project' has already surfaced... The question is, why did they attack us at this time?

"The results of the life scanner report have come out. There is no black water virus on these people. Obviously, they are super warriors of a certain country... The base was invaded by a group of super warriors, and the battle team was destroyed one by one. I don't know if it will cause any big trouble. At this time, the power supply system was cut off again. If someone hadn't deliberately done it, I wouldn't believe it!"


Just while this group of government officials were waiting anxiously, a panicked scream suddenly came from the microphone connected to the conference room:

"Ah... Ah, what is this?! Zombie? Run quickly... Ah..."

Listening to the creepy screams and chewing sounds from the other end of the microphone, a group of fat-eared legislators suddenly swallowed their mouths and looked at each other in contemptably:

"Impossible! How can zombies invade the base! You know, the defense power here is more than several times that outside! Coupled with the suppression of rocket soldiers, explosion-proof soldiers and tanks, even a fly can't fly in!"

"Have you forgotten those super warriors who broke in?" Someone looked ugly and said in a low voice, "These zombie viruses are probably brought in by these people."

A rosy middle-aged man was silent for a moment and said, "Order the soldiers to go to the power supply department as soon as possible to control the situation as soon as possible. Anyway, I want the power supply to be restored immediately!"

"Report! The power maintenance personnel are completely destroyed, and the soldiers may not be able to repair the fault..."

“...... Then go to hell!" A congressman was already red-eyed and looked at the correspondent whose face was pale by the fluorescent light of his mobile phone. He picked up a pistol with a ferocious face and shot the man in the head...

"Be quiet, everyone!" After a moment of confusion, several calm legislators finally came to their senses and shouted, "Two things are known now. The first is that an unknown super warrior invaded the base, and the other is that someone destroyed the power supply system. These two points are the top priority for us! Now that the power facility has been destroyed, coupled with the death virus outbreak inside the base, I suggest... We should evacuate immediately!"

"I agree with Mr. Ishida's suggestion that without the supply of electricity, the sleeping agent maintained by the air circulation system will lose its effect, and the dormant death virus will wake up soon. And tomorrow at the latest, the emperor and the U.S. government will send soldiers to take over the special man. Even if we can hold it, we will be deprived of our power! I propose that everyone leave immediately, retreat to the open sea airport, and issue a telegram immediately, saying..."

"I agree!"




If a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, the more powerful he is, the more afraid of death. Therefore, when danger comes, the first thing they think about is not to solve the problem, but to stay away from right and wrong...

A day passed in a blink of an eye. Outside the city hall, it was already dark, and there was only a blood-red sunset in the sky, which was beautiful and dazzling. On this day, Lin Xiao made a lot of arrangements. First of all, she learned about the internal layout of the city hall through "special" means. In addition, she communicated with two silent temporary teammates to customize the action plan for them, and then arranged the manual battle and the advance of the mutant zombie army through spiritual links. Attack... In a word, today is a busy and fulfilling day. The calm daily life is a turbulent undercurrent, like a thin volcano, waiting for an uncontrollable day.

As the power supply system was cut off by the backhand arranged by the Wind Team, Lin Xiao also roughly knew the purpose of these people. If expected, this powerful team should challenge the core task of today's world, and their next plan should be to arrive at the alien spacecraft by plane. Lost islands in the Pacific Ocean... Although he really wants to be with them, he has a lot of things at hand and can only part ways.

In the dark, Lin Xiao casually stunned a researcher, stripped off his clothes and put them on his body, turned into an ordinary scientific researcher, mixed in the crowd and walked to the place where Xiao Pang was studied.

At the door of the laboratory, I happened to meet a breathless and bloody knight.

"Your efficiency is a little slow~~"

"Damn! Have you been besieged by a group of people? I was almost shot!" Comrade Li Daniu rolled his eyes.

In the research room on the seventh underground, the air is cold and the air is cold. Looking around, it is a huge glassware that can't be overlooked. Among the utensils, there is a famous human with pale skin and a full body! These guys are soaked in **, including men and women, old and young. Roughly estimated, the number is at least 1,000!

"Why does this scene look similar to a biochemical crisis?" The knight muttered.

Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed slightly and flashed for a moment before saying:

"Japan is very close to the United States, and Japan has always been keen on the study of human and biological and chemical weapons. It is not surprising that there is such a base..." While talking, he has walked to a green flashing control platform and looked at it a few times. After a burst of operation, the closed biochemical chamber suddenly opened, and the pungent acid potion immediately flowed everywhere, and a head of research specimens fell out of it. Under the gaze of the two, with the collapse of the ice, these "corpses" gradually began to move with their hands and feet...

And with the release of these zombies, the master's prompt immediately sounded in their ears:

"Ding: You have completed the hidden mission 'secret biochemical base', and you have gained 2,000 points and 1 potential point."

"Haha, it's a fortune."

Compared with the corpse of aliens that will melt into ice, what the authorities are more worried about is that these secrets will be destroyed... The dog jumped over the wall in a hurry, and the rabbit was in a hurry and bit people. No one wanted to sit back and wait for death until the last moment. Since there is no way out, it is even more necessary to let go. Therefore, the secret research plan of the island country was established long before the outbreak of the biochemical crisis. These people, including men and women, old and young, had not become zombies when they were arrested, but... In the eyes of the white coat, there is no difference of the same kind. Anatomical research may be disgusting and guilty for the first time, but this is a dedication to the cause of science! For those in power, their own life is life, and the life of others is a piece of shit. You can step on it as you want. As long as you wipe your buttocks, who dares to say no?

Under the chilling silence, many citizens and prisoners were successively captured into research bases, soaked in special solutions, and turned into zombies for human anatomy and research. Externally, it was just an inconspicuous search notice in the newspaper's inconspicuous section. For this city with millions of people, several people are missing. The neighbors who are not a matter at all, who have never said hello, and whose parents don't make a phone call in a month, always come late after all the events... Life is like a coffee table full of cups. In this city, you are just a small wisp of smoke, perhaps only the wind will remember. Listen, a silent sigh in the dead of night...


Three minutes later, the backup power supply had just started, and a large group of biochemical zombies had roared and rushed out of the base laboratory. Seeing the bloody scene in the surveillance video, several government officials suddenly turned pale and gritted their teeth and said:

"evacuate quickly! Notify the Rocket Corps, carry out fire support, retreat to the sea airport, and wait for rescue!"

“...... Start the self-detonation system at the same time and send them to heaven in 10 minutes!"

Hearing this, everyone in the hall was shocked, and the needle fell quietly...