Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 013 Crocodile

However, as a giant crocodile infected with the corpse virus and blood, it is a giant beast that can even hunt large dinosaurs such as Cretaceous platypus. It has 51 points of physical strength, an additional 10,000 health points, and super hardened skin that can reduce 50% of the damage, so that it does not pay attention to these injuries at all. Up. Its cold golden pupils, only this prey boy in the water. In the long process of evolution, the principle that "ten birds in the forest is not as good as one bird" has long been deeply imprinted in its genes.

Bai Yu has no way out. In fact, Lao Huang has been close to 100 meters of him. As long as he starts the positioning conversion device, he can quickly escape from the giant crocodile. But this is not in line with his heart... His body and soul are trembling. As an ancient martial arts enhancer who firmly believes that he is invincible, it is a taboo to be timid before fighting. In addition, the bait task has not been completed. The best way to keep chasing this giant crocodile is to provoke it! There are many ways to provoke it, and the most direct one is to hurt it. This prehistoric beast has always been born with hatred.

"Ha ha, let's fight." Bai Yu took a deep breath, and his eyes were bright and full of fighting spirit.

At this time, the giant crocodile has entered a 10-meter attack range, and it quickly bites like lightning! The fishy wind rolled up layers of huge waves in the sea.

Bai Yu quickly dodged. He was 40 points agile and just dodged the attack of the giant crocodile. The rotten and bitter smell of meat in his big bloodthirsty mouth made him sick.

The giant crocodile bit empty, but there was still a back move. It swept over!

Bai Yu was first hit in the face by the big wave brought out by the giant tail of the giant crocodile, and then swept out more than 20 meters by a tail and fell into the heart of the river! It caused a series of exclamation from adventurers on the shore.

The giant crocodile rowed forward lazily, and its huge body entered the river again.

Everyone only felt a sudden pause and cramps. In the wide and turbid river, this giant crocodile is absolutely like a fish in water and dominates. Bai Yu is in danger.

Bai Yu's eyes, nose and mouth were bleeding, and he stood up from the river. The giant tail attack of the giant crocodile was definitely not a joke, and he directly pulled a piece of protective spirit worn on his waist into pieces! That's a B-level protective prop that can absorb 500 points of damage. You can imagine how terrible the killing power just now is! I'm afraid a two-story building can easily collapse.

Fortun, there is the existence of a dark shield, which makes him immune to dizziness, otherwise he is afraid he will drink a few mouthfuls of dirty river water. He gritted his teeth and swam quickly to the shallows and ran again.

"Left! Avoid it!" Lin Xiao shouted again.

Bai Yu gritted his teeth and fell to the right, avoiding the horrible mouth of the giant crocodile!

"Damn it! It's up to me, isn't it?" Bai Yu only felt a sense of courage, and he ignored the giant claws of the giant crocodile. Turn over and rush to the giant crocodile that smashed the huge waves in the sky.

The giant crocodile had just fallen into the water, and the water splash made it a little dizzy. Unprevently, Bai Yu rode on its neck like a monkey!

Bai Yu only felt evil and bold. He held the famous sword and dragon spring high and inserted it fiercely between the eyes of the giant crocodile!

He heard that between his eyes is the weakness of the crocodile. I don't know if it's right, but now he has to try his best to cause the greatest damage to escape.

The crocodile's horny skin is 5 cm thick. Ordinary bullets cannot be penetrated at all, and can absorb 50% of all kinds of damage, which can be called super defense. In contrast, there is only a kind of creature like a fat pig. What you may not know is that pigs are not afraid of snakes, because the venom of snakes cannot soak the thick fat layer under the pig's skin, so pigs can step on and eat poisonous snakes~~

However, under the attribute of Longquan's famous sword breaking the defense, the golden light flashed by, and the Longquan sword deeply pierced the skull of the giant crocodile and inserted it into the key part between its eyes!

The giant crocodile swayed violently, and the water splashed into the sky, forming a water mist, and the long-range sniper could not find the shooting angle.

Bai Yu did not stop, raised the Longquan sword again, and inserted a sword into the huge right eye of the giant crocodile with his backhand!

Although the giant crocodile's eyes are protected by thick eyelids, they were still stabbed to the bottom by Bai Yu's sword in front of the "sharp" attribute attached to the Longquan sword and deeply** into the brain!

The giant crocodile twisted its body painfully, and Bai Yu rode on it with grin, stirring hard, causing terrible damage in his right eye and brain!

At this time, Bai Yu suddenly felt that his body was light, his brain was blank, and the violent impact made him roll up inexplicably. It flew straight 30 meters and hit the embankment directly. The head is bleeding.

But he was pumped away again and fell into a dizzy state for 5 seconds. What's more, he was seriously injured by this tail killing, and the arm used to resist directly turned into a strange twisted shape like a twist, and the blood spewed out of his mouth was even mixed with black internal fragments.

Fortunately, the giant crocodile is also blind + headshot, which is in great pain and failed to take the opportunity to eat the dizzy white feather, which made everyone relieved.

The two sides struggled to stand up almost at the same time. Bai Yu swallowed a cheesecake and staggered to the preset location.

The giant crocodile went crazy, roared, and rushed to Bai Yu again!

It will tear up its opponent and grind its teeth with the bone of the ant. With his wisdom, he actually saw the purpose of the group of people on the shore for a long time, so he turned a blind eye to the other party's repeatedly provocative behavior, but now that he is injured, and the fierceness in its bones finally can't be suppressed. He just wants to tear all the enemies in front of him to pieces before he can't give up!

Both sides also chased and fled in confusion. Under the nervous gaze of everyone, Bai Yu finally rushed to the beach with blood all over his body.

The giant crocodile is now hateful of Bai Yu. Driven by crazy hatred, it finally gave up its fear of land and followed Bai Yu to the shore.

In fact, not long ago, this Yangtze crocodile was still the kind of cautious creature that couldn't hit and escape thousands of miles away, for fear of being accidentally caught by some white coats to make wallets, leather coats or boots. However, after it was infected with the corpse virus, its underdeveloped brain gradually evolved and its strength expanded rapidly. After enjoying a "meat-filled dumpling" meal, its courage also quickly increased. For Bai Yu, there is also a natural sense of superiority, and he bites tightly.

Bai Yu was overjoyed and ran wildly while bleeding his nose in front of him. Carry out the "bait" task. In fact, after arousing the anger of the giant beast, he no longer needed to seduce him, and the monster had already rushed to bite.

The giant crocodile followed, and the huge four claws left a string of huge heavy claw marks on the sand.

"Good!" Lei Heng said excitedly, and he punched the ground, which was his habitual action.

"I have studied the living habits of crocodiles, and one of its iron laws is that they must return along the same road when they return ashore. Let's start arranging it!" Thunder shouted.

"Monkey, you take someone to assist the knight, pester the giant crocodile, and delay as much as possible. We need enough time to set the trap." Someone ordered.

In front of the task, everyone is very active. Actively cooperate with the action. The temporary team of more than 40 people was like a clockworker and began to operate crazily.

Bai Yu ran wildly on the sand, and the giant crocodile chased after him. However, once the giant beast left the water, it soon withered. Bai Yu's speed had exceeded it at this time, so he was naturally not afraid.

In fact, what people are most afraid of is that they are bitten by the blood basin of the giant crocodile, dragged into the water, and then use the "ancestral" rolling and killing skills, that is, the immortals can't escape the corpses. In the water, it is the home of the giant crocodile.

And on land, it is the world of adventurers. The giant crocodile grabs and pats it. As long as it doesn't die immediately, it can be saved. Although the giant crocodile is powerful, it will not kill a long-prepared adventurer with a slap. Otherwise, everyone's better wash and go to bed as soon as possible...

The veteran with a sharp-billed monkey called "monkey" rushed over. A poison deeply pierced the relatively soft lower abdomen of the giant crocodile, gave the giant crocodile a mark of hatred, and then attracted it away.

Bai Yu took the opportunity to take a break and gasped. Lin Xiao ran over and gave him a treatment, and then the two blinked tacitly... In fact, Bai Yu, who cultivates his inner family's vitality, is no slower than Lin Xiao's, and even more sensitive to the perception of danger. But how can these adventurers hand over the points willingly without making a life-to-death posture?

The adventurer monkey jumped left and right in front of him, and the giant crocodile was crazy after repeatedly biting the air! It suddenly turned its head and rushed to the SUV where Bai Yu was! Who would have expected a huge crocodile's blood basin? Bite on that Land Rover SUV in one bite! The world-renowned Land Rover encountered a prehistoric giant crocodile, which was actually like paper paste, and the cab was directly bitten into an iron plate!

Such a horrible bite!

The giant crocodile roared, picked up the SUV and hit Bai Yu and others directly, but was easily avoided by everyone. Again, on the shore, after losing the instantaneous explosive speed, the giant crocodile may still be an unimaginable monster for ordinary people, but in the eyes of adventurers, it is already a slightly fierce lamb.

Wh! Feng Xiaoxi shot an arrow from afar, grabbed the gap between the giant crocodile's attack, and shot the other eye of the giant crocodile blind. The giant crocodile was taken away again, and all its eyesight was lost.

It screamed, no longer had the will to fight, and went furiously to the beach!

The crocodile has a strange intuition that it can accurately follow the landing route and return to the water without the help of vision!

But at this time, Lei Heng's arrangement was not ready, and the trap was only dug 2 meters deep.

Someone proposed to dig a trap on the shore at the beginning and was rejected by Lei Heng. Some people pointed out that the giant crocodile is very alert. Once someone is found to be building a lot on the shore, it will not go ashore at all. We can only wait for it to go ashore and dig a trap and set a trap on the way home.

This depth can't trap the crocodile. Seeing that it is about to escape from the trap and then into the deep water, it seems to return to the mountain tiger and the water dragon! With this lesson, it must be more difficult to be fooled by it!