Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 020 Black earthworm

"Garbage devourer, nature's porter - giant black earthworm." Lin Xiao quickly replied, "The body length is 100 meters, the diameter is about 7 meters, the weight is nearly 200 tons, the vitality is 8,000 points, and the defense is as high as 60 points!" There are two skills, one is to spray venom and the other is unclear. One of the largest murderous beasts in H city, you can eat 100 of you for breakfast! Although it has no attack skills, it doesn't need skills at all to deal with you and me. It just needs to crush it.

A pair of dogs and men and women were as scared as earth.

"How did you know so clearly?"

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes and said, "Have you never bought relevant mission information?"

The black earthworm was still flying into the air. Lin Xiao shouted, "Avoid it! It's going to crash!"

Xu Le hit the steering wheel, and the car turned quickly. It made a difficult floating move, drawing dozens of meters in parallel. Xu Le's level could not have done this kind of action, but at the critical moment, the burning flame on his body has covered the whole car, as if it had installed a stabilizer for the car, and it would not flip and dump at any high speed.

At the same time, the black earthworm finally stopped climbing, and its huge body fell like a collapsed mountain peak, hitting the open space 20 meters away from the Hummer, smashing a 100-meter-long tunnel.

The fierce impact shook the ground, and the ground rolled like a wave. The floor-to-ceiling windows of nearby buildings burst into crystal fragments all over the sky, colorful. The Hummer, which was drifting rapidly, could not stabilize its body and turned into the air.

Xu Le roared and slapped on the body of the car. The rolling body miraculously paused in the air, and then fell heavily. Then as soon as he stepped on the accelerator, the car drove away from the heavily affected area.

"Well done!" Lin Xiao gave a thumbs up.

The giant black earthworm failed to hit the car and roared angrily. A huge airflow spewed out of its mouth full of sharp teeth, forming a hurricane and swept to the crowd.

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows, and countless yellow sand dragons on the ground suddenly connected to grow into the air to form a boiling sand wall.

The hurricane hit the sand wall head-on and blew the sand wall to pieces. Xu Le had driven the car again and finally managed to avoid this round of wind wind wind.

"Mom! What should we do now?" The male prostitute wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The rabbit girl immediately interfaced: "Use communication to cheat it away!"

Lin Xiao looked at the woman with strange eyes:

"Its child has just been killed by you. How much do you think I can communicate with it in this situation? Transfer the target? Maybe I should immediately throw you out of the car and tell it that you are the culprit. What do you think of this method?

The rabbit girl was so scared that she dared not speak.

"What else can I do? Fight while running. We won't think about it if we don't kill it!" Lin Xiao raised the silver left wheel to the giant black earthworm behind.

Lao Huang Yima rushed down the car first and laughed, "If you want to fight, what are you afraid of?"

Everyone got out of the car one after another, put on a good posture and waited. Girls' resistance to this disgusting reptile monster has always been weaker. Therefore, Feng Xiaoxi was the first to take out the death sniper and raised his hand with a shot. Anyway, the target was huge and he was not afraid to hit the air.

A visible air fluctuation spread from the muzzle, which is a vacuum-like trajectory left by bullets flying too quickly in the air. The head of the giant black earthworm suddenly exploded with blood, and the blood and flesh the size of a basin exploded directly.

Chimoto Sakura also raised her head, blinked her silver-white eyes, and waved her hand to summon a silver-white liquid metal robot. The robot quickly ran and jumped to the back of the black earthworm, then closed its arms, melted into a slender cone, and inserted the silver drill into the back, and the formed drill rotated crazily into the depths of flesh and blood.

This can hurt the black earthworm very much. It howls and twists its body crazily. Every time it turns over, Feng Xiaoxi will attack its key weakness.

The high-speed rotating drill bit is like a hard-working dick on a woman. It drilled a ferocious hole in the body of the black earthworm at high speed, blood, deep, brave and fearless, until the blood water gushed out, as if a whale spit water and formed a huge bloody fountain above it.

"Infiltration!" With Chimoto Sakura's order, the metal robot turned into a silver stream of juice that penetrated into the black earthworm's body along the hole and condensed into it.

"Changes in combat form, hedgehog form!"

The silver juice first turned back into a silver metal human form, and then squatted, stretching out countless silver sharp spines on his body, like a humanoid hedgehog, stretching from the inside of the black earthworm and piercing the internal meat wall of the black earthworm.

The black earthworm screamed in pain, and its huge body rushed into the air, as powerful as a dragon. In the air, it suddenly lowered its head, rolled up and rushed to its abdomen, hitting its abdomen fiercely. The metal robot inside it instantly squeezed into a silver metal cake.

"Dad", Xu Le once again put on the AMP exoskeleton power mecha. Anyway, the mecha can automatically absorb solar energy and charge, which is not a problem at all. He spewed a depleted armor-piercing bullet in his left arm, and the high-power bullet that could easily put down a rhinoceros also caused great damage to the monster, almost blocking it from his waist.

Lao Huang roared and waved his hand to throw out the bloody axe. The axe rotated into a bloody aperture in the air, crossed a sad arc of light, and flew to kill the black earthworms. The skill rotary axe launched, and the skill slaughtered crazily.

This two skills are used together, and the axe shadow in the sky flies to cut black earthworms. Lao Huang's attack target was the previous injury of the black earthworm. Thirty-six axes were cut on its back, almost cutting off half of its body, so painful that the black earthworm rolled over and with pieces of sand flying.

On the other side, Lin Xiao has summoned a "fully armed" mummified warrior with * wrapped around his waist, with a typical "death but no life" momentum.

"Lao Huang!" Lin Xiao drank in a low price.

Lao Huang understood, grabbed the mummy warrior's legs, threw it out, and directly into the bloody wound of the black earthworm.

A large bundle of explosives ignited the lead was stuffed into the interior of the black earthworm. Once it exploded, its power was bound to be irresistible. At this time, the black earthworm came to its senses. It squirmed suddenly, but with the shaking of the black earthworm, most of the humanoid explosive bag stuffed into its body was shaken out by it again.

Seeing that the explosives could no longer blow up the black earthworm, a long silver hook suddenly shot out of the blood hole on its back, which just hooked the explosive and firmly grabbed the explosive back. It was the metal robot controlled by Chimoto Sakura.

"Well done!" Lin Xiao praised.


With a huge explosion, explosives exploded in the body of black earthworms. Its body had been cut into only half of the connection in the attack, and the explosives were put down at its wound. Under this explosion, the whole body was completely blown into two sections.

The body that was blown into two pieces beat wildly on the ground, stirring up the whole street.

Everyone stopped far away and looked at the shocking scene in front of them, waiting to open fire to repair the gun. Lin Xiao had shouted, "The earthworm cut in half will definitely not die, not to mention this monster. The best way to deal with it is to burn it clean!"

With that his hand had ignited a black flame, he strode to the black earthworm and slapped it. The black flames ignited, and the giant earthworms squirmed wildly in the flames, crashing the surroundings into a sea of fire before falling to the ground and dying.