Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 033 Red Lotus Teaching

"Ding: Triggering the hidden side mission, the conspiracy of the Red Lotus Sect."

"Honglian religion, born from the evil sect of Bailian religion, this time the virus crisis broke out in H city, and the Honglian sect secretly sneaked into H city. The map is unknown."

"This place is one of the secret strongholds of the Red Lotus Religion. Will it be destroyed?"

"Note: After destruction, the relationship with the Red Lotus Church will turn into an 'enemy' (previously neutral)."


Lin Xiao was not too surprised by these tips. In fact, Lin Xiao has found many things wrong since she came to this floor. It's really wrong... The corpses upstairs were deliberately piled together, the floor panels were smashed through, and there were five meat cocoon drenched with corpses here.

There is no connection between these things, and Lin Xiao will not believe it.

There is no doubt that the purpose of all these layouts is likely to allow the following five meat cocoon to absorb nutrients and thrive.

To be more precise, it is to let the monsters in the five cocoon absorb 'nutrients'.

Compared with the pursuit of the Honglian cult, Lin Xiao is more concerned about what benefits can be obtained after destroying these meat cocoon? If you can expect benefits to outweigh the risks, Lin Xiao naturally doesn't mind breaking these cocoon.

"I don't know what's inside?"

Despite the smelly blood on the ground, Lin Xiao slowly came to the edge of a meat cocoon.

Although he has not been sure for the time being whether the meat cocoon is similar to the biochemical weapon of the tracker in the biochemical crisis, or a mutant corpse brother, a ferocious monster, a butcher grafted by a human and corpse brother... But at least one thing is certain that it is definitely not a good thing - it is strange that organisms with carrion and corpse water as nutrients can be good things.

Stretch out your finger and pressed it hard on the surface. It is smooth and greasy, very thick and full of toughness.

Lin Xiao put her ear to the edge of the meat cocoon to listen again.


The whole meat cocoon suddenly shook, and a series of ** shaking sounds suddenly sounded in the meat cocoon. As if a sleeping poisonous snake woke up from hibernation, a needle-like dangerous tingling made Lin Xiao frown slightly.

It should be the one he just pressed, which woke up the dormant creature inside. Next, the shaking of the whole meat cocoon became more and more violent...

Soon, on the surface of the cocoon, you can see some obvious protrusions, and the creatures inside seem to be struggling to break the cocoon.

In this case, if it is placed in previous film and television works, if anyone accidentally encounters a situation like this monster breaking out of the cocoon, then this person will be 99 percent unlucky. The so-called death flag.

However, Lin Xiao will naturally not foolishly stand still and wait for the monster to come out. In fact, Lin Xiao made a plan to cut the grass and eradicate the roots at the beginning. As for what Honglian teaches, there will be no need to worry if there are more lice.

Lin Xiao is more interested in the purpose of these people than the pursuit of the Honglian cult...

So he decided to get rid of the monsters in the five meat cocoon before they woke up.

At this time, the monster in the meat cocoon also seemed to perceive Lin Xiao's murderous intention and squirmed faster. From a distance, he saw a human face slowly bulging on the bloody surface, and sharp claws stretched out from the inside to support the meat cocoon.

Just think of doing it, Lin Xiao raised the long knife directly. When the surface of the cocoon protrude again, he aimed at the protruding part and suddenly pricked it down.


The sharp blade suddenly pierced the cocoon.

The meat cocoon trembled violently and suddenly accelerated the struggle.

At the same time, several stinking light yellow water arrows quickly splashed out of the cut cracks on the meat cocoon. In these pale yellow **, a trace of blood red can be faintly seen.

Seeing that the monster in the meat cocoon had not been completely killed, Lin Xiao pulled out the knife and wanted to make it up again. At this moment, the whole meat cocoon trembled violently and cracked like this.


The pale yellow smell** in the meat cocoon suddenly gushed out and poured it on the ground. After **, the meat cocoon that was originally more than two meters high has completely sfaded.

There is a lot of wrinkled cocoon skin piled together, wet, and in the middle of this pile of cocoon skin, there is a faint protrusion, which squirms from time to time.

Obviously, Lin Xiao's casual knife repair just now failed to kill the monster in the meat cocoon.

When he walked to the protruding place, he picked up the cocoon skin wrapped around the monster with a knife. Before long, a humanoid creature was turned out of a pile of cocoon skin.

To Lin Xiao's surprise, there was a woman inside... a completely naked, long hair, fair skin, very beautiful young woman.

At this time, this woman, who has been about ten years old, is plucking her mouth, opening a pair of big watery eyes, praying on her face, and looking at Lin Xiao pitifully.

This woman's figure is really very hot, with white, finger-breaking soft skin, slender and straight thighs, plump buttocks, unbearable sexy waist, plump and round breasts, and the delicate red on the breasts, which is the best beauty. And although she has just come out of the stinky ** in the meat cocoon, she does not have that disgusting smell, but emits a faint fragrance.

She squatted on the ground weakly, and Lin Xiao could even clearly see the pink gap gently closing one by one... The longer she looked at it, the more Lin Xiao could feel the fatal attraction emanating from her. It's like big/ma to the addict, the collector's version of Playboy to the pervert, and the dry wood to the fire, that irresistible and inextricable state.

Gradually, Lin Xiao seemed to lose her mind, threw away *, reached out and stroked the pair of snow-white * tremblingly, kneaded them freely, and played with them freely... As Lin Xiao's movements increased, a ferocious murderous intention suddenly flashed in the beautiful woman's eyes, her pupils suddenly became dark, and the nails of her hands grew quickly.

"It's a pity..." Lin Xiao sighed gently and suddenly reached out and grabbed the beautiful girl's neck. Then, under the woman's panic, helpless and pitiful plea, she smiled, and a deep black flame suddenly ignited on her palm.


A bright flame ignited from his palm and quickly burned all over the beautiful girl's whole body, allowing the girl to scream and howling. Lin Xiao was also indifferent. In this way, she watched the girl from pleading to resentment, and then into a coke emitting a pungent smell...

"Ding: You kill a high-level evil weapon of the Red Lotus Sect, and you get 100 kill points."

"Ha, is it so valuable?" Lin Xiao muttered.

He bent down to pick up the hanging key on the body and was about to open it when a strange "rumbling" sound suddenly sounded above his head.

The death of the red lotus high-level evil weapon obviously stimulated the other four meat cocoons nearby, which suddenly trembled violently at the same time.


A water arrow splashed out on the left hand side, and the nearest cocoon suddenly cracked, and a white arm emerged from it. Judging from the thickness and length, it should be the arm of the delicate girl. Of course, it is not ruled out that the baby has just been deformed from Thailand...

If you don't stop doing anything, Lin Xiao will naturally not give them the opportunity to turn over. The knife shadow will fly over and cut down the remaining monsters. Although these monsters are not weaker than the third-order corpse brothers, they are temporarily promoted, so that their ability is not formed at all, and they are not much better than an ordinary person. So the knife was cut down and the head rolled.

The four red lotus corpses poured in the pool of blood are all female, but they are slightly different from the first woman. There was a corpse without arms, replaced by a pair of sickles like the forelimbs of a mantis. There is also a corpse with muscles comparable to Schwarzenegger, which is simply ridiculously strong. One of the most special corpses actually has a pair of huge flesh wings behind it...

Although Lin Xiao still doesn't know what these "evil weapons" are, he can at least be sure that since they can contribute 50 points of killing value, their strength is definitely stronger than that of ordinary senior corpses, and may have reached the level of small boss.

As for why they were killed so easily... It's probably because they haven't "developed" yet.

"Are these people followers of Honglianism?" Lin Xiao thought about it and summoned a silver treasure chest with the key.

"Ding: You got 500 points."

"Ding: You got the 'immortal flesh'. Meat cubes containing powerful life energy, the consequences of eating them are unknown, please take care of them by yourself. Recovery price: 800 points.

"Ding: You got a 'disabled diary'."