Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 035 Enemy of Ninja

Blue Sea, which belongs to the fourth team of the Yanhuang government's special team, has the ability to out-of-body and can carry out soul attacks.

It is worth mentioning that this is H city. Although the spread of the corpse virus has been temporarily controlled, the traffic intersections have also been blocked by the army. If necessary, the Yanhuang government will not be reluctant to give up one*.

In addition, Lin Xiao's mental scanning range is only 500 meters, which can only adapt to a small real-time battle. This is not a lost island, but an important city under the jurisdiction of the government, so it is also nonsense to raise an artificial satellite to the sky or something. It is definitely a matter of being shot down in minutes~~ In this way, the Blue Sea has become one of the forces that Lin Xiao must master.

Capture him and control him. His soul ability is definitely one of Lin Xiao's most needed abilities on this changing battlefield!

Of course, Lin Xiao has never thought of contacting the military in the current world to obtain intelligence information through their hands. However, Lin Xiao also knew that when the forces of the two sides are not equal, there is no "negotiation and compromise". If he is sent to the door, Lin Xiao's greatest possibility is to be * knocked down and then sent to the dissection table, the laboratory...

The ancients marched to fight, so-called fighting east and west, fighting cattle across mountains, etc., all of which were laid out and ambushed against the enemy on the basis of intelligence priority. How high can a black battle be? It's like a blind man touching an elephant and a blind man riding a horse. It's completely unreasonable to win and deserve to lose.

In modern times, the timeliness and accuracy of intelligence are also very important. Orders are conveyed more timely and the changes of war are more comprehensive. You have a half chance of winning first.

As long as you find the blue sea and rely on his soul out-of-body ability, you can quickly capture the enemy's movements. Make a simple metaphor to control the blue ocean, as if you have a plug-in that can "open the full screen to remove the fog of war" at any time, which has a very huge effect.


Maybe it's the soldier's "brainless". He didn't mean to pay attention to Lin Xiao's random excuses. He smiled honestly and said:

"Our Yanhuang Teuneng Team is the people's army, with iron bones and seven feet of gold. After May 4th, I shook the steel gun tightly, climbed over thousands of snowy mountains, and stepped over thousands of miles of dust! It is our firm belief to protect our country, and it is our unyielding soul..."

Lin Xiao: "..."

The soldier mainly performs reconnaissance and evacuation tasks here. Unfortunately, zombies are rampant in City H, and almost all those who can be evacuated have been evacuated. I'm afraid that those who can't get away will never get away. After a brief conversation, Brother Bing agreed to take Lin Xiao to see Lanhai, while Xiaobai Xiaohui continued to find his girlfriend, and the two groups of people separated.

I followed the soldier to the stationing point of the fourth team of the Yanhuang Special Energy Team. Not long after, there was a rustling sound on the walkie-talkie on the waist of the soldier.

"This is No. 17, please give instructions!"


Lin Xiao heard clearly that it was a very low male voice, saying that the main content was that the temporary station was invaded by the Japanese ninja team and asked all parties for prompt support.

hung up the walkie-talkie, and Brother Bing said in a low voice, "Comrade, it's very dangerous next. I can't take you to act with you for the time being."

Lin Xiao shook her head and smiled, "Don't underestimate me. I also bought a super potion on a treasure. Now it's time to hit ten... Besides, the blue sea is in trouble, how can I turn a blind eye to it? We are all brothers. Don't talk to each other.

"All right." Brother Bing was moved to tears and held Lin Xiao's hand tightly. "Comrade, thank you for your hard work!"

The two walked through high-rise buildings and arrived near a garage ten minutes later. From afar, you can already hear the roar of guns.

Seeing that the situation was critical, the soldier couldn't care about anything anymore. He ran out and crashed into the garage. Lin Xiao followed closely.

At the entrance of the escape channel, a member of the Yanhuang Teuneng team is fighting with more than a dozen soldiers at the entrance of the escape channel and the masked Dongying ninja.

A ninja in black rushed out of the entrance of the channel at a very fast speed.

A soldier raised his gun and shot him. The ninja jumped into the air fiercely and moved quickly and dexterally to avoid the soldier's bullets. He was in the air and showed a sharp dagger in his hand.

The dagger quietly crossed the soldier's throat, and the soldier's neck sprayed blood and fell down.

Although the soldier is also elite, but compared with ordinary people, he is really not an opponent of this kind of abnormal Dongying ninja. As soon as Lin Xiao rushed in, he had witnessed the two people cut their throats by the ninja in black, and the blood between his necks spewed out several meters away.

The ninja giggled and fell back to the ground, looking at the action and expression like a gorilla, with an extremely long arm and a fierce light in his eyes.

Several soldiers aimed their guns at the ninja in black at the same time. The ninja jumped backwards, and countless bullets roared past him. The soldiers are very experienced and know that the ninja's body is extremely fast, and it may not be useful to aim at it, but they can lock his moving space with a bullet screen.

No matter how flexible he is in the air, he always falls down.

At this moment, another ninja in black rushed out of the passage, with a black body as bright as iron, rushing against the bullet. The bullet hit him and made a "slam" metal sound.

Brother Bing roared and threw it from his waist to the other party.

A loud "boom" sound, * exploded on the ninja, and the steel ninja's body shook a few times, and nothing happened. But the iron color on his body gradually melted. Obviously, after suffering this explosion, some kind of energy consumption is huge and is no longer enough to support it.

However, he succeeded in helping the previous orangutan ninja attract all the firepower.

The black iron ninja made a fierce voice and retreated backwards with the previously landed orangutan ninja.

Lin Xiao rushed quickly and took out a silver left wheel at a distance of 17 or 18 meters and shot at the man in black. His bullets were much more lethal than the semi-automatic submachine guns rationed by these soldiers. The attached flame damage hit the tin ninja, and the burning tin ninja made a painful cry.

The other soldiers saw this and shot the tin ninja repeatedly, pouring bullets crazily.

The iron ninja's talent energy was quickly exhausted, and he could no longer support and protect himself. After only a few seconds, he was beaten into a hornet's nest on the spot.

The orangutan ninja here rushed to Lin Xiao angrily. Lin Xiao snorted coldly, raised his left arm, and punched the ninja.

Although the ninja is a dexterous specialty, his strength is not weak. Seeing Lin Xiao's punch, he grabbed his arm with a sneer. Unexpectedly, a dazzling eye suddenly broke out between Lin Xiao's wrists, and a huge force hit him.

The orangutan ninja's face changed greatly and immediately knew it was bad.

Lin Xiao also forgot which unlucky thing was killed by the thunderbolt of the wrist guard. Although she can't keep up with the pace of the battle now, it's still good to deal with these scum creatures.

"Thunder strike, active skill, trigger the internal thunder power, so that the next attack will be accompanied by 100+ weak damage from both sides. And cause 1 second of vertigo to the target, with a cooling time of 1 minute.

Although Lin Xiao's naked/makeup power is not high, he has also broken through 40 points under the bonus of various titles and equipment props. Although he is not as powerful as Lao Huang's as 80 points, it is more than enough to deal with this orangutan ninja, not to mention the damage bonus of thunder wrist guard. When the punch came out, the ninja immediately wailed and flew to the ceiling. However, the ninja's physique was not bad. Although he was injured under one blow, he was immortal. He stretched his hands back, grabbed the chandelier on the ceiling, climbed on it, spit blood and roared:

"Are you a special person of the Yanhuang Special Energy Force?"

It is impossible for ordinary people to punch like this.

"It's not the same as you." Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders and said lightly.

The silver left wheel shot into the air, hitting the big monkey desperately on the ceiling. Seeing that the situation was critical, the ninja hissed and rushed down to Lin Xiao again, and the dagger in his hand stabbed Lin Xiao's throat fiercely.

This person obviously hated Lin Xiao very much, and even tried to kill him with a shot.

Lin Xiao coldly watched his opponent attack, turned his left hand, and the evil bone dagger was in his hand and cut back against the mutant's dagger.


In the crisp sound, the evil bone dagger cut off the other party's dagger and followed the situation and pierced the palm of the ninja's hand.

Lin Xiao pulled in the opposite direction, and the three fingers of the orangutan ninja were cut off and screamed loudly in pain. Lin Xiao bullied her forward, first of which was a standard tactical action. Her knee hit the ninja's chest, forcing this guy to lower his head, and then the silver left wheel topped the ninja's head.

Lin Xiao said coldly, "Goodbye!"

The roaring bullet penetrated the head of the orangutan ninja and shot it from his forehead, leaving a blood hole slightly larger than peanuts. Then the bullet exploded in the back of the head, overturning the whole brain shell, and the blood spring shot instantly filled Lin Xiao's whole body.

Two jingles came from the master one after another, indicating that Lin Xiao was getting the killing value.

"If you kill a low-level ninja, you get 5 points of killing."

"Ding: You killed a Dongying ninja, milestone, 'Ninja Enemy' opens. Kill a total of 10 low-level ninjas, and the output damage accounts for 50% of the total damage, and will be rated as ninja. The reward is unknown.