Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 039 You know too much

"I'm exhausted. Let me lie down for a while. If there's anything, I'll listen."

The blue sea lay on the ground, sweating all over, as if it had just been fished out of the river. In an instant, it wet the floor under it, and lay on the ground like a dead dog, with no image.

Lin Xiao curled her lips and threw a piece of cheese produced by her.

I took it casually, and Blue Sea shook his head:

"This is the sequelae of my out-of-body. So many fierce people in the Yanhuang Special Energy Team have not come up with a solution, and so do you..."

The blue sea, who was chewing cheese randomly, suddenly widened, jumped up from the ground and stretched his body, unbelievably:

"Okay? The taste of this cheese is just so good, and it has such an effect!

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes:

"Get up when you're ready. There are still a lot of things to do... Well, first of all, let's introduce your special ability in detail.

"Well, I knew you wouldn't be so kind." Blue Sea devoured the recovery food and shook his head and sighed.

"The soul is out of the body... It's a strange special function. This ability was awakened when I was six years old. The brewing period before that was uncontrollable, so every once in a while, when I sleep, my soul will be out of my body, and then my parents will think that I am dead and cry in shock. After all, the old couple is a son like me, and they are naturally like a baby..."

"To the point!"

"Cough, well, in the state of out-of-body, my body will lose heartbeat and breathing, as if I were dead, and I have no defense against danger. Let's say it like the fish on the cutting board, which can only be slaughtered by others~~

"In addition, after so many years of exercise, I can control my power by myself. But every time my soul returns, it will make me fall into a period of weakness for a period of time, just like just now, my hands and feet are soft and my limbs are weak..."

"During the out-of-body period, I seemed to be in another space and could see many people and many things. But I don't have the ability to influence them. For example, I once planned to play in the bank's vault in a state of soul, but the fact is that I can't afford even a banknote in the soul state..."

Lin Xiao nodded and said:

"That is to say, in the state of soul out of mind, you can't control non-living objects, and the main way you fight is to act as a signal port, on the one hand, convey the enemy's next move to Erdo's mind, and on the other hand, it affects the enemy's soul in an emergency, that is, before I came out The current 'stuttering' phenomenon of the enemy from time to time..."

There was a trace of exclamation in Lanhai's eyes: "You're right. This is really my own way of fighting."

"I know." Lin Xiao asked again, "So, how long can your out-of-body state last? How wide is the scanning range? Can you find a specific person without being found?"

"In the state of soul out of mind, if I don't do anything, it's just the state of 'outside the gods', I can wander for three days, and my soul will be cold and stung for a long time, as if I were naked** standing in the ice and snow of the Siberian training camp for physical training. But every time I transmit information, or affect the other party's brain waves, it will consume my soul energy and shorten my out-of-body time.

"In the soul state, I am independent of another space. As long as I don't attack the enemy's brain waves, I won't be found."

"Finally, although my visual distance has increased significantly in the state, there is also a distance limit. The larger the scope of exploration, the more soul energy will be consumed."

Lin Xiao interrupted him and asked, "So, how long will it take to scan the whole H city?"

"Ten minutes." Blue Sea's eyes showed a trace of confusion and smiled.

"What if it's a search to locate some people?"

"Well, it's very difficult to find a needle in a sea of people." Blue Ocean hesitated.

"Ten pieces of cheese like that just now." Lin Xiao's face was expressionless.

"Deal!" Lan Hai smiled and said, "It's not that I blackmailed you. The main reason is that this kind of 'needle fishing in the sea' consumes soul energy. If I use too much, I will become an idiot~~"

"I'm really not blackmailing you. The car needs gasoline to run away. When have you seen a perpetual motion machine? I don't want to die of exhaustion."

"Don't worry." Lin Xiao rolled his eyes and said, "I just need your help to determine the location of some people. I won't let you die."

"That's a good relationship, haha."

With a pause, Lan Hai's face became serious and said in a low voice:

"I can help you... However, I am a soldier! I have vowed to my soul that I will never do anything wrong to Yanhuang! Therefore, no matter what you do, don't break through my bottom line, otherwise we can only meet at life and death.

Lin Xiao nodded and said seriously:

"I can guarantee this... There may be some differences in our actions, but the ultimate goal is the same.

Blue Ocean exhaled and asked curiously:

"Bear by the way, can you tell me something... Where on earth did you powers come from? What is the purpose?

Lin Xiao seemed to smile and said, "What is one plus one equal to?"

Blue Sea was stunned, his eyes turned around, and then said tentatively: "Equivalent to... Two?"

Lin Xiao smiled, his eyes were gloomy and strange, and said quietly, "You know too much."


"Do you believe that there are some translucent mysterious organizations in this seemingly comfortable world?"

"Do you know that the human eye can only see 5% of the world's matter through the visible light in the universe?"

"Whenever floods, earthquakes, fires and plagues come, will you stubbornly believe that these disasters are only due to natural disasters caused by changes in the land and climate change just by hearings?"

"Have you ever naively thought that in the vast universe, only the surface of the earth has signs of life?"

Blue Sea and several people were sweating coldly, "Hey, that's enough!"

"Are you the legendary Sebertan?"

Lin Xiao sneered and continued:

Who is the masterpiece of the Great Wall, the sun tomb in the desert, and the feng shui matrix arranged by the pyramids of ancient Egypt built by the First Emperor of Qin?"

"The mysterious wheat circle, who is implying something to us? Do we live in the world of Truman, and our every move is observed and talked about by others?

"Hehehe... The more you talk, the more ridiculous it becomes.

Comrade, this is a disease that should be cured! Are you tired of living in conspiracy theories and dreaming of unfounded dreams?

"Do you really think so?" Lin Xiao smiled faintly, and her smile was mysterious and strange, which made people uneasy all over.

“...... In 1999, the United States Space Administration discovered a strange astronomical vision of nine stars, and then major media began to broadcast the news that a comet would hit the earth. At that time, the level of technology mastered by human beings could not avoid this crisis. However, the comet suddenly deviated from its orbit when it was about to hit the earth. Rush out of the galaxy."

"In 1983, the British celestial research base found that an unknown black hole suddenly appeared near the earth's orbit. Just as the black hole was about to incorporate the earth into it, it suddenly disappeared in the Milky Way."

"In 1944, after a rainstorm on the Songhua River in northeast China, a dragon-shaped creature shaped like a folk description fell to the river..."

"In 1916, the American bomber Gray suddenly disappeared in the air, and 16 years later, in 1962, it suddenly appeared in the previous disappearing position. The pilot's appearance was the same as before, without any change."


"It is said that seeing is believing, but the eyes are really unreliable. For example, you suddenly stared at the watch pointer and suddenly felt that it stayed for more than a second; when you look at the same word for half a minute, you will slowly never remember it and become extremely strange; you pass by a super-fit girl in front of you, and your eyes move the same Shiyy's brain has passed like a bullet screen. It's infinitely wonderful, but he accidentally turned around~~ Ha ha, I'm sorry, it's a good day today.

Lin Xiao's eyes were cold and said quietly:

"So, sometimes it's best to be confused, and the more you know, the faster you die. As the old saying goes, those who are good at riding fall on horses, those who are good at water drown in water, those who are good at drinking are drunk, and those who are good at fighting are killed (Zhuang Zi. "The World").

"Life is rarely confused~~"

The three people in the blue sea said by a conspiracy theory keep wiping cold sweat:

“...... All right, you won!"