Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 052 The second drop of blood!

Unfortunately, the governor ignored the shouts of his companions. He raised his swollen hands with hard, closed his fingers, clenched his fists, and bent his arms... A few simple movements gave people an indescribable sense of power, and even the air around him set off ripples, as if they were held on everyone's heart, making his breathing stagnant.

He aimed his fist at the direction where Lao Chu stood, and the blood-red sea water under his body rotated at high speed. The shark around his body seemed to meet an invisible mixer in an instant. In an instant, it was completely mixed into pieces. At the front of his fist, a huge blood-red whirlpool was forming at high speed and expanding! There was even the sound of the sea rising and falling in everyone's ears.

A punch came out, a muffled thunder suddenly exploded in the air, and a storm suddenly came. Then the huge blood-red whirlpool shot straight at Lao Chu!

Where the whirlpool passed, the fierce and crazy shark was directly crushed like tofu and integrated into the whirlpool, which was invisibly more miserable. At the moment when the whirlpool flew to Lao Chu, the governor also opened his mouth. His snow-white sharp teeth and the inner wall of his throat with thick blood vessels were clearly visible. He seemed to He roared with all his strength, but he couldn't hear a sound. Only the resonance deep into the soul, roaring and shouting, fascinating.

But the people who quietly kept a little mind to watch the battle found that although the governor's whole body was as tall as before, his hands had been softly lowered, and they clearly felt the power and domineering less than a moment ago, like the blood-red punch, which actually absorbed the vitality and strength of this guy.

His bones crackled, and a large amount of black and red dead blood spewed out along the capillaries, rendering the surrounding air with a layer of blood.

In the face of the governor's obvious final blow, Chu Yuntian did not dare to neglect and quickly dodged and jumped next to a bus.

This bus, which once carried countless passengers and traveled back and forth on the earth, stood silently in place, motionless and as stable as Mount Tai. In this way, I met the huge bloody whirlpool that flew straight.


When the two collide, you can see the terrible blood-red light flying in the whirlpool, like mercury pouring out in all directions! The surface of the bus was corroded into iron powder, and the quartz glass collapsed in an instant, turned into thousands of fragments and fell down. The whole bus seemed to have been splashed with sulfuric acid, and a large number of bubbles emerged, which were completely ground into several pieces in a short time, dozens of pieces, and then were completely whirlpooled. A laborious dump.

Then I saw Lao Chu's figure swallowed up by the huge bloody whirlpool, and the sea was red in an instant! At this moment, Lao Chu even had time to cross his hands to stand in front of him. The bloody whirlpool exerted by the terrible ability of the muscle explosion launched after the transformation of the governor's stone giant blood rushed to Lao Chu's body fiercely at this moment, to remove his bones and tear his flesh and blood into pieces.

Unfortunately, Lao Chu still persisted tenaciously, and the bloody whirlpool lasted for nearly seven seconds before dissipating. However, in the stormy roll, Lao Chu's "quarter-firing" ability was launched again, rotating clockwise along the whirlpool and slowly removing the terrorist power in it. Even so, after returning to his human form, his body was still covered with dense wounds the size of a baby's mouth. At first glance, he looked like a bloody man, and his whole body was dripping blood.

The governor's bloodshot eyes protruded. He was already at the end of a strong crossbow, but at this time, he suddenly didn't know where his strength came from and rushed directly in the direction of Lao Chu, and there was really an endless crazy momentum.

The whirlpool of the sea where thousands of sharks surged and killed has dissipated with that punch, but in the same way, the governor's stoneman lineage transformed and finally failed under countless blows.

In the face of the burning life and the governor who was slaughtered again, Lao Chu also showed a serious and respectful look in his eyes, ignoring the bloody broken wounds. His eyes were cold, and a little green light began to gather on his hands. It seemed that the green light was quite heavy, as if the fireflies were flying in the air on a midsummer night. When the governor finally rushed to him, Lao Chu roared low, and the green light in his hand condensed into a green leaf growing on it. The wooden javelin of the branch suddenly threw it out!

The shooting gun seemed to fly fast, but it flew out in the air, dragging out a loop of air fluctuation spirals, as slow as fate, but resolutely as to break through the blockade of time and space!

With his throwing action, everyone suddenly felt that the wind was blowing on their faces. It seemed that the air in the whole space was directly drained by this gun, and it was even difficult to breathe!

The governor who strode stared in and stared. As soon as his fist was raised, his chest was pierced alive by the javelin! He stood still, with an indescribable look on his face. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to shout, but he couldn't make a sound.

The governor's bloody hands touched his chest, and it seemed that the javelin should be pulled out, but the part of the javelin in contact with his flesh and blood quickly grew vines and spread the woody texture. Then it can be clearly seen that the body of the javelin quickly dissolved and turned into a swell. The root of the tree was deeply implanted in his body, and then the dark green moss bark quickly spread cruelly to the governor's body surface and muscles, but in a few seconds, from a distance, the governor who was shot by the javelin turned into a huge and bulky green tree man!

With a "ka" sound, the governor roared and punched him in the chest, and the green leaves flew. The crack in the wound extends like a crack of wood. But the wild green vines on his body are endless like threads, sucking blood greedily like a parasite. The governor roared repeatedly and tore the green vines one by one, bringing out his own flesh and blood.

At this time, Lao Chu once again began to write a rune with mysterious power in the air with his fingers. This time, he only drew a symbol, but the surface of the symbol shone with a dazzling light.

If the dazzling light at dawn when the morning sun rises! It is full of a strong natural elf atmosphere.

Then the symbol began to rotate at high speed in the air. When the governor finally broke away from the vines and rushed over, the mysterious rune shot at an indescribable speed!

Pass directly through the body!

The high-speed rotating rune left a bowl-sized blood hole on the governor's chest, which passed through the body and could clearly see the opposite scene. And the area around the blood hole was burnt, and not a drop of blood splashed out!

The governor's physique was also extremely strong, and he continued to rush forward for more than ten meters, which showed an incredible look on his face and reached out to touch his chest. Of course, the result was empty. At this time, he trembled violently all over his body. He couldn't help looking up, touched Lao Chu's complex and pitiful eyes, and roared again.

Lao Chu's eyes condensed, and the fishman in the little yellow hat had touched the governor's side. He raised the sea stone trident with a thorn, and then jumped and disappeared into the air.

A large amount of dark red blood poured out, and the governor's eyes gradually dimmed. A red line appeared on his neck, and then blood gushed out of the red line. He pointed to Chu Yuntian and opened his mouth as if to say something, but he couldn't say it. He could see the dark red section of half of his tongue from the saliva and semi-solidified plasma in his completely sparse mouth!

"Wow..." There was such a long sigh from the governor's throat, and then he closed his eyes, and the sound of his huge body fell on the ground, splashing smoke and dust. And life left his body at this time.


"Finally it's over..." Even as an enemy, everyone couldn't help sighing softly.

The governor is dead...

This tells us a truth. No matter how thick the skin is, it can't stand the series of mixed doubles. If possible, the governor will never say "Mom hit me again".

Secondly, the impulse is the devil. With a knife on the head of the word sex, you have to endure it. Hide the knife in your heart and take the opportunity to jump out to bite people, instead of just like a gunfire. Learn from Han Xin, what is the humiliation of **? The expressionless face is over. Sometimes, being blown up can also grit your teeth and endure.

Finally, it's better to abandon integrity and so on... As the saying goes: starving to death is a small thing, but a loss of integrity is a big thing. ** or something, let it go. Flowers float and water flow, a kind of lovesickness, two places of idle sorrow...

Chu Yuntian looked at the governor's body, was silent for a moment, and then picked up the blood-colored key he dropped. Slowly get into the private space.

After the milk tea girl, the magical four stone man blood strengthener, the first MT of Yuntao team, governor, was killed by Chu Yuntian, the president of the alliance, after the humiliation of chrysanthemum and the pain of **. He became the second dead player of the Yuntao team.

As an opponent, he naturally can't wait for him to die, but the governor's indomitable spirit is also worthy of remembrance and respect.

"But Lao Chu really has a lot of cards." Lin Xiao muttered, "Summon the Templar Knight, Demon Fruit Ability, Tantric Handprint, Summon Pig-headed Man, Sister Feng Fishman in Yellow Hat, and the Last Killing Gun... Tut, if it's the enemy, how can I 'concoct' him?

Before Lin Xiao could finish sighing, Xu Le's angry shout came directly next to him:

"Damn, the opposite side seems to have eaten **, and suddenly became fierce!"