Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 054 Crazy Attack

However, although she killed Ali, Chimoto Sakura was not unharmed. Her eyes slowly closed, and dark red blood and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes. Obviously, dragging the adventurer into the fantasy will put a huge burden on her eyes.

Such a strange killing is naturally frightening. However, with Ali's death, the attributes of the remaining members of the Yuntao team have increased by 10% again. With a 20% increase, it is enough to fight against multiple people to work together without falling behind!

Chu Yuntian's face was solemn. He looked at the burning blood-colored smoke beside Jin Sheng sigh, and Ali's appearance appeared. He looked at Lin Xiao and said in a low voice:

"The ability of the aura of the other team can basically be determined... In this way, the previous battle plan must be completely rejected!"

"If you don't die by fighting a snake, you will suffer from it. Anyway, you must not let the tiger go back to the mountain today!"

"Well, the previous plan does need to be modified." Lin Xiao touched her chin and said, "Originally, I planned to break them and leave Xue Tao in the end and slowly concoct them, but now it seems that they must be the first to deal with him. As for the white robe, Yang Fan and so on, they are just thicker skin and have no attack power. They are not even as good as a 'super soldier'. Let them live for a while."

Jin Sheng sighed next to him and almost vomited blood: "I'm still standing next to me!" Don't reveal the battle plan so easily!"

Lin Xiao glanced at him and said disdainfully, "You? It's not cool to stay."


The battlefield situation is becoming more and more anxious.

Everyone was just surprised by Ali's strange death method, but what they really care about was the battle between Xue Tao and Lao Huang. It can be said that the victory or defeat between them even determined the outcome of the final team battle!

The blood wave's eyes were cold, and the handle of the knife in his hand fell down, and a circle of dust waves visible to the naked eye spread. Suddenly, several buses were suddenly trembled by a power of Pei Mo's control. In the sound of "c click", a dark shadow ran out at an indescribable high speed, and he even dragged behind him. The deep blue cold light kept flashing, and the target pointed straight to the bloody yellow all over his body!

The blood wave has a mountain-like fierce evil spirit, and it seems that even the air will be broken! Because he ran too fast, there was still dust in the rear that could not fall for a long time, as if a long dragon winding towards him!

"Blood Sprint!!" Thunder tyrant bloodline, through pumping blood to obtain strong explosive power, C-level auxiliary skills.)

Yunta is not a fool. The successive deaths of his teammates have put great pressure on him. Although he really wants to support others, he understands a truth - never leave your back to your enemies in battle! What's more, Lao Huang, who made him feel deeply dangerous, and the result of looking left and right is likely to be cut by the other party.

Therefore, Xue Tao made a decision in an instant and crushed and killed the man in front of him with powerful power! Give the other party a blow, and by the way, with the addition of the team's aura at the killing moment, improve your own attribute strength and expand your advantage.

How can Lao Huang, who just took over the task of acting as a "rock" and independently fight against the strongest player of the Yuntao team, have no confidence? As a melee hegemon who assumes the trust of everyone, how can he take on this heavy responsibility and deter the whole audience without a few brushes?!

He looked up at the bloody waves, and there was a sneer at the corners of his mouth, which was distorted by the strange contraction of the skin and flesh of his face in an instant!

He stepped out step by step, as if the giant bear had fallen from the tree, the cement floor cracked, and the gravel splashed. The next second, he also launched a charge and soared with desperate momentum.

"Barbaric collision!"

The two met in an instant, and the axes collided, creating a dazzling firelight. The turbulent waves of the confrontation turned into white smoke and even blew over the nearby Zhongba!

Both of them's hands and palms were torn in the collision, blood flowed, and they snorted, and they staggered back at the same time. The first confrontation, up and down!


Realizing that ordinary attacks alone cannot be won, and the attributes cannot be suppressed. Xue Tao's eyes suddenly turned blood red, even shining like a light bulb! The body also immediately expanded and huge, and the back also became cringe. The skin also became black and flowing metal luster, and the body was covered with a faint black light!

Not only that, but the next second his nails also ejected out with an elongated sound, sharp as a terrible steel blade, and with a slight friction, it hit an indescribable spark!

The sharp claws of Wolverine!

This terrible man was so decisive that he saw that the brute force could not defeat his opponent, so he instantly transformed and turned into the "demon demon Luohu" in Indian myths and legends. Lao Huang just rushed to him. The terrible monster's arms danced at a speed beyond the speed of sound and turned into dozens of indistinguishable murder weapons. , put the old yellow in the shadow of death!

In the eyes of the Yuntao team, Lao Huang, who has fallen into a state of crazy storming, is undoubtedly a complete dead man!! In this violent demon state, Xue Tao can even divide a cow alive in three seconds! Dismember it into hundreds of pieces of uniform size!

Lao Huang stamped his foot and the ground cracked and trembled. Although it caused damage to Xue Tao, something helpless happened. The master actually gave a ruthless hint at this time:

"The target you attacked has fallen into a state of violent transformation: immune to vertigo and fly effects."

Ten sharp black nails with black light, which were as dense and crazy as a downpour. The old yellow face was dug in the front, and if it was immediately scratched from top to bottom like five daggers, the skin of the wound rolled up, black and ulcerated, looking extremely sad and fierce.

"Daw! It turned out to be a critical strike! He must have used some ability to hit a critical strike with every damage!" Lao Huang roared unprepared and suffered a loss.

The blood Tao, which turned into a demon ghost, abandoned the knife, danced wildly with his hands, and the attack speed exploded. Under the time to respond at all, Lao Huang was fiercely cut by several claws again. His face was full of blood and blood was blurred, and even his left eye was directly cut out, and the black water was mixed with blood. It flowed out of the bloody eyes and even penetrated into the mouth, with an irony bitterness.

In just a moment, the collision between the two sides entered a crazy, tragic and bloody fight!

Lao Huang was bloody and gasped slightly. The wound in the eyes even felt that the wind in the distance brought a fishy, salty and wet smell, which made ** the flesh and blood outside have a cone pain!

The severe pain did not make Lao Huang retreat. He suddenly waved a huge axe and launched an active skill to aim at the blood wave in front of him!

Active skill: bloody slaughter. Activate the sleeping axe soul, so that the next ordinary attack will ignore defense and cause serious injury to the enemy. Reduce treatment by 50%.

The axe cut out diagonally, and the huge axe with blood-colored ghosts directly scraped off a piece of blood and flesh, and blood soared out, but he pulled up with a fierce claw. The horrible black nails cut past and pulled off the three skins of the old yellow chest. The wound was also deeply visible bones, and even oozed out of the bones. Black.

This claw actually caused another critical strike!

Lao Huang roared angrily, and also did not retreat, attacking crazily! If you want to fight, fight for blood and life!

The strength and decisiveness of this blood Tao were completely beyond Lao Huang's expectation. He originally thought that he was a very deep and forbearable guy who could succeed in one blow, escape, or fight like a poisonous snake, and then find the opportunity to kill with one blow. However, the cruel facts were placed in front of me and suddenly turned into such a cruel and tragic offensive battle!

"What should I do?" Such an idea flashed through Lao Huang's mind. If you retreat at this time, you can completely avoid the crazy outbreak of the other party, but others are afraid that they will die. With the attack of Xue Tao, as long as you catch a weak guy, it is the rhythm of killing every minute!

And once the four-team league dies, it will be a devastating blow to the morale accumulated by everyone! It is likely that the previous layout will be ruined by the hard operation!

Under such circumstances, Lao Huang hit another claw on his face! The first claw was fiercely cut down from top to bottom, and at this time, this scratch swept by, scratching Lao Huang's face in the shape of a crisscrossing "well", and his face was full of blood, like a devil!

"Is it possible that I'm going to capp and die here in the sewer today?"

At this moment, Lao Huang, who was at an absolute disadvantage, suddenly felt that everything around him was still, as if only his heart was hitting wildly and surging in his chest!

"What am I afraid of? What am I hiding from?"

Lao Huang couldn't help questioning himself like this! There was a small "crack" sound in his ear, which was caused by anger to break capillaries! His remaining left eye seemed to burn up all of a sudden, as if he was going to burn up his hesitation and retreat completely!

"No, I still have teammates! And partners! I'm sure they won't let me down!"

Hesitation and retreat were just a moment of hesitation, and Lao Huang had made a decision - blood for blood and life for life! He believes that his teammates will not let him down!

At the same time, Lin Xiao's treatment also spilled in an instant. In the deep murmur, the magic turned into a little golden rain fog, and then penetrated into Lao Huang's body! Fill his health in an instant! However, it takes time for the physical injury to recover, and it can't be clear in an instant.

At the same time, Lao Huang got another claw! It should be that Xue Tao used some special props or abilities in the state of demons, and it can actually cause terrible critical damage to Lao Huang every time.