Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 062 Flesh War Puppet

"Ding: Trigger a random area mission - Fire Red Lotus!"

A map appears on the watch, with coordinates (622,878) as the center, circles a range of about 1 square kilometer:

"The task in this area is a semi-mandatory task, and only adventurers located in the area can receive it. After successful completion, 400-20 points of killing value will be rewarded according to different contributions. If the task fails, it will be punished by 50% of all current killing values."

"Mission introduction: Destroy the stronghold of the Red Lotus religion. Mission time limit: 60 minutes.

The second random area mission is triggered at this time, which is a matter of luck, and it is really not negotiable.

Do you dare not go? 50% of the killing value will be deducted, which will make you cry blind every minute!

"It seems that we have no choice," Lao Huang said. "It's not reliable to pin your hopes on others."

"Well, the punishment for failure of regional missions is too serious for us to afford it." Lin Xiao nodded and said, "It's just not very far from the mission coordinates, just about ten minutes away... Let's see what's going on first."

Naturally, everyone has no objection. Clean up their mood and rush to the trigger point of the regional task.

Ten minutes later, in front of a dilapidated teaching building.

Xu Le shouted, "Look, there are words on the blackboard."

In the open space in front of the teaching building, there is a small blackboard with a line of large words on the blackboard:

"Brothers, I'm one step ahead, and I hope you can forgive me! Wow ha ha~~ To put it weakly, downstairs are all my sons."

"In my appraisal, 1L is a joke."

"In 2L, talent is also."


There were a lot of ironic words written on that small blackboard, and it was not until the bottom that there was a more pertinent sentence:

The task in this area is limited to 60 minutes. It is inferred that there are two possibilities: first, the task target is in a state of transfer and is likely to leave at any time, and second, the task is less difficult and can be completed quickly. Looking forward to the future friend Haihan~~"

Six people looked at each other in contemptably, Lin Xiao said:

"Go ahead and have a look. No matter whether you can get the reward in the end, at least the regional task must be completed."

When everyone walked into the teaching building, there was a pungent smell. The corridor was very gloomy, and there were claw marks and dry blood on the floor. Silently talking about the horror that had happened here.

An obvious arrow was drawn with a dagger on the wall, and a line of small words were written below: "Death is like the wind, always with me!" - the wind team stayed.

Lin Xiao muttered:

"Everyone is divided into four groups of actions, and other places also need to check, take the communicator, and contact immediately if there is anything."

With simple discussion, everyone quickly divided the team. Lin Xiao and the knight silently formed a group of three, followed the marks made by the wind team on the wall and went up. On the way, his silent eyes were complicated, and he looked at Lin Xiao quietly, still wanting to speak...

In the last world, the two fought zombies together, did missions together, and had sex together. They thought they had found a "good man" entrusted for life, but they didn't think of it, but they were a tall, rich and handsome man disguised as a depressed prodigal son. Now, he has lost his chicken hair and turned into a phoenix, but he is still the pheasant and can only silently lick the wound in the corner. I don't deserve to say anything more.

Some things that you don't get are one thing, but it's another kind of pain to get and lose...

The knight and Xiao Pang also smelled the tricks between the two, looked at each other, and tacitly walked to the front to explore the way, leaving Lin Xiao and silence a small two-person world.

He silently bit his lip, secretly glanced at Lin Xiao, and suddenly took Lin Xiao's hand. Low voice:

"Don't talk, I just want to walk together for a memory that belongs to two people, and I won't pester you..."

"I'm not a casual person..."

At the end, Lin Xiao silently added in his heart, "I'm not a human being when I get up casually."

It's the most difficult to feel beauty, it's difficult to be a man, and it's even harder to be a man...

The four followed the mark made by the wind team and soon came to a wide place in a large staircase classroom. Because no bodies were seen along the way, and some hidden dangers were swept away by the "previous people", but the vigilance of the people was slightly relaxed. But at this time, the knight's face suddenly sank, and an indescribable smell of rotten smell came directly from his nose!

There was a loud bang, and the broken boards splashed everywhere! A huge black-handed axe split the wall of the wooden door and flew down! The axe surface of this axe is extremely wide, dark and at least the size of a round table. If you want to calculate the weight carefully, it will cost at least 200 kilograms! The little fat eyes walking in front of him immediately widened, and his fat body trembled violently. When the huge axe came, he finally came to his senses and reluctantly raised the fire axe in his right hand to block it. The fire axe was immediately blown out, and the huge axe blade that swept him directly swept him five or six meters and rolled on the ground. After a few hits on the pillar behind, it bounced back, and a mouthful of blood spewed out! It seems that several bones on the body have been broken!

It was not until the little fat man barely got up from the ground with grin, and the guy who waved the huge axe stepped out of the big classroom! The already shabby wooden door immediately scattered and flew out. This is a giant man wearing a black leather hood on his head. He is at least 220 meters tall. He also wears black leather gloves on his hands. ** The skin outside has clear suture marks. What's more strange is that his body surface actually appeared. More than ten centimeters long, blood-stained sharp iron thorns look like something parasitizes in his body, pushing the sharpness of these steel out of his body!

The giant roared like a beast in his throat and dragged the terrible murder weapon towards the four people. It gave people the feeling that his body was a shield, and the horrible murder weapon was worth protecting. There was a very unpleasant smell on its body, as if the body had decayed. After that, it was soaked in water. The smell is disgusting.

The situation was sudden, the crisis broke out, Lin Xiao's eyes narrowed, and the zombie guidebook was quickly launched.

"Fight puppet! The powerful corpse soldier transformed by the evil secret art of Honglian is an extremely evil existence. It is a monster that cuts off the strongest organs on many corpses and stitch together. Once it is made, it will not exist in this world for a long time, but it will not know fatigue and pain during its existence. Once it appears, it will be lifted It's a bloody storm of death!"

Necromancer biological characteristics 1: immune fear, disease, deformation, pain, bleeding and other effects.

Necromancer biological characteristics 2: Holy ability, props will inevitably cause double damage, flame ability and props will cause 1.5 times damage, and dark props and abilities will only cause 50% damage.

Fight puppet characteristics 1: strange power, 70% chance to hit an opponent with lower strength in a melee attack, 50% chance to hit an opponent equivalent to your own strength, and 10% chance to repel an opponent with higher power than yourself.

Fight puppet characteristics 2: Stacking, the flesh-and-blood puppet is a monster composed of many organs with corpses, so even if there is a loss of limbs, it will not affect its combat ability.

Fight puppet characteristics 3: tenacious, add an additional 1200 health limit, and have a 10% chance of absorbing 100 damage when subjected to physical attacks.

Fight puppet characteristics 4: The will is fragile, and this kind of guy who is completely unwise is easy to be enslaved... If you play with the soul better than the slave of the other party.