Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 069 Don't Send it

Unfortunately, such an injury was nothing to the Death Guard. It was silent, cut off its head with a sharp axe, and tried to cut a wound on the dark spider. The black juice splashed out and immediately corroded the nearby ground with more than a dozen large and small holes, and a pungent smoke floated in the air. .

Half of the body of the first death bodyguard was also corroded and black, and the weathered gravel fell down one by one. However, such an injury did not make it pause and cringe at all. His intact left hand grabbed a string of pearls* and punched it hard at the wound that had just been cut...

This is the sound of fists hitting flesh and blood.

Boom! This is the sound of pearl*explosion...

A string of 12 pearls* exploded at the same time, and the location of the explosion was in the flesh and blood of the big spider. It can be said that it suffered all the damage. The tragic end of this dark spider can be imagined.

It has only nearly half of its blood volume. After eating Lin Xiao's flame fountain, its blood volume has been on the verge of danger warning line. Now it is blown away by a string of * in his stomach, but it has been blown into flesh and blood all over the sky without humming, and the rain also splashed bananas around.

"Ding: You killed a four-level corpse brother, you got 50 kill points, and your current ranking is..."

Lin Xiao came out of the corner, picked up a falling key with dim silver light from the sticky flesh and blood on the ground, and casually summoned out a treasure chest.

Ding: You got the cobweb launcher. Disposable consumables, with a maximum action distance of 20 meters, cause 80% deceleration effect to the target after launch, and 10 points of corrosion and burning damage per second, lasting 10 seconds. During this period, adventurers trapped by cobwebs could not use any props. 1000 points can be redeemed."

Ding: You got the spider venomous gland X2. You can extract the spider toxin and apply it on the weapon, causing 20 additional toxin damage per attack, which will be invalid after 8 attacks.

Ding: You got a spider egg sac. The method of use is unknown, and the recovery price: 350 points.

In the urban carnival, the drop rate of monsters has increased significantly. The status of this kind of four-level corpse brother is equivalent to that of an ordinary little boss, so almost death must fall. Unfortunately, it is not because Lin Xiao killed alone, and there is also a certain shrinkage in rewards - anyway, Lin Xiao does not count on such things as fighting for luck.

After collecting the things, Lin Xiao slowly walked to the adventurer who was half hanging on the spider web.

"Help me, help me!" The adventurer was already desperate, but when he saw Lin Xiao's movements, he still held the last bit of luck in his heart and said hoarsely, "As long as you are willing to save me, you will be grateful after everything is done! Please save me for the sake of human beings!"

The adventurer's voice has been a little crying, "I can feel the hateful and dirty debris in my body devouring and growing!"

Lin Xiao was silent for a moment and suddenly said:

"With all due respect... Even if it saves you, in terms of your current injury, it is almost certain to die.

The organs in the body were swallowed and bitten. If it hadn't been for the strong desire to survive, the man would have collapsed and died in despair. Even so, this is comparable to the severe injury of three-degree burns all over the body, which is also incurable for adventurers. Even Lin Xiao can't launch a treatment. Because the physical repair effect takes time, his body has been eaten clean, like a seemingly strong balloon, which will explode with a gentle poke the next second.

A faint light flashed in the man's eyes and said bitterly:

"Even if I die, I want to die with dignity... For the sake of human beings, please help me!"

"So it is." Lin Xiao nodded, and there was also a sad look on his face. He sighed and approached the man and said, "You said so. You will be attacked by a spider and come to such a miserable end. Where is your usual vigilance and caution? I'm not talking about you. If you want to stay in the city for a long time, you have to change your personality. You can't be arrogant. With six eyesight and listening to all directions, primary school students know the truth, but when you come here, you forget..."

"hehe... Thank you for reminding me that I will definitely change it in the future.

"Well, it's great to know that mistakes can be corrected." Lin Xiao smiled and looked like a spring breeze, but her right hand held a dagger and firmly and powerfully pierced the man's chest.

"You!..." The trapped adventurer was about to crack, and his eyes instantly bleed, staring at Lin Xiao with endless grievances and indignation. It seems that he can't believe that this young man with a bright smile and looks harmless will kill himself while talking and laughing.

"Brother, it's time for you to wash and sleep," the smile on Lin Xiao's face has not changed at all. He is cheerful and gentle, and his tone is also as kind as the laughter between brothers. "Anyway, they are all dying people. Why waste a cherished prop? It's better to leave it to my brother and use everything."

"Why?! Why did you do this to me?! Haven't we already agreed? Where is the trust between people?" The adventurer turned a deaf ear and looked at Lin Xiao with endless resentment. If his eyes could kill people, Lin Xiao would have died 17 or 18 times.

The smile on Lin Xiao's face gradually disappeared, and her expression was plain and indifferent. "Since you want to hear the reason, I'll just say two."

"First of all, I am neither your companion nor your relative. Why should I save you? Just for your words, 'After everything is done, there must be a thank you'? Oh, it's a matter of life, but it's such a perfunctory attitude. Ask, your old name is Grandet, right?"


"Secondly, everyone is a person who begged for life on the tip of the knife. I don't believe how sincere you are. You are so eager to ask me to save you from trouble. Naturally, it is not for the purpose of 'die with dignity'. In fact, those who can live to this day are human spirits. You have become this honor. How can there be a decent way to die? From your reasons, eyes, desire to survive and the information I have obtained, can I guess like this... The bondage effect of the cobweb makes you unable to move, and you are also unable to use space props. But you have props in your hand that can forcibly leave the mission space and return to the adventurer's city. Because of your injury, you can cure... Holding the props that can survive in his hand, he is naturally unwilling to die, so he can survive under the pain until now. While begging me to help and play emotional cards for the sake of the same kind, he refused to agree to any substantial promise... I think the prop in your hand has an instantaneous transmission effect?

After listening to Lin Xiao's reason, the adventurer's head was already sweating coldly, and he didn't know whether he was anxious or painful. His lips purred a few times and suddenly cried:

"It's my lard! Brother, please raise your hand and let me live. I don't want to die. I really don't want to die! I promise that all the points and props belong to you except that prop..."

"Finally made up your mind?" Lin Xiao shook her head, "Unfortunate, I have also made up my mind..."

"You know that there is a big spider lurking under your feet, but you don't have any indications or warnings. What's the intention of allowing it to attack me? Presumably, it's also with the idea of gloating/pitting a cushion. It's natural to win. Even if you can't win, there is also a companion on Huangquan Road, so that you won't be lonely, right?

The adventurer opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. Because this is indeed his original intention, people in despair are often irrational madmen, and the dark side of their hearts is infinitely magnified, and there are not a few people who hold the idea of "I die, you die, everyone dies".

He used the strongest cards and killing moves to kill nearly half of the blood volume of the big spider, and then was easily knocked down and made a warm nest of flesh and blood for hatching the little spider. The pain of the little spider climbing and eating in his body had already made him crazy. There was only the last trace of clarity in his heart, but it was still hope to survive. It is the despair of dragging people to destroy together, but it is indistinguishable... So after seeing Lin Xiao approaching, he did not give any warnings and hints. One person suffered a loss, so don't mention the grievances and depression. The two suffered losses, at least they had a companion, as if the pain was shared into two in an instant. The taste was extremely sour...

Speaking later, there was no expression on Lin Xiao's face, "So from the beginning, you prompted me to make the final decision. In this case... You can go to hell."

The dagger in his hand cut across, and there was no imaginary blood splash. Only a yellow-green pus spewed out, and the adventurer's head fell to the ground, like a ripe watermelon. A dense thumb-sized spider crawled out of it, which made people's scalp numb and couldn't stop the chill.

His body and mind have been swallowed up by these little spiders. He should have died long ago. It's just an illusory idea that supported him...

Lin Xiao sighed slightly, and the soul of the flame next to him had floated over, stretching into a fire blanket, covering the little spider on the ground, and then heard a crackling explosion, and a faint crisp fragrance drifted away.

Although this adventurer had fallen into a state of extreme death before, it was Lin Xiao who made up for it in the end, so the master's hint soon appeared:

"Ding: You killed the number E3970, and you got 50 kill points."

That's the same in terms of killing value, Lin Xiao doesn't care much. Although the previous big spider was a four-level corpse brother, it was not because of Lin Xiao's independent killing, and the reward naturally shrank.

What Lin Xiao really cares about is the blood-red key floating on the body.

Pick up the key and summon a bloody treasure chest from the void. Suddenly, the choice of two out of five was once again placed in front of Lin Xiao.

quickly decided on the point option and directly entered more than 13,000 points. Lin Xiao once again determined the option to extract ten pieces of equipment from the adventurer's private space.

"You got an efficient hemostatic bandage..."

"You got the flesh and blood essence of zombies..."

"You got the Yangcheng Lake hairy crab..."
