Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 076 Fierce Battle

Unfortunately, this is the core stronghold of Honglian Religion. In addition to the traps along the way, the standing defense force is also extraordinary.

After Lin Xiao and others appeared, a group of red lotus followers soon rushed forward aggressively.

These Honglian religious people are quite dressed in ancient style. The men's cyan robes and headbands are tied, and the weapons used in their hands are three feet of green fronts. The women are also wearing palace belts, with long sleeves fluttering and clouds. It seems that he suddenly traveled to ancient times, giving people a sense of time and space chaos.

"Kill these outsiders!" The leader was a woman who wrapped her face in a black silk scarf, with a hot and concave and convex figure. What is ironic is that this woman holds one of the three pieces of a gypsy in her hand: the astrological crystal ball...

What makes Lin Xiao speechless is that one of the women is still wearing Aibu ECCO red high heels and walking "stepping" directly.

I thought you didn't eat human fireworks. It turned out that it was also an image project~~ mix and match style. The mix of ancient costumes and the West looks funny, but I don't know how strong it is. I can't help but fight. Maybe there is a chance to add appearance?


Long-range consumption and testing are naturally essential to deal with enemies with unknown capabilities.

In the early and middle stages, firearms can be described as a great killer, which can adapt to most of the terrain, and has both consumption and sniper capabilities. For children who dare not engage in close hand-to-hand combat, it is absolutely the best choice.

Primary entry-level firearms expertise, driving expertise and language expertise, these three have been strengthened by more than 90% of the people in the city. It may be a little exaggerated to say that the sharpshooter will never miss the target.

The first person to do it was an honest man. He looked at the rushing red lotus congregation with a dull face and silently took out a dark killer. Lin Xiao recognized it at a glance - the Italian SPAS15MIL battle shotgun.

He even remembers the specific data of this shotgun:

Name: SPAS-15

Type: Shotgun (combat shotgun)

Origin: Semi-automatic pumpable and magazine-supplied shotgun (combat shotgun) designed and produced by Luigi Franki of Italy, firing 12 caliber shotgun.

Full gun length: the buttstock unfolds 1000mm

stock folding 750mm

The empty gun weighs 3.9kg

Ball length 450mm

Bam box capacity 6rds

The power of the shotgun is needless to say. Dealing with large beasts is also a shot. If you hit an ordinary person, you will really understand what the rhythm of "porous holes" is...

In fact, this thing is one of the ordnance equipment that Lin Xiao and others came from the home world, but because it is not infinite but drug type, the price is naturally debatable.

The honest man took out the big killer and raised his hand with a shot. The dazzling firelight lit up in the cave, and a piece of fine lead bomb fanned out. The first three red lotus priests flew out at a faster speed than the charge, and rolled down the cliff along the rocky walls in screams.

But it is obvious that these red lotus followers are not ordinary people. Although they were shot and rolled down from the cliff, after howling a few times, they stood up again and continued to rush this way.

For the "presumptuousness" of the honest man, the leading woman should look quite unhappy. She immediately gave a sharp smile and then looked at the honest man with two eyes. The fierce expression on the honest man's face gradually melted at this moment, and then became confused. The masked woman's voice was cold and sharp, but now it suddenly becomes sweet and soft:

"You are tired, your body is tired, and your mind is more tired. If you turn your weapon, point the gun at your head, and then gently pull the trigger, you will be free and stay away from this noisy world..."

"Hypnosis?" This word immediately came to everyone's mind! I didn't expect that Honglianism is still a multifaceted church with all kinds of talents.

Seeing that the honest man was really hit, his hands trembled and turned the muzzle of the shotgun upside down. Zhou Jielun took a step forward to stop it, but the masked woman with a black scarf suddenly took out a piece of something from her arms and flicked her finger and saw a very thin and sharp thing flying over at high speed. Xiao Zhou snorted coldly. I grabbed it, and blood suddenly flowed from my fingers. This thing turned out to be a poker card made of gold wire and some unknown material!

can hurt the grass. The sharp edge of this poker card is estimated to be no less than the ordinary blade.

Several people looked at each other and dared to go to the H city where the corpse brothers are everywhere to fight the autumn wind. The red lotus religion should not be underestimated. A woman casually came out, who not only has mental hypnosis, but also a long-range attack method of playing cards, which is shocking enough.

However, for the grass, such an injury is only a skin injury, which does not hinder the action at all. The body has already adapted and continues to move forward. The face of the masked woman with a black scarf changed, and then her fingers flew out continuously. This time, three cards flew around and roared, cutting through the throat of the grass, chest, arms, and even deep into the flesh!

For ordinary people, this was already a fatal injury, but in the burst of blood, Zhou Jielun punched as if nothing had happened. She hit the woman's face and flew her two or three meters away. When the woman got up from the ground in great awkwardly, there were already a few ochre that was infiltrated on the black veil on her face. Obviously, either the nosebleeds is long, or the bleeding is seriously injured.

"Although I never take the initiative to take action against women, it definitely doesn't mean that you can take advantage of my kindness!"

After the woman was blown away, the honest man's state of being hypnotized suddenly relieved, and he looked at his hands blankly. But then he hugged his head and frowned with a painful expression. Obviously, it is a side effect of forced hypnosis.

At this time, Zhou Jielun pulled off the poker card tied to the surface of her body and threw it on the ground. On one side, Xin was impatient. A long gun arrived first, and then the gun came out like a dragon, pierced a red lotus believer who tried to sneak up, picked it up with a long gun and smashed it out fiercely.

The melee broke out in an instant.

Maybe he felt that Lin Xiao was very easy to bully. At the beginning of the scuffle, a Honglian Catholic came to Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao noticed that the woman was wrapped in a red, yellow and green headscarf. The veil was pure white, and there was a little red in the middle of her eyebrows, which looked like a cinnabar mole. She holds a crystal ball in her hand, which shows a deep purple color, which is strange and changes, as if it is changing rapidly into another world.

The woman looked at Lin Xiao and suddenly said coldly after a moment:

"Travelers from the unknown world, have you ever slaughtered the waiter of the Red Lotus Sect? Then get ready to be judged by fate."

Lin Xiao was slightly stunned and then understood, "You mean the evolutionary failure of those people in the residential area, right? Unfortunately, it is obvious that you have not mastered the essence of human transformation technology. I think it is because of the limited level of your master..."

The masked woman was furious and sneered:

"From the place where the sun rises to the place where the sun sets, I have never seen such an ignorant and arrogant fool like you. The greatness of the priest is also what you can guess randomly!"

As soon as her words fell, two high-speed rotating playing cards flew out of her palm. Unlike before, these two playing cards made a very sad sound while flying, which was fing.

The trajectory of these two cards in the air was already very ethereal, and they suddenly hit and flew back from both sides and cut. Lin Xiao was careless for a moment, and two long wounds were cut on his back, bleeding. What's more strange is that after hurting Lin Xiao, they continue to soar back in the air if they are spiritual, as if they will continue to cut in the next second!

Lin Xiao was not good at fighting back. In the face of the woman's flexible and ethereal attack, he chose the simplest and violent method - to rush forward, let the cards cut scars on his body, quickly hit the woman's face with a fist, and then made up and kicked the woman. He let out a sad scream and then turned into a rolling gourd.

Before the woman got up from the ground, a few square meters under her body pierced the surface of a few square meters, and grew wildly, stabbed her whole body and hung on it. Blood flowed down the stone thorns and quickly soaked the soil and dyed red. The woman's vitality was so strong that she didn't die for a moment. She smashed the crystal ball in her hand with blood on her forehead, and the blue star-like dreamy clouds immediately spread out and caged towards the woman's body.

When Lin Xiao saw this scene, she raised her hand and burst out with a shot. The power of revolver + heart attack + explosive bullet instantly bombed the woman's head, and the red and white meat splashed everywhere. The smoke drilled into the woman's body seemed to have lost its goal and began to dissipate.

Trouble or something is the most annoying~~ As a very lazy person, the trouble that can be avoided should be avoided as much as possible. If you really can't avoid it, then extinguish it at the source. This is Lin Xiao's code of conduct.

As for gentlemanly demeanor, it is not good for women to do things... Lin Xiao has never been good!

On the other side, Master Xin has rushed into the army and killed him. I have to say that the individual combat ability of the Wind Team is very strong, and the ordinary Honglian religious people are not enough. In a word, it is: there is no triple enemy!

These red lotus believers are many and powerful, and their abilities are also relatively strange and strange, such as hypnosis, charm, flying knives, curses, etc., but their overall strength is not high, and they have no strength to fight in the face of the raid of the Wind. So soon, two stitched flesh and blood war puppets stood in the flesh and blood workshop below, wrapped in black chains of egg thickness, and the left hand was transformed into a blood-stained sickle hook and swept towards everyone.

And on the other side, there is a red lotus religion "waiter of God" with black and red eyes, with a strange and tyrannical atmosphere all over.