Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 085 Sweeping

Everyone only felt that a blue light flashed in front of them, and the roots of the cold hair on their bodies were upside down, and then their scalps were numb and tight... Quietly, the electromagnetic pulse bomb has taken effect. Unfortunately, except for a flash of blue light, there was no expected explosion and thunder.


"Is this the end? It's teasing me."

The typical thunder and raindrops are small~~ Fortunately, the machine gun sentry tower has failed and successfully swept away the blocking target.

With a speechless mood, everyone broke into the villa.

The smooth ground covered with marble can clearly reflect the figure walking on it. Lin Xiao doubts whether the owner of this building will ask the servant to wear Japanese maid clothes... The retro decoration has the British style of the 18th century. If there is not a silent whistle tower machine gun standing in the hall, it is very much like a mansion of a British-American millionaire.

"It seems that the little ninja is also a human and has seven emotions and six desires." Lin Xiao sighed.

"What do you say?"

"Otherwise, why don't they grab a public toilet as a stronghold?"


A temporary action team of 11 people lost one person outside, and two people were injured just now, and the atmosphere of the team was slightly depressed.

Entering here, Xiao Su's sense has become clearer and clearer. He shouted, "The mission goal is in front of me, and I can feel that it is very close!"

The end was right in front of us, and no one wanted to give up halfway. Everyone looked at each other, cheered up a little, and formed an action column to walk forward. When passing through a corridor covered with wool carpets, Fang Lin, who had always seemed to be closing his eyes, suddenly opened his eyes, jumped up and shouted:

"East, 30 meters!"

The sound of shooting sounded, and there was no unique attack method of such ninjas in the middle, and it was a stormy baptism that greeted everyone. Although it is not fatal to hit the body, the pain will not be less.

It's just that everyone is not ordinary people, and their ability to dodge is also first-class. Under the command of Lin Xiao, after the bald Qiang desperately blocked a high-energy bomb shot with a black tower shield, the adventurer's counterattack also launched at the same time.

A thunderous gun suddenly sounded in the corridor!

However, the cap man protected in the team buttoned a g4/psg anti-material gun with silver light on the surface.

At this time, what he hit was a carefully selected tail stabilized tungsten heart arrow bullet, and a white light of the thickness of a flashlight shot out, which hit a shooting ninja straight up with a powerful blow. The white light splashed around and pushed him to fly seven or eight meters high, and exploded into a fierce fireworks mixed with flesh and blood!

The tail stabilizes the tungsten-heart arrow-shaped bouncing body, but the remaining momentum is still waning, spinning high and flying out like a shadow of death. Bo" penetrated the chest of another sniper ninja.

This blow was silent, and it felt like a ghost crept in. The high heat on the metal bullet body of the tail stabilized the tungsten-heart arrow-shaped bullet and even penetrated the heart of the guy, and even burned the blood vessels of the wound until two seconds. Only then did the blood happily break through this layer of weak obstacles.

Two birds with one stone!

The guy stood stiffly for a long time in astonishment, only felt the power in his body pass quickly. He lowered his head and looked at the hole in his chest in disbelief, and finally fell to the ground and died.


"Well done!"

Killing two birds with one stone, the adventurer made a beautiful kill, which successfully aroused the morale of the team.

Such small harassment continued for two more times. After being killed by the adventurers, the senior ninja of this stronghold finally couldn't sit still.

Through the front hall, I came to the private swimming pool in the backyard, next to which there were some precious flowers and trees planted with pleasant scenery.

When passing through here, a senior ninja suddenly stripped from the tree, as if a pool of ** was separated from the sea, quietly, and the black * cut open a black light and directly split the last person in the team.

The adventurer also reacted quickly and tried his best to dodge, but he was still stabbed, split from his left chest to his right abdomen, and was almost cut in the waist.

The adventurer broke out in a cold sweat and then became furious. Two canine teeth grew rapidly, protruding out of his lips, his muscles exploded and bulged, and blue-gray wolf hair drilled out of the pores, and his pupils turned into golden lines.

The werewolf bloodline is strengthened!

The adventurer rushed forward, clamped the samurai's long knife with his ribs, and then opened his long mouth and bit the neck of the upper ninja.

With a "poof" sound, the moment when the sharp teeth bite, it burst into a ball of white smoke and fell from a dead wood. It is the rumored double technique.

"Damn bug, you can't escape! I already smelled the smell on you!" The werewolf roared, and his hind legs ran wildly. In the mud splashed, he rushed to a snowwood tree like lightning and stabbed out his claws.

The blood light shot, the sedar trees trembled, and a figure fled out quickly.

Unfortunately, everyone has been ready for a long time. At the moment of escaping, a frost return symbol rotated and blew the sad wind, and then scratched the chest of Shangren first.

The damage of the frost return target is negligible, but the subsequent 30% deceleration effect and hidden passivity make the goods instantly exposed to the air. It's like a mouse that is used to drilling around in the sewer, and now it has been thrown naked into the sun! You can imagine what a storm will be that will greet him.

"Damn Chinese people!..."

The ninja only had time to make the last declaration of despair and was quickly killed under the siege of ten people.

At this time, Feng Xiaoxi closed her eyes slightly and quickly said, "At 3 o'clock, 50 meters away, there is another one!"

"Give it to me!" The werewolf roared, murderous and roared like thunder.

He and the bald Qiang are tacit teammates, and they can understand each other's meaning with just one look. The two quickly met, and then the bald man squeezed the werewolf's shoulder and threw him hard in the direction of three o'clock!

The werewolf brother rolled several times on his head and feet in the air, and the white gas exhaled from his mouth lingered like smoke. Then he bent his knees and buried his head, and fell steadily with one fist, hitting the ground like a weight, stirring up the mud and dust all over the sky. Then he bounced up and kicked the big tree in front of him.