Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 101 Deprivation

From the first thinness to the present, the gray wolf is as strong as a bullfight. Its growth history is not only a bloody and tearful family history, but also a food tasting recipe... From the pug outside Cairo to the winged flying demon wolf who secretly ate the phantom dragon egg in Avatar, his strength is no longer Wuxia Amon.

The only thing that remains unchanged is the cute little heart...

At this time, when he saw Lin Xiao angry, he rolled on the ground obediently and turned into a flying posture, carrying Lin Xiao to the sky and tracking the three silver wolves.

"Interesting, is mental shielding misleading... Unfortunately, I can only fool my eyes and nose.

Thousands of meters away, three figures are running and jumping in the city, which is enough to be worshipped by any parkour youth.

Unfortunately, these three people's faces are full of anxiety, and they look back from time to time while running, looking in panic.

"Stop, you can't escape." Qin Hao, a black-haired young man, stopped, gritted his teeth, and a ferociousness appeared in his eyes. "The other party is getting closer and closer. Since he can't run, let's fight. It's not known who will die!"

"Good!" Now that they made up their minds, the three of them no longer hesitated to stop, set up their defenses, calm down, and quietly wait for the arrival of the enemy.

Ten seconds later, a four-shoe burned a flame, and the magic wolf with a trace of sparks in its mouth and nose fell from the sky. The huge weight stepped on the ground at the landing point into a big pit, and gravel splashed.

The next moment, Lin Xiao jumped off the gray wolf and looked at the three people in front of him with a smile.

"I'm sorry, although I don't want to disturb your 'game', I'm really angry this time."

Captain Qin Hao took a deep breath and tried to show a sincere smile on his face:

"Dear strong man, this matter is our fault. Please raise your hand. We will give you a satisfactory answer."

"How to reply?" Lin Xiao took out the slap-sized sniper bullet and said lightly, "I robbed my monster and wanted to blow my head with a sniper gun. Is this your answer?"

Qin Hao smiled bitterly and was cautious all his life. Unexpectedly, he made a big mistake today. He accidentally kicked a large iron plate. The magic wolf alone was enough for three people to drink a pot. Unfortunately, something has happened, and regret is useless.

Trying to stir his brain, Qin Hao said with a smile, "Do you think so? 15,000 points, 1 B-level side plot, just take it as our compensation fee, and please raise your hand..."

Before the words fell, it was directly interrupted by Lin Xiao: "This is not a matter of compensation! But I'm very unhappy now, so I want you to be even more unhappy!"

Qin Hao frowned, "What do you want to do..."

Before he finished speaking, a long knife condensed into blood had pierced his chest.

Shocked, angry, unwilling, sad, these expressions instantly squeezed into a ball on his thin pale face.

He was so angry not only because of Lin Xiao's skin scoundrel, but also because of the bloody blade that pierced from his back and pierced out of his chest with a bright red flame... It is as beautiful as carved from crystal, attached to a thin layer of translucent blade without any blood, because they have been directly integrated into the blood blade.

hardly felt pain, but a cool and itchy feeling was sent into his body from outside the skin behind... Under the corrosion of the blood sword, the nerve responsible for transmitting the pain signal has burned down before it could operate, just like a person bitten by a great white shark. , they often find out what parts are missing after being fished up...

But the still-functioning spiritual scan faithfully reflected the situation of his body to the brain for the first time: he clearly saw how the blood-composed flame sword pierced his protective clothing, pierced the skin and tore the muscles to squeeze open blood vessels, and then accurately from the fourth section of the sixth thoracic vertebrae on the left side of the spine. The gap under the root ribs always enters...

It happened to pass by the edge of the heart without killing him, but the seemingly lost vitality made him quickly become extremely weak.

"Why?!" He turned his head sadly, but he was greeted with a pair of red and congested eyes.

"Spiritual control..." Lin Xiao said lightly, "I found that his mental strength was very low, so I broke through his spiritual defense while talking and controlled him." Lin Xiao said so.

Behin Hao, the silver wolf was raising his claws, staring at his blood-red eyes, gritting his teeth and stabbing into Qin Hao's back. Next to him, stood Yuan Hao with a shocked face. He looked at all this at a loss. After a few seconds, he remembered to pull the two away.

Hearing that his companions were only controlled instead of betraying him, Qin Hao was relieved, followed by anger, anger at Lin Xiao's indifference, iron-blooded coldness and playing with people's hearts!

"Bastard! Go to hell!"

Qin Hao opened the space bag, and in a "buzzing" sound, the surroundings were shining like stars, and the area of dozens of meters was full of artificial faint brilliance, all of which were as small metal films as atomic pen refills, with two thin wings, like extremely small helicopter propellers.

Hundreds of metal films rotated like bamboo dragonflies at a slow speed, standing still in the air of dozens of meters.

This is a weapon that interferes with radio waves. It refers to the seed structure of a osaurs distributed in Southeast Asia to allow it to float in mid-air. The original use is to hinder the propagation of electronic signals by interfering with electromagnetic waves.

But when its material is changed from a conductor metal to another metal, it has a completely different special effect...

It's like the positive and negative poles of the battery, the North and South Poles of the earth. These metals will form a disordered magnetic field area full of electrolytes in the distribution range. Wild geese and migratory birds need the guidance of the magnetic field. The same is true for human beings to move forward in the chaotic magnetic field as if they are drunk or walk with their eyes closed, and can't even do it. Complete action. And strong repulsion will also decompose the structure of human body cells and reduce them to the most basic hydrogen atoms...

This is the reason why Qin Hao has the confidence to challenge.

Whether you are an adventurer or an ordinary person, you can't last 30 seconds here. No matter how long it takes, you will be "teared" from the atomic level and disappear completely!

Qin Hao sneered. In his opinion, Lin Xiao must be unable to walk under the chaotic magnetic field. She is enduring the pain of being torn apart and can't even beg for mercy. However...

A finger had been raised in front of him at some point, and the curved slender index finger alienated into a sharp claw shining with cold light at a speed visible to the naked eye under his extremely clear direct view. Just like the old enemy of the Predator, the horrible cosmic alien. With a long tail piercing the target's chest, lift it to the front of him and give the other party an end blow with the inner nest teeth in the mouth...

Then, there will be no more.

A viper-like peck, the sharp and slender nail accurately pierces the orbit of the left eye and pierces the head through the upper part of the eyeball, accurately destroying some part of the nerves in the brain.

The dark-haired young man's face was twisted by tension, pain, excitement, anger and other emotions, and was replaced by an abnormal tame and meekness. I don't know when Lin Xiao has walked out of the decomposition field and stood in front of him unharmed.

Cerebral lobe resection - frontal lobotomy, which was previously used to treat schizophrenia, clinical depression, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder and other psychosis.

by Antonio Egas. Moniz invented it, which is said to have originated in ancient Egypt 5,000 years ago, for which he won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1949.

Walter Freeman improved the originally tedious operation. All he needed was a cone and a lever similar to an ice cone. After the patient was given an electric shock instead of drug anesthesia, the cone was chiseled into the brain through the upper part of the eyeball to destroy the corresponding nerves.

However, it turned out that this operation was so inhuman that it was completely abolished, because the treatment subjects were often impulsive after the operation, showing similar dementia and retardedness...

The same is true of the black-haired young man at this time. He has lost the ability to "think" after receiving the brain lobe white matter surgery suddenly attacked by Lin Xiao.

meek, tame, dull, dull... like a walking corpse.