Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 105 Countdown

Judging from the current situation, the corpse doll is still very "cute" when no one is provoked, sitting quietly in the leisure square in front of the library, squinting and basking in the sun. As for Lord Corpse King, it's better to stay in the library and learn foreign languages quietly~~

The three carefully came outside the library and soon found a simple survivor camp. These citizens who didn't have time to follow the withdrawal of the army are unkempt. Although they are a little decadent, they are still in order. There is a row of military tents in the open space, barrels of pure water transferred from other places, and dozens of soldiers with real guns and bullets patrol next to it. Alert also appeases the panicked hearts...

Walking to the camp, I smelled a seductive fragrance. Lin Xiao and the other two have been eating compressed biscuits and other food recently. In addition, they have consumed a lot of physical strength in the morning. Now they are hungry again. Seeing that there are quite a few people next to a simple stall next to them and smelling the fragrance coming, they can't help walking over. First, you can inquire about some news, and second, you can also satisfy your appetite, which is more in one fell swoop.

"There is a big block here? Could it be that my eyes are dazzled!" The bitch exaggerated.

A young man next to him laughed:

"You don't understand this, do you?"

The bitch looked solemn and arched his hand and said, "Please give me some advice!"

"Hey, brother is very funny." The young man explained, "Now City H is full of messy monsters. It's impossible to jump out with two short legs, so these people gather here waiting for the army to rescue by helicopters."

Speaking of this, the adventurer shook his head, "But the military is also afraid of the spread of the virus, so the slogan shouted like this. No helicopter has come in the past two days, but sent some soldiers here to maintain order to prevent *, hum, a typical psychology of a person in power who would rather kill a hundred or not let go of a hundred. ..... But people always have to eat, right? Although the food dropped by the army is sufficient, the taste is really not flattering.

The young man shrugged his shoulders and said:

"Then this sister-in-law Zhang set up a stall here and planned to make a lot of money."


The three people looked at each other and couldn't help sighing that the wisdom of working people to make a fortune is indeed infinite...

However, it doesn't matter if you can drink a bowl of fragrant and spicy soup in the morning at dusk with a few red tickets. Anyway, for the local tycoons, everything that can be solved with money is not a matter~~

This large row looks quite simple, cutting the military tent into a simple convertible, moving a few long oak tables from the library, and setting up stalls in this square. Obviously, if the hygiene standards are to be strictly implemented, it will be unqualified. However, by this time, it is obvious that no one cares about hygiene problems, and even the sky-high price has been silently accepted by people - I don't know if I can live to tomorrow. Why do you keep *?

Lin Xiao and the other three easily waited for a position. They all had a table with others. Although the table was wiped, the table was extremely greasy and thick. Before ordering, they saw a yellow and thin woman with a straight face and threw down a bowl with a bang. The water marks on the bowl were obvious. Obviously, the rest of the customers had just finished eating and rinsed with water. It's served.

Feng Xiaoxi frowned slightly and wanted the boss's wife to change a bowl. Although she had eaten in various dirty environments before, she couldn't choose after all. Now she can change it instead of cleaning it, that's s sloppy.

However, the yellow and thin woman was quite sharp. While talking, she had pulled a large aluminum bowl. The iron spoon scratched under the bowl, and then poured half a spoon of sticky ** into the bowl for Lin Xiao and the bitch. The ** is quite thick, mixed with many bright red and snow-white silk, bursts of heat rising, and there is an indescribable fragrance coming to the nose.

Lin Xiao and the bitch Bing naturally had no cleanliness fetish and smelled strange fragrance. They couldn't help but pick up the bowl and took a sip of the soup. They only felt that the soup in the mouth were silky and soft, and there was a strange fragrance mixed with seafood and mountain fresh food. With a slight chew, they found that there was a very "tough" fineness in the collision of their teeth. Silk, you need to exert force to chew it. It is very elastic and chewy, which is probably the fan added to it.

Seeing that Lin Xiao and the two were eating sweetly, Feng Xiaoxi couldn't help swallowing and spitting, and looked over pitifully with a pair of big watery eyes.

The yellow and thin woman looked at Feng Xiaoxi and still looked expressionless, but she took out a clean paper cup and bowl from her waist pocket and poured a bowl for the little girl.

Feng Xiaoxi smiled sweetly and said, "Thank you, aunt!"

The thin woman didn't appreciate it, but said blankly, "Add 50 yuan more for disposable tableware."


Perhaps because Lin Xiao drank this bowl of thick soup with the bottom of the pot, so when you swallow this fresh soup, you will find that after it slips from the surface of your tongue into your throat and into your belly, the aftertaste will have a faint burnt fragrance, which is really memorable.

"This." Lin Xiao looked carefully and immediately understood, "Isn't this quite a common 'bowling'?"

Bowls of wings can be said to be one of the most common street snacks in Hong Kong. In the past, they were usually sold by hawkers on the street, and they were named after being served in small bowls.

Although there is a shark fin in its name, there is no such precious ingredient in its ingredients. Strictly speaking, there are still some possibilities for chicken wings.

The main raw materials of the bowl wings in this big stall seem to be winter mushrooms, shredded meat, shredded ham, eggs, and vermicelli. These things have nothing special, but a thin layer of thicken after renting for three hours. But the main outstanding place should be the broth specially cooked by the boss.

Lin Xiao only felt that the aftertaste was endless and wanted to drink another bowl, so she raised the bowl and strongly asked for more. The yellow and thin woman had come over to collect the bowl, with a straight face as if Lin Xiao had come to eat for nothing. She threw down a hard "woody" and turned around and picked up a wooden basin full of bowls and chopsticks and left.

At this time, I saw a young man next to me who looked similar. He had lifted a large pot with a lid from the inside and moved it to the stove. The pot even had at least nearly 100 catties of soup in it, and the oil-stained wooden lid on it was steamed by water vapor. Gudu burst into white bubbles, emitting an indescribable fragrance.

Lin Xiao and the other two were surprised, but another one sat next to several people. The adventurer who often wandered between the market laughed and said, "There is something good to eat!"

It has been more than a day since adventurers came to H City, and it can be said that half of their adventure careers have passed. Remove all kinds of "unable" adventurers, and others are coming to the city library. Because of the random landing, it is obvious that some adventurers arrived here earlier than Lin Xiao and others.

A glance, there were seven or eight adventurers sitting at this stall of dozens of people. Of course, it may also be related to other people's reluctance to eat this bowl of hundreds of oceans of wings...

As soon as they saw this scene, some of the diners still sitting in their seats shook their heads and sighed and left silently. It seemed that they were shy. But the diners who were watching immediately filled the empty seats. He rubbed his hands and waited for the food to be served, and the sound of swallowing foam was endless.

Lin Xiao was curious and waited for a while. After a while, the yellow and thin woman came out with a calm face, took an oily and dirty notebook and half of the ballpoint pen with cracks, and asked each position in turn to start registration.

At this time, the three of them were confused and didn't know what they were going to eat. However, when it was their turn, they followed their deskmate and said, "Three catties of hind legs, fresh pepper sauce, and half a catty of miscellaneous pulls."

When a man with his arms covered brought a steaming bowl to everyone in sweat, it suddenly turned out to be boiled dog meat! No wonder some people refuse to eat, but the people who come to fill the vacant seats are flocking. Isn't the famous saying "dog meat rolling three immortals can't sit firmly" a false reputation?

The pot of dog meat in front of us was stewed very well. The bare dog skin and tendon meat burst out one by one, trembling in the air. The snow-white thick soup was sprinkled with green, white and tender green onions. Obviously, special ingredients were added when stewing. Although it was white, it was fragrant. The soup base Or the stewed yellow peas.

At this time, when I listened to the voice next to me, there was no one talking at all, and even a few ordinary soldiers were mixed in it. The sound of "snoring" eating meat and soup was like a symphony.

The previous half bowl of wings was nothing to the hungry three. At this time, when you swallowed your saliva, you could hear the echo of "gudong" falling into your stomach, and was driven by this atmosphere. As soon as you threw your chopsticks directly, you tore off a large ball of tendons on the dog's leg. After blowing a few times, you dipped it in the garlic sauce plate next to you and ate it. You can clearly feel the pleasant sound of cutting delicious muscle fibers from the teeth. The unique taste of dog meat and the smell of fat mixed with seasoning swallowed down, but the hand has involuntarily tore off the second piece.

Because the spicy sauce used for seasoning is slightly salty, after eating three pieces of stewed dog meat, the three of them were satisfied with a greasy hiccup and scooped a bowl of fresh soup to drink. Strictly speaking, the taste of the soup was light. It is estimated that only a little hairy salt was sprinkled to wash the aftertaste of the seasoning in the mouth. It's quite good. The peas on the bottom of the soup are soft and tender. They seem to rinse in the mouth and bounce slightly on the surface of the tongue. The powder inside are directly scattered and simply applied to the taste buds in the most direct way.

When the bitch Bing ate this dog meat, he regretted eating the third piece. When he ate the fifth piece, there was a strong resentment. After eating two more bites, he finally couldn't help shouting, "Boss, add three more pounds of dog meat for me!"

The yellow and thin woman came over and said coldly, "No."

B bitch Bing didn't follow: "Can't I add money?"

The yellow and thin woman is impatient and more fierce than the bitch: "There is no extra money! Eat and go!"

The bitch said with a shy face, "Then I'll make a reservation for the afternoon."

"There is no source of goods. There is only this inventory in total. Do you still want to book it? I won't do it after I finish this ticket."

In the face of such a tough boss's wife, the bitch can only eat meat, drink soup, and snore~~


After eating and drinking enough, everyone suddenly found that there was nothing to do - under the deterrence of the corpse doll, the wandering corpse brother did not dare to approach at all, so safety did not need to be considered for the time being. Lao Huang and others are also coming here. If they leave to earn killing value, they may miss it, which is also inappropriate.

After thinking for a while, Lin Xiao simply found a bench to lie down there, squinted and basked in the sun.

This leisure did not last long, and the three guys appeared in front of Lin Xiao.

"Handsome man, get up, I need your help!" The speaker was a member of the fifth team of the Yanhuang Special Energy Team, Miss Hei Changzhi, who had been separated for most of the day.

Lin Xiao opened his eyes and didn't say anything. He just looked at the three people with great interest.

"Hey, don't look at me like this. I won't have a super friendship with any of the same sex~~" Lan Hai spread out his hands and smiled bitterly, "Well, we didn't follow you. In fact, it's very simple to find you. After all, this is a yellow land. There are 13 east flying in the outer space orbit. Red satellite, it happens that we also have permissions in this regard, so it's normal to find you.

Speaking of this, Blue Sea's face gradually became serious and said in a low voice:

38 hours ago, a one-minute signal interference occurred on the global orbiting satellite, which is almost technically inexplainable. And in this minute, your group of people without ID cards, learning records, consumption records, or family members appeared. You are a group of people who do not exist!"

Seeing that Lin Xiao just looked at himself with a smile and no longer had any expression, Lan Hai could only roll his eyes helplessly and said:

"You don't know the seriousness of this problem... Yanhuang Tianchao attached great importance to this aspect, but unfortunately, there were nearly a thousand more 'non-existent' people in a few minutes, and each of them still had fantasy magic and strange power, and you happened to appear in a crazy city. Even fools knew that there was a problem in it~~ I think you know this pair of people in power What does it mean?"

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "It's very simple~~ If you are not from my family, their hearts will be different. Using the pretext of large-scale anti-terrorism operations, mobilize the army, kill the corpse brother, and secretly capture us 'non-existent' people, and then use all 18 kinds of torture and thirty-six kinds of **. It's best to pry open our mouths. It doesn't matter if we can't open them. Just kill them directly--"

Blue Ocean smiled bitterly:

"Don't you want to be so sharp? Well, in fact, nearly half of the people in the military hold this attitude. However, under the help of the general, he chose the second peaceful way... Although you have mysterious power, you do not destroy the property security of the country and people. Instead, you roam in the city and hunt mutated monsters. Those mutated monsters and ordinary soldiers are not opponents at all. Your existence can greatly relieve our pressure..."

At this time, Lin Xiao suddenly looked up and asked:

So you can't hold on? How long can it last?"

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you," Blue Sea sighed, "With less than a million people in H city, less than a few as many people have successfully evacuated, and the remaining citizens have become that kind of monster. If that's the case alone, it's fine. According to the latest images from the Oriental Red Satellite, these monsters devour each other's mutation rate. Accelerating, and the mutant beasts in the river are even bigger. If the military hadn't urgently mobilized the nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers at the South China Sea military base to block together, I'm afraid they would have broken through the defense line long ago. You should know that these monsters are contagious. If such a monster is allowed to rush into the ocean with almost unlimited food, then the destruction of the earth is imminent..."

"And our soldiers' combat ability is not the opponent of these monsters at all. Under such circumstances, it is almost impossible to recover H city. Therefore, for their own safety, countries around the world unanimously adopted an emergency agreement to force China to carry out strategic nuclear bombing of H city..."

Although this determination has been strongly protested and condemned by China's diplomatic spokesperson, but... The general trend." Lanhai shook his head, "In desperation, the senior management has made a decision to drop a 30 million equivalent* at 12 noon tomorrow to completely erase H city from the map..."

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao nodded admiringly and said:

"Yes, if you make a decision, that's what the powerful should do. If you don't take charge of the army, don't control the wealth, sacrifice the little self, and complete the big self."

Blue Sea only regarded it as irony and said with a wry smile:

"But the current situation is that there are at least tens of thousands of civilians in H city, and now there are also mutant beasts in the air. Ordinary helicopters can't fly at all, so..."

This is the rhythm of being cannon fodder.

"But we still have one last chance!" Lan Hai gritted his teeth and said, "That's why we came to you. Psychologists and sociologists conducted a Herces curve analysis of your behavior. Although they don't know your origin and identity, they can roughly infer the purpose and motivation behind your actions from the group behavior - something similar to a gladiator's disability. Cool competition elimination mechanism, and from the perspective of your action direction, the ultimate goal should be the corpse king in the library, right?

"Well, I can put the information of the corpse king dragon for you to read within the access, and you need to assist the power team to kill or grab the ancient slips on the body of the corpse king dragon before tomorrow's nuclear bomb bombing, which records the way to solve the crisis!"

"This is not only saving us, but also saving yourself!"
