Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 01 City of God

"In data analysis... The adventure world has been locked. Please be prepared.

At this time, a white light gate has appeared in the middle of the open space. Lin Xiao pulled Chimoto Sakura, took a deep breath, and stepped into it.

"The transmission begins..."

A strong sense of dizziness came, and the white light filled the sky and the earth. Lin Xiao lost consciousness...

"Start to enter the world of adventure..."

"Start matching data..."

"Start to assimilate the characters with the world..."

"Start to enter the 'City of God'..."

Cold, dark, wet, salty and wet blood, smelly urine, dirty excreta... At the moment when Lin Xiao regained consciousness, a strange and disgusting smell mixed with decay had poured into his nose.

Lin Xiao did not struggle, did not move, or even opened his eyes, but listened silently.

"The sound of dripping water, the thick gasp of men and women's 'mixed doubles', did not hear the flow of wind, giving people a depressing and dark feeling... Is this a dungeon?"

After making sure that no one observed herself, Lin Xiao silently opened her eyes and looked around - she curled up in a narrow cell that was not much bigger than a pigsty. A wooden bed covered with a yellow quilt occupied most of the space. The ground sewage flowed, coupled with a stinking wooden barrel in the corner, that was All the furniture here.

The cell has no window and no iron gate to block the view. It is similar to the ancient government, but completely different - it is made of unknown strange metal, and there are arc jumps on the surface from time to time.

The overhead and surroundings are all dark and silent rocks, and the preliminary judgment is that it is a geological structure similar to basalt.

Looking at the opposite side of the iron fence, you can see that this should be in the belly of the mountain, with a bright and dim chandelier hanging at the top, but it can't dispel the dark ink-like darkness around. Instead, it makes the space more and more depressed.

Pigeon cages were also chiseled on the mountain wall opposite, and the figures flashed inside, obviously the prisoners were locked up. I don't know if it's an adventurer or a plot character.

However, the most eye-catching is the man and woman under the dim yellow chandelier: a super giant nearly 2.5 meters tall, with nails reflecting the faint light in the upper body of **. He wore a triangular iron headgear on his head, covering his face, revealing only a pair of blood-red eyes... That dress is a terrible monster triangle in the Silent Hill!

Under her body, she was pressing a woman with snow-white and plump skin. Her triangular head pressed the woman on the oak table and stood behind her and kept sprinting rudely.

The woman's moan/crying is charming to the bone, spreading from far away, and from time to time shrugging her waist to cooperate with the greeting, which is extremely promiscuous.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is that the woman has a knife-cutting and axe-like face! If you put on the nurse's hat again, you will be a swollen-faced nurse!

Looking at the living spring/gong not far away, Lin Xiao was a little dizzy. Here... Where the hell is it?

The watch vibrated slightly, and Lin Xiao quickly looked down:

"Military Rank Mission: Extreme Leap. Current challenge area: Europe and the United States, adventure scene: City of God.

"Main Mission 1: Escape from Gamma Prison."

"Main Task 2: Not Opened."

Milestone opens.

Challible achievements: ecologists. Have a super-friendly relationship with any three non-human races.

"Challengable Achievement: Bomb Maniac. 100 civilians were killed with the production* of the current world.

Challengable Achievements: Fearless. You met and killed a powerful plot creature.

Challible Achievement: Hell's Messenger. You will spread evil and summon at least three hell demons with a magic array.

Challengeable achievements: spiritual bone craftsman. At least bring a rotten bone back to life.

"Challible achievements: evil elements. Kill five city patrolmen.

"Challengeable achievements: primate killers. Kill and dissect a primate with your own hands, and master its internal structure.

Challenge Achievement: Madman's Diary. Kill an adventurer in Europe and the United States and cut off his left ear to make a diary specimen.

"Other challenging achievements have not been unlocked, please explore by yourself."

"There seems to be something wrong." Lin Xiao rolled his eyes and said, "City of God? Why are the challenges and achievements all messy?

While complaining, Lin Xiao began to analyze and think quickly...

(City of God, which city of God is it?)

As far as Lin Xiao knows, there are two main things related to the City of God. One is the book City of God, a Christian book written by Augustine in ancient Rome. The other is the chaotic film City of God about the gangsters in Janeiro, Brazil. But at present, neither of them is in line with the current situation.

There is nothing suitable for the City of Angels, Sin City, etc. that can be slightly related.

(Triangular head, swollen-faced nurse, and challenging achievements. Obviously, it is a very dark world. Why is it called the City of God?)

(Maybe this is a fictional city?)

"No, the information is insufficient and cannot be analyzed for the time being." Lin Xiao shook his head and began to quickly analyze the current situation.

First of all, he is a prisoner and is imprisoned in a prison called "Gamma". The preliminary judgment of his geographical location is underground, so Shawshank's "30 years as a day" does not work...

Then, the triangle outside should act as a prison guard. Coupled with the fox-faced woman, think more about it. Are all abnormal creatures imprisoned here?

Finally, the main task is to escape from prison. But why escape? Is it a trap or a hidden hint?

From time to time, the surface of the iron fence is scratched with a silver arc engraved with mysterious patterns. Needless to say, it is obviously a kind of defense mechanism. I'm afraid it won't work to escape with a fist. Lin Xiao doesn't want to try the taste of electric shock.

What's more, the team channel can't be opened. Is Chimoto Sakura also in a nearby "cell"? Are there any European and American adventurers here? If so, will the person who comes from across the region be dominated by the reward? How can I not reveal my identity?

Lin Xiao blinked her eyes, and questions came to her mind one by one, which was quickly analyzed and solved. Finally, she found a relatively calm method - and so on!

It is difficult for a skillful woman to cook without rice, the limitation of space, and the limitation of the enemy. Lin Xiao can't make an effective layout without exposure. But if there are really other adventurers here, someone can't help but jump out and stir up the situation. After all, only muddy water can fish...

Time passed minute by in this strange silence. Only under the dim yellow chandelier, the two men and women who were still fighting made the crisp collision sound dark.

Twenty minutes later, with a sound shout from the swollen-faced nurse, the spring/gong opera was finally over.

The triangle head pulled back, dragged the huge axe, and started patrol again. The huge axe collided with the ground and rubbed out a fine spark.

There was a slight sound in the darkness. When the triangular head passed in front of Lin Xiao, his cellmate next door suddenly opened his mouth and said, "I..."

It is worth mentioning that in prison, the detection ability is limited, and the mental scan can't penetrate the iron fence, and it hurts like a needle when you touch it. That is to say, even adventurers in Europe and the United States have not weak detection methods, such as the crow summoned by the Drui and the Kilrog's eye that may be a warlock, their identity will not be exposed. So even if she really wanted to get some information from this triangle head, Lin Xiao still put up with it and quietly waited for others to "first".

What did not disappoint Lin Xiao was that his cellmate next door spoke quickly. Even if there was only one word "I", Lin Xiao quickly found an acquaintance, a very familiar guy, who once calculated everyone in the four-zone killing competition and designed his own man among pirates: Adam!

Europe and the United States, the cyan fantasy team!

After hearing only one word, Lin Xiao confirmed his identity as a cellmate, narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled, "It's really fate~~"

Adam is usually like a marble sculpture. He never opens his mouth without important things. He always stands behind the line with a blank face. No one knows what he is thinking.

No mouth, no mind, no expression, referred to as three nothing.

And now this guy who has been quiet suddenly makes a sound and seems to have something to say.

Lin Xiao, who was silently waiting for the opportunity, suddenly had a little interest...

What on earth is this man without glasses going to do?


My name is Adam... It's really troublesome to come to such an adventure world randomly created by the master. There is no relevant memory in my mind, which means that I can't overlook the whole. I can only carry out the layout step by step, and I can only do it safely step by step.

And the main task is to let me escape from here, that is to say, there will soon be some "unpleasant" things happen. It's better to take the initiative and determine your life.

Only by completing the layout as soon as possible can we take the initiative. So...

The triangle head is in charge of prison guard. The time it just did/love was 23 minutes and 46 seconds, as long as it has desire/exth. Then there is a chance to break through...

As a prisoner imprisoned in a pigsty, space limits my ability. I dare to guarantee that there will never be a good end to be content with the status quo. With my 22o IQ, I absolutely do not want to maintain this slave-like status, especially when there are many things waiting for me to explore the layout.

However, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and no matter how clever the wise man is, he also needs to implement the receptors of the plan. Unfortunately, there is no army, no team members, or even communication can be carried out, and the key is that my every move is monitored...

If you want to change the status quo, you must make a move to break the calm, and the only breakthrough point is on the triangle head.

Since this triangle head has a desire, there must be weaknesses, and naturally there is a possibility of being rebelled. Next, whether it is used to make other cellmates resist the situation first, or use it as a way to open the cage, you can grasp the initiative faster.

But if you want to fight for it, you must catch this before no other adventurer makes irreparable stupid things. After all, the first image is still very important.

According to the various information collected, I simulated various possible situations in my mind and judged that there was a 60% chance of success, so I finally chose to stand up.


It's just that before I finished my sentence, a powerful electric current has hit me hard, hitting me like a piece of soap and hitting the rock on my body. The body was paralyzed by electric shock, and the impact damaged the internal organs - although these injuries can be recovered within a few minutes.

After punishing me, the triangle head dragged the blood-stained axe and continued to leave step by step, as if I was just air and did not give me a chance to speak at all.

Obviously there is emotion and desire/desire, why can't you even listen to me a word?

Sitting back to ** and listening to the laughter of other cellmates, I couldn't understand the current situation at all. My brain was a little bloated for a moment.

According to psychological analysis and situation assessment, things should not develop like this at all. After all, the people I have done psychological counseling said with tears that I don't need to do it again after the world's top level. This time, I clearly have a 60% chance of success. How can I not even have time to say anything...< /P>