Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 028 Death

Their idea is not to be drunk today, but to endure. No matter how you beat the wind and rain, I have always put up with it! In the end, Bai Ren came true and transformed into a ninja turtle, which was a great success.

And the Chinese people think very differently. Chinese people pay attention to storing wealth and carrying a day for their parents, wives and children. Therefore, when the Asian market is close to saturation, many people will flock to work abroad to work. Just for that higher salary, they will silently endure the pain of leaving their hometown and the pain of displacement. They eat rice bran and swallow vegetables every day without regret.

Germans, Nordics and Caucasians are all white masters. Black people first came into contact with the whole world on slave ships in the era of navigation. Because of the isolation and economic backwardness, the status of yellow people is also very low...

Lin Xiao is not an honest child in the real world. He has made many friends of three teachings and nine streams, so he naturally knows something about this.

A drunken friend once said that he had worked abroad: the salary here in Australia is high, and the living consumption is not too high. If you work for a few more years, you can make a lot of money.

In recent years, many people who are not easy to develop in China have obtained Australian work visas through relationships and money. Many people can basically start a house in their hometown after working here for several years.

Of course, there are also many so-called international students who have come to Australia to study through those cheating institutions in China. In fact, they are all some unclass schools in Australia, and international students also work here with a nice name for studying abroad.

Chinese men are all like this. No matter how many grievances and hardships they have suffered in front of others, they still look like smiling when they return home. Of course, those cowardly who beat their wives are abolished (I think so).

“...... Life in Australia is not as tiring and depressing as at home, and it can make a lot of money, but other people's countries are other people's countries after all, and we have no status here. This is what the friend said.

"I still remember the eyes of those city people who looked down on us when we went to big cities."

"This kind of contempt makes me insist on staying in the city. I'm poor and have no money, so I have to live a better life!"

"There is a saying: you have been a successful person since you were born, because you defeated hundreds of millions of competitors~~"

"When you really go abroad, you will understand what discrimination is, especially for a sojourn like me who doesn't get a residence permit."

"In movies and TV series, including some social networking sites, it is always said that how high the quality of foreign countries is, how to respect foreigners, and how can foreigners be cultivated... These are all bullshit!"

"You should know that there is unique discrimination between Beijing and Shanghai, not to mention foreign countries that do not match their nationality, race, beliefs and identity. Maybe you are a bunch of people who occupy a block and pollute their urban environment and reduce their quality of life. Rubbish!"


Yes, they are very respectful, but only if they treat you as a person.

Before you have any special skills to make them commendable and have no ability to make them willing to sign a contract with you, such a Chinese who work at the bottom of their country is a group of dirty mice that invade other people's territory without quality and cultivation. The corpse was too lazy to call the police on the street and wasted his time drinking coffee!


In recent years, there have been a lot of people working abroad, and they can always bring back a large amount of money in a few years. But who knows the bitterness and suffering behind them?

If a person is foreign and speechless, and the money he earns is reluctant to eat and wear, will racism really be eliminated? In a white- supremacist country, yellow people and black people have always been low-level garbage.

Respect? Surface respect! Contempt in my bones!

Yes, there are people who have become famous, but how many? After thousands of years of world civilization, Einstein and Hawking have come out!

In the eyes of foreigners, 80% of Chinese are like garbage at the bottom of society.

And Lin Xiao, who used to be a member of the social scum, couldn't help sighing at this.


"And you, street boy! It must be you rats wandering on the street to do such a vicious thing!"

The red-haired beauty first scolded Michael's nose, turned her eyes, and then aimed at Lin Xiao. In her opinion, Edward with scissor hands can't provoke. The white, fat, black and thin duo is full of ruffians and unwilling to provoke. The German man, who has always been like a gentleman and has a straight waist, dares not provoke, then the last object of anger is Lin Xiao. There is no way. Who makes you alone and harmless~~< /P>

You don't need to deliberately understand some languages, because when they say it, there will be a contempt that is not aimed at individuals or even the whole race!

And this kind of contempt can never be felt when you live in China. Only when you walk out of this country will you understand what an important belonging and belief yellow people, Chinese and Chinese are!

To be honest, Lin Xiao is not a cynic. He is not the kind of fierce man who wants to take a watermelon knife and wear sandals all the way to * when his head is hot.

He is a very real person and doesn't like unnecessary fantasies. He always has to measure the pros and cons before taking action, so that everything he has a very "lazy" taste.

But this time... It's really unpleasant.

What should I do if I don't like it?

If you pass on this unpleasantness to others, you will naturally be happy.

That's what Lin Xiao thought, and that's exactly what he did.

He picked up the paper towel, slowly wiped the corners of his mouth, and then picked up the two-pointed forks of the stall owner. This is a... Well, the fork used to fork in the watermelon field~~

holding this rusty fork, Lin Xiao smiled and walked to the red-haired beauty.

"What do you want to do?" The red-haired beauty's face changed and said harshly, "Believe it or not, I'll call a car of people every minute, and then I'll hit you all over the ground looking for teeth!"

"Ha ha," Lin Xiao made a series of Michael's classic laughter, with slightly empty eyes, slowly stepped forward with a melancholy temperament similar to Edward, and said faintly, "Do you know? Suicide is actually a job with many choices..."

"The simplest and most common way is to cut wrists. Put a basin full of hot water in the bathroom and then cut a knife to your wrist. The warm water will quickly precipitate the blood in your body, and the wound will be paralyzed and reduce most of the pain. But the circumcision is relatively painful and the psychological pressure is relatively large, and 80% of people do not know the depth and location of the circumcision, leaving scars in vain.

"It is very easy to give up halfway to make a deep wound on your body, and it also requires a certain amount of patience and perseverance and professional knowledge. Due to the self-coagulation ability of platelets, most unqualified wounds will quickly scab and stop bleeding. At this time, another knife is needed..."

The second is sleeping pills. Many people think that taking sleeping pills is painless. In fact, taking pills is the most difficult. The drug will cause gastric stimulation and vomiting in the semi-sleep state. Because of nerve paralysis, people can't move. Vomit** will enter the lungs and nasal cavity, causing great breathing pain and lung burning. People can't move, but they have to suffer for about 15 minutes. Well, the so-called 'salvable time'.

The third kind, poison. First of all, the dose problem (in terms of chemicals you can come into contact with, gutter oil, Sanlu milk powder and so on), there are more side effects, such as convulsions, **, vomiting, incontinence, hematochezia, etc. According to Western Medicine, the probability of death after taking poison depends on the human detoxifier. Old and young officials. The traditional * of the Great Heaven is four hours of death, and it is very likely to produce severe ** and diarrhea symptoms in the last two hours. Ha ha."

The fourth, *. Conan's most common must-have medicine for killing and killing the mouth. One drop kills it immediately, and the effect is screaming. The taste is similar to the almond sauce you usually drink. Many people think that this thing is good. In fact, just a little bit of this thing will cause tongue burns and trachea contraction. People will suffer great pain, with crooked mouths and eyes, salivation, and then violent screams because of trachea contraction... Do you like it?"

After saying that, the trembling red-haired beauty answered, Lin Xiao said again:

"The fifth kind, electric shock. This can be regarded as the most accessible way in daily life, but this thing is very lucky. Sometimes it can be fatal, but sometimes it's nothing. I don't recommend it.

"The sixth kind, jumping into the river. The suffocation process is very long, maintaining consciousness for more than five minutes, and the chest is tight and short of breath, as if the body is filled with sand. In fact, this way of death is very similar to the pain endured alive and will suffer great pain.

"The seventh kind, hang yourself. Well, it seems that many people like this simple method. But the firmness of the rope is a problem, and it can't be chosen in crowded places. It is worth mentioning that people who hang themselves will instinctively struggle violently, causing their trousers to fall off.

The eighth kind, carbon monoxide (gas). To be honest, this is more difficult, because it is more difficult to die. When Kawabata Yasunari was in his 80s, he died four years after winning the Nobel Prize in Literature by stuffing the gas pipe directly into his throat. Generally, even if you stay overnight, you will be in a coma, incontinence, or become a vegetable at most. So if you want to die, it is recommended to starve yourself for a few days..."

"Ninth type: jumping off a building. Theoretically, the fastest and most painless way to die.

"The tenth kind, neck. If you cut the right position, the blood will spewing out two meters high. If you cut the wrong position, you will become a duck neck. Don't believe the set on TV. Generally, knives and swords can't cut the muscles around the neck. At this time, you need to use a knife, insert it accurately, and then gradually saw it horizontally. Ordinary people don't have this ability... I forgot to say that arteries and veins must be cut at the same time, otherwise you can enjoy more than half an hour of torture alone.

"The eleventh type is to commit suicide minute by minute. Well, the Japanese patent, when the knife is inserted, it will cause peritoneal shock and the pain can't continue, and the intestines will flow out, probably more than a bucket..."

"Well, these are the simplest methods, and I won't talk about the rest." Lin Xiao smiled and looked at the red-haired beauty, "So, tell me, which way do you choose to die?"