Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 038 Killing

But Lin Xiao obviously didn't intend to give him this recovery time...

Pressing the trigger of the single shotgun with his finger, Lin Xiao shook the long gun body down like throwing away blood stains. The still hot empty shell took the opportunity to bounce from the folded magazine into the void, falling to the gray ground with a faint smoke residue, splashing a handful of yellow sand.

Prepare and fill in.

In just five seconds, Lin Xiao has quickly taken out a special shot-type bullet, accurately filled it into the magazine and closed it with the swing of his wrist.

Before, his charge did not stop. At the moment it was loaded, he had come to the side of the big man. The breathing of both sides was clearly audible, and Lin Xiao could even hear the sound of the big man's blood splashing.

In the eyes of the vampire count who had just got up from the ground with a sour nose and tears, Lin Xiao did not retreat. At the moment he injured Benjamin, he quickly flew out and stabbed the "shotgun" into the lower side of the big man...

The blow, which was comparable to the shelling, was really powerful. A fierce explosion flash tore the sky and dazzled people's eyes.


No less than the cracking sound of thunder and a red flame spewed out of the black muzzle. Driven by the huge pressure of the shell, the hot 12 bullets tore the ribs of the big man at a speed of thousands of meters, and then rolled and bounced in his chest with huge kinetic energy.

The power of this blow is almost equivalent to being bombarded by a howitzer in the chest.

The body of the big man who was hit was blown into the air like hay, and the weight of nearly 200 pounds was as light as nothing at this moment. Under this fierce bombardment, although his chest was still intact from the outside, his lungs and heart inside had been stirred into a pile of mud.

But this is not the end yet. Because the big man still hasn't fallen. Even after this level of attack, the guy was still smiling, grinning, revealing his yellow teeth and rattling in his throat.

Lin Xiao could see clearly through the wound that the pile of erosion inside had begun to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the heart began to beat again in an instant.

However, Lin Xiao obviously doesn't want to give him this opportunity.


- the third shot that came one after another!

The revolver that causes double damage + the heart attack of the inevitable hit and critical strike, as well as the additional magic flame, the explosive blow of the silver left wheel, is not weaker than the damage just now.

Without waiting for the big man to react, this bullet with multiple damage accurately bombarded his head that had no time to react.

Lin Xiao originally thought he could shoot him in the head, but the result was that the big head was beyond imagination. Under such a bombardment, it still did not fully explode, but he was hit with a pit that was horrible but not pierced, but this still made him fall into an uncontrollable stiffness.

"Maybe it should have been shot into his eyes just now?" Lin Xiao thought so, but his stretched left hand had begun to alienate.

The red and black blood quickly condensed and formed, turning into a sharp claw with sharp cold light like a death sickle in less than half a second, and then slammed down.

Neither the undead plant nor the king's blood are good birds, and naturally they will not bear the positive consequences of the combination is the evil predatory and devouring ability. Of course, adventurers who abandon the constraints of moral etiquette will not care. Everything is difficult at the beginning. You may not be able to kill yourself for the first time, but when you cut off the 100-person head, you must not even bother to blink your eyes.

Although it is only a few seconds before the beginning of this encounter, the attack taken by the big man has actually been enough for ordinary people to die seven or eight times, but in fact, no part of his body has really separated, and the chest that should have been opened is also healing rapidly. And his sarcasm really deserved to be beaten.

Obviously, the support of big people is also an "immortal" attribute, but the vitality will be truly lost, which Lin Xiao has a deep understanding. In this case... Just take out your heart first or swallow it!

The claws wrapped in the power of faith easily penetrate the chest of the big man and grasped something agitated like a pump. The strong smell of blood and life, if you are a vampire, you must be fascinated by it.

From afar, half of Lin Xiao's arm has turned into blood-red silk tissue, and his muscles are expanding and alienating, sometimes as ugly as zombies and sometimes as dead wood.

This time, the big man finally couldn't laugh.

The feeling of the heart being held was really quite unpleasant, and what shocked him more was the feeling of blood pening into the heart and then quickly devouring the original energy - even if he was smashed his head by a gun, he would not die, because he had an Az Carter gold coin in his pocket, and the power of the curse made him immortal.

But this time, he felt the real weakness, the full power dissipated from his limbs, his hands and feet became heavy, and his eyes began to be lax...

"No! Damn it!" The big man roared, "Get out of here!"

After all, the fear of death could not be dealt with calmly. The big man who felt that he would really die this time finally panicked. He hit Lin Xiao on the back with a fist. The strong force broke the bone with a "clink", but the full vitality absorbed made Lin Xiao's injury recover quickly.

" Let him go!" The vampire count flew again, but this time he was much more careful for fear of another "scrooked nose" tragedy. More than 20 meters away from Lin Xiao, he raised his hand to condense a blood-red energy spear and threw it out.

The spiritual scan looked at all this in his eyes. Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes slightly, grabbed the big man's neck and quickly turned over, blocking the blow with the enemy's body.

The blood spear poked into the abdomen of the big man, and the evil blood energy quickly invaded and devoured the surrounding flesh and blood. In this process, there would naturally be no anesthetic gentleness like leech hormone, but doubled the pain and horror of stimulation.

"Damn it, you hit me, aim a little!" The big man had the intention to fight back, but his heart was still held in Lin Xiao's hand, as if he had been clenched. For a moment, he really couldn't break free.

The two rolled and fought on the ground of the dust servant. Wherever they passed, they smashed all the low eaves made of nearby mud blocks, causing passers-by to cry and jump their feet to curse.

However, after all, the number of people is at a disadvantage, and the melee is not the director of Lin Xiao. The final loser of such a melee must be Lin Xiao.

But before the attackers surrounded Lin Xiao, there was a deep roar in the distance.

“...... Dare to stand up!"

A figure riding a magic dragon, spitting flames all over its body, and flying rapidly from the distance. Before the person arrived, the powerful pressure has made people tremble. But the hairstyle and appearance are strong two-dimensional cartoon style... It is a dark dragon hunter with different painting styles.

Guardian of the City of God, Chief!

The "vertical dare" just now is almost their opening remarks. Before the person arrives, the voice comes first.

Although there is a suspicion of the "extreme gap between the rich and the poor", there is no doubt that it is still under the jurisdiction of the City of God, so after Lin Xiao slaughtered dozens of indigenous people in one fell swoop, it will naturally attract strong guards to patrol and pursue.

In fact, it has only been more than a minute from the beginning of the battle until now. The commander riding the dark demon dragon has been killed by storm, and the efficiency can be seen. Anyway, it's much faster than someone who is always one step later in reality...

Of course, this may be related to the dominant announcement caused by the killing of the centurion yesterday:

“...... As adventurers maliciously kill the 'hundred' guards, the town guard patrol will increase by 50%, and any criminal behavior will be pursued more severely.

Is it a crime to slaughter the inhabitants of the City of God? Anyway, Lin Xiao's evil value has risen a lot~~

With one hair and moving his whole body, Lin Xiao committed an extremely bad street murder, and the "disable people" entangled with him naturally entered the scope of the pursuit and censorship of the commander. And if you have committed such a terrible crime but still stay in place, this kind of behavior is definitely a nud provocation, right?

So, you must be arrested and brought to justice!!!