Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 048

A gag broke the strangeness and gap between the two people. Lin Xiao took some advantage of his mouth and returned to serious:

"I want to earn evil value and complete your task, but the situation seems to be a little bad. I actually became the most wanted criminal... Well, soldiers come to cover the water and soil, and leave here before calculating.

"Listen to you."

The two have fought side by side in the world of Avatar. Xue Rui is quite convinced of Lin Xiao's methods and has no other opinions. Moreover, her strength is mediocre, and she hasn't found a partner who can entrust her back for a period of time. She has been struggling alone in the adventure world, and has long been a little heartless. That's why I helped Lin Xiao... I'm afraid only the girl knows what kind of feelings are mixed in it.

If you want to leave this medieval castle, you have to pass through the inside. Although Lin Xiao will not fall to death by jumping off the cliff, there is no land below, and there is obviously no way to survive. Lin Xiao couldn't even think of the daydream of jumping off the cliff and hanging on the southeast branch, then finding the relics of the master of the fairy cave, and then swallowing the hundred-year-old ginseng and thousands of snow lotus, and getting supreme internal skills.

People have to walk forward steadily, and they can't afford to fall anywhere~~

The castle is not big, but it is not small. It is built based on the terrain. The walls are made of rocks, the streets are dirty and messy, chicken and dog feces can be seen everywhere, and domestic garbage is piled up at will, and the flies are full of stink. Especially those medieval women who walked on the road are yellow and thin, their clothes are ragged, and their bodies are also smelly and unpleasant. They really can't match the beauty, let alone the legendary princesses with blonde hair and long skirts mopping the floor.

"It's a very real restoration." Seeing Lin Xiao's sullen appearance, Xue Rui couldn't help but smile. This is true. It's too perfect, sometimes it's false...

In fact, this is completely understandable - at that time, Europe was extremely chaotic and there was no unified nation-state. Whether it is Britain, France, Germany or Italy, there are many princes. The authority of kings of various countries is basically limited to the capital and the territory of the royal family, and there is nothing they can do against the private fight against the nobles.

If the castle and territory of a noble family are taken away by his neighbors, then it's better not to expect that he can get the territory back as long as he goes to the palace to fight a court... Unless your friendship with the king is strong enough to let him send troops to war for you, it would be very good to give you a job in the court. Therefore, in that era, every lord must firmly guard his castle and dare not leave for a long time.

However, every lord is deliberately expanding his territory and looking for excuses to expand aggression, often just because of a border dispute, a personal attack, an unintentional word, a failed proposal, and sometimes even just a gesture, an expression, a gesture that can trigger a medieval war. Medieval knights were very violent and arrogant. Don't imagine them as polite gentlemen. In medieval poetry and literature, many of their shameless deeds are recorded. For example, a noble knight once proposed to a rich widow and was unfortunately rejected, so he brazenly led troops to besiege the castle owned by the widow until she was forced to open the gate and bend her knees to marry...

In addition to the malicious lords next door, there were many vicious gangs of thieves in the forests of medieval Europe, wandering around like locusts, and some estates were broken and looted from time to time - Robin Hood of England was also one of the representatives. Look, Robin Hood and his men can even break through the small castle. How long can your exquisite holiday cabin last in front of such a commando?

As for the actions of warning these enemies in advance and moving back to the castle before their arrival... Medieval Europe was vast and sparsely populated, and there were wildernesses where small troops could pass. How many scouts could you block the whole territory?

Moreover, the territory of medieval lords is generally small, and there is a lack of strategic swing space. It often takes less than half a day to ride from one castle to another - such a short warning time is too late to evacuate.

Besides, even if it can be closely guarded on land, there are still haunting Vikings at sea!

Therefore, in that terrible era of chaos, rampant gangsters and imperres, you don't live in a strong and reliable castle. Instead, in order to pursue some life interests, you move to a villa that is beautiful but not suitable for defense... I'm afraid that in a few days, big-ticket assassins and bandits will come to you or kidnap you. Your wife and children extorted ransom, or received commissions from other lords nearby, directly killing you!

According to Freud's theory, people in this period are still in the stage of survival struggling for food and clothing. They can't even eat enough to eat. How can they talk about their love for beauty?

In addition to the dirty living environment, diet is also a big problem. First of all, it must be admitted that Europeans in the Middle Ages have invented tableware and finally don't have to eat directly with their fingers like the ancient Egyptians, but modern people will still find it difficult to accept.

Lin Xiao saw with his own eyes that the drinking cup around the long table for lunch turned out to be shared by a table of people, that is to say, you must share your saliva with others when drinking...

These medieval Europeans ate fruit in a strange way: they roasted apples and pears on the fire, stewed plums in a pot, and sprinkled salt with pepper... However, eating fruit directly raw was regarded as the practice of the lower class.

The reason is that the medieval medical community generally believed that all fruits are cold food. If you want to eat them, you should cook them in a hot way or add hot spices (such as peppers)...

On the contrary, for most vegetables, such as carrots, turnips, cabbage, cabbage, etc., medieval Europeans were used to eating raw, even onions with a stimulating taste - of course, there are also roasted onions soaked in gravy, but that is a high-end dish.

However, the above problems are not speechless, and Chinese people are not unable to eat vegetable salads. As for the fruits cooked with salt, they just need to remove these dishes from the recipe. But as a staple bread, you can't make people unable to eat it... The bread eaten by Europeans in the Middle Ages is not the same as our modern soft bread that has been fermented with white sugar cream, but a kind of unleavened cake similar to compressed biscuits, which is dry, hard and gnathed...

A typical medieval black bread is generally baked with wheat flour mixed with a large amount of bran - this practice was already a boutique black bread in the Middle Ages. There are also some black-hearted bakers who cut corners and often deliberately add debris such as wood chips and small stones to black bread, which can wear their teeth more and abominable than the sand mixed with bread by Egyptians - the latter is at least passive suffering, and the former is simply an active crime!

Lin Xiao just wants to say that she did a good job! Now there are even minerals. If it is mixed with leaves and bugs, it will be a fully nutritious food...

This medieval black bread is famous in its ability to be used as a weapon - in medieval chronicle history, it has repeatedly recorded the embarrassing incident of unseen stupid thieves sneaking into poor farmers' homes to steal, but unfortunately died under the housewife's black bread; and when medieval family conflicts occurred, more Countless men died in the black bread attack of the shre... As for the taste of this thing, please imagine it yourself.

No matter how toothy and throaty the medieval black bread mixed with wood chips and gravel is, they are still a top delicacy in the eyes of ordinary people in medieval Europe, because they often don't even have bread in their rice bowls - baking bread burns a lot of firewood, and the baking process is also troublesome.

So the poor simply take some coarsely processed wheat flour (although it is wheat flour, but it is not flour) and put it into a bowl, add some hot water to make wheat paste, and then eat this wheat paste every day. If you have the conditions to get some wild vegetables, salted fish and meat, you can also pour them all into the pot and stew them with wheat paste... In short, it looks disgusting, similar to what we Chinese use to feed pigs, and a little like vomit, which is disgusting.

- In general, the serfs in the medieval Europa manor ate worse than the ancient Egyptian farmers on the Nile 3,000 years ago.

In order to survive, food and other things have nothing to say. Lin Xiao even saw the infamous Nordic famous product without salt - Swedish stinky canned herring, which was invented mainly because poor Nordic fishermen wanted to save salt.

Most meat food is air-dried meat, which is to dry the meat in the cold wind and turn it into a mummy. Air-dried meat has a long shelf life and can be eaten for decades (Europeans at that time only didn't care about dioxins). Before eating this air-dried meat, you should use a knife to scrape off the grease and oxide layer on the surface. Then soak it in the river for a day or two before it can be cooked and eaten. As for the taste, it can only be said that it can't be eaten to death - anyway, the smell will have no appetite.

In addition to salt, there were very few seasonings on European tables at that time. There was no curry or salad dressing. Sugar and spices were imported through Arab territory, which was terribly expensive. At that time, sugar was sold in pharmacies. For Europeans, it was not a daily condiment, but a high-end tonic like ginseng in the eyes of Chinese people.

As for spices, taking pepper as an example, pepper in medieval Europe has always been sold by grain. If it is pepper powder, it will be even more unlucky. When weighing, you should not only close the doors and windows and hold your breath, but also check whether there is fraud on the scale again and again... Historically, there has also been an unimaginable thing that "illegal merchants sell white pepper with silver chips".

In a word, Lin Xiao was quite disappointed with this tulip castle with a beautiful name, and he was not interested in exploring the side missions inside, and quietly left with Xue Rui.

When I came to the intersection, I suddenly received a message. After reading it, my eyebrows suddenly frowned...

"Chimoto Sakura is in my hands, Adam."