Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 057 Battle

Only gorgeous battles are aesthetics.

Isn't this a good opportunity to show his strength and strength like a peacock?

As a handsome cowboy, this is the true meaning of living!

Joseph. Georgia was born into an ordinary farmer's family in Illinois in the western United States.

American farmers and China are not the same concept. As the fourth largest country in the world's territory, the United States has a high level of mechanization and urbanization, mostly for large-scale mechanized agricultural cultivation. Farmers there are called farmers.

Joseph's father was such a farmer, inheriting the 200-acre farm left by his father, mainly raising cattle.

A farm that raises cattle in Illinois... This is the symbol of the Western cowboy era!

Illinois, adjacent to Kentucky, is called the "Country of Grassland" by the Indians, which is a paradise for cattle. By the mid-19th century, the technology of taming cattle there was already very good. After the Civil War, the cattle pushed westward to the vast grassland west of the Mississippi River, which became the "Kingdom of Cow Herding".

And Joseph is such a boy who inherited his father's cowboy spirit. He grew up on a horse and heard that he was also his father's career as a wilderness darts. So if conditions permit, you have to be handsome anyway! This is the will of blood!


In the face of this guy's provocation, Lin Xiao's attitude was also very clear - in the deep and rapid spell, he raised his hand and pointed, and the explosive fireball, which was as powerful as the howitzer, flew out quickly.

In the face of the menagating fireball, Joseph shrugged his shoulders and was fearless, because the next second a voice came from the oblique thorn:

"Holy Word: Shield!"

A transparent light shield like an egg shell appeared in front of Joseph, perfectly blocking Lin Xiao's spell bombing.

Joseph, who had been expected, did not blink his eyes. First of all, he folded his waist very unexpectedly and exaggeratedly. Just like Neo in the Matrix, he avoided an ultra-high-speed enchanted bullet that would have hit his chest with this iron bridge - releasing At the moment of the explosion of the fireball, Lin Xiao pulled out the silver left wheel and shook his hand with a shot!

Although it is not as fast as a sniper rifle, shooting several times the speed of sound is still easily avoided by Joseph... Snipers attack secretly, and the attackers often have no time to react, or find a dangerous body but can't keep up with their consciousness. Lin Xiao now shoots in front of others, which is equivalent to telling the enemy the trajectory of the attack, and it is naturally easy to dodge.

It's almost a little bit. Joseph, who is fully prepared, is unlikely to be hit by such a shot anyway.

In response to the attack, he, who maintained this strange posture, fired three bullets directly while turning the gun.

The first attack to lock the corners of the eyebrows wiped a clear blood mark at Lin Xiao's temple, and the other two bullets were aimed at his eyes and throat - it was already known that this guy had immortal attributes, and even if his heart was blown up, he would not die, so what to do now was to disgust him and weaken it by the way. His combat effectiveness! The eyes can blind him, and his throat can disturb his breathing, which is a secondary blow.

"Magicians don't provoke close combat... Isn't it good to hide in the corner and be a mouse? With this weakness, you rashly stand in front of the stage to stir up trouble. You've made a mistake~~"

Although this guy did not explain the principle of his moves while shooting, the sarcastic rubbish words are endless. Obviously, he regards Lin Xiao as the fish on the cutting board.

However, the last two bullets failed to hit the target, because a transparent light shield like an egg shell also appeared in front of Lin Xiao. The instantaneous shield of faith stolen from the soul walker can perfectly block most ordinary attacks.

But there are more than one adventurer here in Europe and the United States, and there are also many people who have a "grave digging" for Lin Xiao - while Lin Xiao opened his shield, adventurers have thrown a ball at him vigorously.

The most effective way to deal with a caster is to make him unable to cast a spell, that is, the so-called "silence".

Although it is an obstacle to achieve this magic shield, in fact it is not impeccable. If you defend against the sound, your ears will not hear it. If you defend against the light, your eyes will not see it. If you defend against the smell, you will be suffoed directly if you can't smell it or even prepare an oxygen bottle...

Magic shield exists to protect the body, but it is basically limited to kinetic energy shocks and general energy damage. External messages based on the five senses cannot and cannot be fully defended.

If he is a good enough caster with enough spell attainments, he can use his magic shield to selectively filter out harmful components with accurate manipulation ability and only accept the non-hazardous content he needs, but this law is difficult to apply in adventurers. Because almost all adventurers learn skills directly from the master, this cramming education makes adventurers only know why, and their understanding only stays on the surface...

Although it can exert as much strength as hard training under such speed, the lack of foundation is almost taken for granted.

The situation of legal adventurers is particularly serious. Needless to say, mages similar to scholars have been staying in the mage's tower and experimental data for decades. Warlocks who specialize in some spells with blood advantages will not lack research spirit. Even priests who convert to gods need extreme piety. And proficient in doctrine... And which one of the people who enters the adventure city will have so much time to do these things?

Obviously, this is a trick that the other party has figured out to deal with legal adventurers. It is simple and violent, but it often works perfectly.

The combination of creating loud noise and flashing flash bombs and creating stimulating gases*... The effect is amazing.

According to the attacker's prediction, he was hit by the sudden attack of this additional jamming bomb. The yellow monkey's eyes must have to be closed because of the strong light highlighted in the dark. The deadly roar resounding in his ears must make his ears buzz, right?

The strong pressure wave and strong pulse noise generated after feeding will cause acute damage to the eardrum and cochlea in an instant, and then lead to a deadly chain reaction. The most important thing is the loss of vision and balance.

The line of sight is skewed, as if the eyeball falls into the skull and can't grasp the sense of distance between yourself and the surroundings.

The head is very dizzy, and the world in the eyes is spinning. The subconscious shaking of the head not only does not alleviate the symptoms, but also aggravates the feeling of dizziness again.

Nauseous and want to vomit, but then the pungent gas generated by adding * bypassing the energy shield defense will make him cough and have no chance to vomit in an instant.

Don't mention casting spells, it's even a problem for him to continue to stand now!

What can be more direct and violent than this way of interruption?!

But he missed a question: Lin Xiao's shield of faith is a defense formed by the power of God. How can it be broken by this clever method? Not to mention that this is not a skill, but Lin Xiao's unique way of using energy, which almost perfectly isolates the effects of noise and light.

Then... Counterattack.

The legal adventurer turned his head slightly and opened his mouth, waiting for Lin Xiao, who was disturbed by the rhythm, to die of hatred. Suddenly, there was a roar in my ears, and the next moment, the ultimate light and heat exploded around me:

"It's impolite to come and go--

"Yes, the reaction is very fast. It can actually open the defense shield in seconds." Lin Xiao's voice came leisurely, like the ** moan of the hell demon.

Red blood flowed from Dalton's ears, and his cognition was chaotic. He couldn't help shaking his head desperately:

"Daw, how did he avoid the attack?"

Without the chaotic thinking and disgust, Dalton was about to retreat, but saw a rocket flying from a distance in the twisted and shaking vision...

"Your shield is really good, but this thing can even blow away the tank. Isn't your egg shell harder than the tank?"

The short and thin mummy drilled out of the corner grinned, his crotch bones trembled in the cold wind, and the huge anti-shock force of the anti-tank gun launcher directly crushed its body...

(This is... Do you want to give it back to him?)

The locked Dalton has been unavoidable and has no control to dodge. This rocket directly hit the target without any accident, enough to cover him in an instant by the terrorist explosion of a heavy tactical tank!