Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 068 Yellow Sparrow

After its birth, the big amber eyes timidly glanced around, and then hugged the calf of the bully closest to it. However, this cute strategy has completely found the wrong person...

"It's important. I don't want to repeat the same sentence twice!"

Under the cold order of the overlord, the flower fairy curled her mouth, knelt on the ground, put her hands on her chest, and gently hummed a soft and pleasant song... Substances such as light or pollen slowly spread from the body of the flower fairy, covering a range of nearly 50 square meters.

The nearby adventurer suddenly heard the prompt sound of the master:

"You have stepped into the field 'Praise of Life', in which all attacks with damage below 300 points will be reduced by 60% for three minutes."

Everyone was in an uproar.

This skill is definitely a team battle artifact. The huge damage reduction makes the defense almost invincible. However, looking at the flower fairy who knelt down and hummed songs peacefully, you can know that this skill cannot be launched during the movement, so that it is always not so exaggerated...

The purpose of using such a big move here is self-evident. This is the final kill of the dragon with absolute belief.

The damage value is directly linked to the attack power, while the strength of the attack power depends on the strength, skill level, etc. However, in general, today's adventurer's general attack is only dozens, and the skill damage is only 100 points. You know, the full damage of an anti-tank rocket launcher is only 300 points.

And these damages do not include the reduction of defensive attributes and the absorption of energy shields. You can imagine how low the attack power of the adventurers surrounded by tigers will be reduced in the next three minutes... Primary school students are not as good as them.

Time ticked, and under the attention of the public, the dragon finally resurrected. The overlord, who had been waiting for a long time and arranged, did not hesitate to launch the black energy bar inserted around the dragon's body. A laser-formed diamond-shaped cutting wall trapped the dragon. Every time he crossed the "thunder pool", he would cut off a piece of flesh and blood from the dragon, and the overlord excitedly took out a blue dragon horn. Fiercely * into the flesh and blood of the giant dragon.

I don't know where this dragon horn comes from, but it has a great restrictive effect on the ghost dragon, making its actions further suppressed. Then came the crazy killing and slaughter of the overlord!

"From discovering the abnormality of the horn of the wind dragon when I first stepped into the world, to the hard work of discovering hidden tasks..."

"From all kinds of ambush, layout and design, there is still a lot of foreign debt outside, and all the layout is finally finished..."

"Now is finally the time to taste the fruits of victory. As long as you kill the dragon with an anti-matter annihilation bomb that causes 5,000 damage, you can not only get points and plot rewards, but also charge for the Horn of the Wind Dragon, and then activate the dragon soul, making me a powerful wind dragon knight..." Overlord beauty/beauty (forbidden words) has a small calculation.

Although it was only one day before the beginning of the mission, the overlord consumed a lot of energy and painstaking efforts during this day. At this moment, he even had a brief trance.

Holding an anti-matter annihilation bomb exchanged for 4,000 points of the B-level side plot in his hand, looking at the huge dragon whose blood volume was rapidly decreasing, the overlord's body couldn't help trembling slightly... Soon, soon!

But at this time, the low sound of the pistol suddenly sounded in his ear, and the overlord sneered:

"Fight, under the reduction of the damage of the field halo, your attack is just tickling. As long as the dragon's life falls below 5,000 points, I will... Huh?!"

But at this time, a huge brilliant gold coin suddenly appeared above the dragon's head! The gold coin is a scale on both sides, as big as a bucket, spinning on the top of the dragon's head, and the jingling sound of gold coins colliding is very pleasant.

Special Skills: Money Sniper!

"Does the adventurer launch a money sniper?"


"Please choose to spend points."

"20000 points."

(Special Skills: Money Sniper:

You can attack the specified target with points. This skill ignores defense, injury reduction, and immunity.

The calculation method of causing damage to non-adventurers is 2:1.

The damage to the contractor with more than 90% of the health value is 50% of its maximum health value; the damage value is 50 points = 1 health value.

The damage to the risk of less than 90% or more than 70% of the adventurer is 40% of its maximum health; the damage value is: 60 points = 1 health.

The damage to adventurers whose health is less than 70% and more than 50% is 30% of their maximum health; the damage value is: 70 points = 1 health.

The damage to adventurers with less than 50% of health is 25% of their maximum health; the damage value is: 100 points = 1 health.

"You can choose how many points to use to attack. Note that if you don't have enough points, you will be erased."

"There is no cooling for enemies in the mission world, and can be used for adventurers up to three times per mission, with a time interval of 60 minutes."

"This skill cannot be upgraded, and the minimum health is one point."

“...... Ding: Successful launch!"


Lin Xiao squeezed her lips and brazenly took action when the dragon's health fell by 10,000 points. The revolver cannon + the inevitable hit of the heart + armor-piercing magic bullet! There are hundreds of damage in this outbreak. Even if there is a 60% damage reduction in the field of 'Praise of Life', the remaining damage is still as much as 40 points.

How much health is left for the dragon hit by the sniper of 20,000 points of money? Just a little bit! Even after deducting the damage reduction and defense of dragon scales and flesh and blood, it can still cause more than a dozen damage.

These dozens of injuries are almost the same as tickling dragons with rough skin and thick flesh. They can recover in two or three seconds, but time waits for no one...

The almost synchronous attack, a special skill money sniper, and a random shot, ended the dragon with nearly 10,000 health points left in an instant.

The master's prompt sound:

"Ding: You killed the dragon Debis, and you got 9,000 points, an A-level side plot."

The advanced milestone of the title 'Dragon Hunter' has been opened. Dragon Slayer.

"Kill five purebred dragons (1/5), and you will get the title of Dragon Slayer Warrior. Strength is increased by +5, the maximum health value is increased by 10%, and the damage to the dragon clan is increased by 5%. Only five titles can be equipped at the same time.

With the help of the special skill of money sniping, Lin Xiao won the head again and successfully became a yellow finch.

If you spend 20,000 points to get a profit return of 9,000 points, it is undoubtedly a big loss, but the income of an A-level side plot cannot be ignored in any case. In addition, what is more eye-catching is the key shining with dark golden light floating on the dragon corpse...

And it was not until this moment that the overlord's hoarse and heartbreaking roar sounded in vain in the fog:

“...... Your uncle!!!"