Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 03 Heart of Nature

The Pirate King of the whole world - Gore. D. Roger, his words before the execution made people rush to the sea.

"Do you want my treasure? If you want, I can give it all to you. Go find it! I put all my treasures there.

So all the men pursued their dreams to the great sea route, and the world began to welcome the advent of the era of pirates!

This is a story of youth, blood, adventure and partner.

Of course, just as the world can't be so dark, it won't be so simple... Just like cats eat fish, wolves eat meat, and dogs eat shit, which is an unrevegetable nature. The thirst for wealth is the ultimate goal of pirates.

They don't want to face the loess like farmers, do some work of digging in the soil, and they don't have the ability of businessmen to calculate carefully and the ability to find business opportunities. So how can they rely on to gain wealth? What's faster in the world than killing people?

No money? Grab it!

What if you refuse to let go? Kill!

This is the distorted view of the pirates~~

Except for a few hot-blooded youngsters, the world is so chaotic and disorderly. Of course, the word "collapse" has to be added now.

The barriers between the world have been broken, and ninjas, food hunters, death and virtual chaos. God knows which direction the world will go.


The sun shines on your body, and it is slightly tingling. If you take a breath, you can smell the fragrance of the soil and the smell of the sea.

This is a broken grass house built halfway up the mountain. The four walls are breathable, the roof breaks through a skylight, and several straws sway their waists in the wind.

glanced left and right, and Lin Xiao found that only Feng Xiaoxi appeared beside him. Fortunately, everyone had expected this situation before and did not panic.

At this time, Feng Xiaoxi also woke up, and the master prompt sounded immediately:

"Current mission scene: One Piece."

"Ultimate mission: Our goal is the sea of stars! Do everything possible to earn world prestige, and the winner will get a mysterious reward.

Main Task 1: Partner. This is a chaotic world. A person's strength is too small to unite to win. Find, join or form a camp within seven days, and then the team camp task will be started.

"Main Task 2: Unlocked."

Challible Achievement: Captive of Food. Taste more than 100 specialties in the world and reward the unknown.

Challible Achievement: Diplomatic Ambassador. Establish contacts with any three camps in the current world.

Challible Achievement: Fist of Steel. The rank of captain in the navy has been reached.

Challible Achievement: Killing Maniac. Kill 10 units of unarmed civilians, (1 unit = 20 people).

Challible Achievement: Bounty Hunter. A total of ten naval warrants have been completed.

"Challengable Achievement: Attacking Pirates. Robbed more than three naval ships.

Challible Achievement: A Mysterious Journey. Explore mysterious and lost places such as Sky Island, Underwater Fishman City, Giant Island, etc.

"Challengable Achievement: Disaster of the Sea. Kill or enslave a total of ten sea king beasts.

"Challengable Achievement: Demon Power. Eat a demon fruit..."

"Other achievements have not been unlocked, please explore by yourself."

It is worth mentioning that Lin Xiao is currently a glorious naval "sergeant". In the battle to capture the big undersea prison, he did not show his true face, or the connection between the prison guards and the navy was not so close that Lin Xiao, a little shrimp fishing in troubled waters, was not exposed.

"Name: Weston. Lin."

"Camp: Navy."

"Current level: comoral."

"You can receive 3,000 Bailey's salary every month and enjoy the 'five insurance and one housing fund' protection mechanism. Enjoy the 'Navy Halo' bonus and increase your maximum health by 3%. It has a deterrent effect on pirates, and the damage output is increased by 5%..."

Three minutes later, the effect of space protection disappeared, Lin Xiao's body was slightly shaken, and the black priest's robe originally worn on his body also disappeared. Instead, it was replaced by a thick linen gown with a worn sea cowhide felt hat on top of his head.

Checking the clothes on her body, Lin Xiao came to a conclusion:

"I don't like it or use garbage. Sure enough, it's picked up from the garbage heap..."

After entering the adventure world, the master will let you automatically master the current * language, but ancient elves, ancient magic words and so on must pay you to learn in advance. And the master will also give you an appropriate identity, such as a poor farmer, a errand sailor, a rotten pirate, etc. In short, don't want special treatment and benefits~~

casually complaining, Lin Xiao pulled the little girl, pushed open the rough wooden door and walked out.

This is obviously an ordinary town built by the sea, with more than 100 families and a population of four or five hundred. The streets in the town are paved with bluestone slabs, and the widest main road is about five meters wide, which looks elegant and quiet.

From afar, in the east of the town, on the edge of a village more than a thousand meters away, there is an endless blue water... Great route!

At this time, it was afternoon, the slightly salty and wet sea breeze blowing the sea, the waves on the sapphire blue sea gently undulating, and the white waves rolling and chasing on the water, a quiet and peaceful scene.

Look at the skylight and the scenery in late spring, but it is also uncertain on the great route with a chaotic and changing climate.

The scenery is pleasant and the sun is just right. In the warm sunlight, there is a lazy and comfortable smell in my bones. The wind has even narrowed his eyes, raised his little head, and his face showed a pure and lovely smile... The two walked along the path to the village, and some small spring trees were blooming new buds on the roadside.

At this time, Lin Xiao was not impatient, stretched out, and then hugged the girl's soft waist under the angry and shy eyes of the little girl, laughing:

"This scene is in line with the poem 'facing the sea, spring flowers bloom'."

Feng Xiaoxi smiled, "You can say that they are talking about a state of mind, not a superficial literal meaning."

"Haha, as long as it's useful, just like the leave note of a primary school student I saw before. In just three years, grandma has died more than ten times, and my mother has been sick for more than ten years."

The little girl was teased by Lin Xiao and sneered, but she just squeezed her mouth and her eyes white.

When we describe spring in primary school and junior high school, we always say that trees have new branches and leaves. In fact, children who write essays in this way are deceptive in the south.

Whether it is the greenery on both sides of the city or the mountains on the mountains, the trees in the south have no concept of falling. They are cyan and dense all year round, and the so-called new buds are just slowly pulled out among those dark green leaves.

Of course, there is also the most classic autumn. The rice fields are full of golden wheat, and the farmer's uncle is harvesting hard.

I'm sorry, I don't grow wheat under normal circumstances in the south, and I don't know how those primary school students see golden wheat on their way home from school. At most, they see rice is good or not!

The two walked all the way to the village. On the way, Lin Xiaokou said a lot, which made the little girl giggle. Perhaps it was a rare quiet solitude, or touching the scene, the little girl suddenly stopped, and her whole body was like a rainbow after the rain, glowing amazing vitality. The colorful butterflies on both sides of the road came and danced around the skirt...

Lin Xiao looked at it, and a trace of joy appeared in his heart: "Have you realized the 'heart of nature'?"

This is a unique strengthening method of jungle elves, similar to the small universe of Saint Seiya. Of course, it is not so difficult, and it is not a necessary promotion method. It can be described as the "epunkenment" of Buddhist classics.


Parents always take care of their children in their hands, thinking that they can keep their children in the house from harm. But do you expect children to stay in this "bird cage" forever and don't yearn for the colorful world outside?

The more imprisoned he died, the day when the child's wings gradually became full and could fly, the more the child did not want to return to this damn bird cage, so the parents began to cry that the child had changed and was poisoned by the outside world...

If children are correctly exposed to the real world from the beginning and cultivate children's correct understanding of new things, the bird cage is no longer a bird cage but a warm nest that can fly out and come back at any time, then so many children will be rebellious and addicted to it forever?

The child can't be locked up. Even if his body is closed, her heart will always fly outside and hate this so-called warm birdcage even more!


"Dad, I want to play games."

"Read a good book, don't play with that!"

"Can I play with the children next door?"

"You haven't finished your homework!"

"My classmate asked me to go on an outing. Can I go?"

"It's almost time for the college entrance examination. What a picnic!"

Many years later, parents will ask, "You are such a big man, why don't you go out to play at home all day?"

You are immersed in your own world and look up confusedly and ask your parents, "Oh, who are you playing with?"

Family affection is pressure, friends become extravagant, and there is no self-confidence and courage in front of the opposite sex, because what should be missed has been missed.

A glimpse of the leopard in the tube can be seen. Feng Xiaoxi used to be a good girl in everyone's mind. Until she was 16 years old in her sophomore year of high school, she lay down in ** and was isolated from the outside world from then on. Her heart is ** and weak. When she encounters something, she will only press her feelings to the bottom of her heart. It is rare to see her open her heart so much. I didn't expect it to be an unexpected joy this time...