Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 013 Carnival at Sea

"Ding: Trigger the sideline 'predator's carnival'."

"There is always a rainbow after the wind and rain... It's a pleasure to escape from death, but what can be more sour than a big job at this time?

Next is a cinematic text narration:

Three merchant ships returning from the New World are sailing ten nautical miles away, and their cabins are full of gold, jewelry and treasures plundered from the New World through the export of goods. Because the water is too deep, their speed is very slow, and no matter how slow the pirate ship is, they can easily catch up with it.

However, Amstro, the owner of the merchant ship, was an extremely shrewd man. When he set sail, he realized the great risks in the voyage, so he spent a lot of money to hire four warships of the naval fleet to escort him. After a long voyage, most of the journey home returned home. Arrived in my hometown safely... Unfortunately, at this time, the storm blew them away from the hidden route, and their whereabouts were discovered by a three-masted sailboat, and then the news was quickly leaked out. The pirates who smell the smell of copper are like sharks in the sea, smelling fishy and sailing..."

Optional side mission 1: purge pirates. If you sink a pirate ship and kill at least half of the pirates on the ship, you will be rewarded 1,000 to 5,000 points for each pirate ship destroyed. There is no punishment for the failure of the mission.

"Optional side task 2: clean up the navy. Destroy naval warships and warship commanders (requires to kill at least half of the navy), and each destroyer will be rewarded 1,000 to 5,000 points. There is no punishment for the failure of the mission.

"Optional task 3: Help the merchant return to Tuluga Island safely. After completing the task, you will get the friendship and generous gifts of the merchant Amstro. There will be no punishment for the failure of the task."

"This mission is a free killing mode. Adventurers attack each other and are not affected by damage weakening."


Seeing this sudden side mission, everyone was silent first, and then excited:

"It's really drowsiness that someone sent pillows. Happiness comes too suddenly."

"If heaven does not take it, it will be punished by God."

Except for a few literary people, the adventurers and the pirates on the ship are surprisingly in agreement:

“...... Mother of the bitch!"

What is the most on the sea? Of course, the merchants who travel back and forth are the most, otherwise will these stinky pirates who are so poor that they can't wear their trousers rob themselves?

It happens that the people who have just experienced a storm and rain for the rest of their lives have a flame with nowhere to vent in their chest. They are about to vent well, but what way is there to vent more sour and attractive than a profitable plunder business? So everyone's fighting spirit this time is unprecedentedly high... Of course, it also proves a fact from the side: freedom and chaos are the eternal themes on this sea. Blood and adventure and so on, hehe~~

The fighting spirit is so high that even the pre-war mobilization does not need to be done. Everyone rubs their hands and plans to do a big battle. In this case, Lin Xiao will naturally not go against the will of the public and let the adventurer honestly restrain his men - he is a pirate and pretend to be a scholar! And the reward after the victory is also quite rich. It's false to say that you can't move, so after clearing her throat, Lin Xiaolang said:

"Since everyone is in favor of taking this side task, let's do it hard!"

“...... First of all, there is no punishment for the failure of the mission, and we can completely let go of our hands and feet without worries. In addition, it is worth mentioning that the master does not stipulate that only one side mission can be taken, that is to say, theoretically, the highest reward for this side mission is that we will kill all the nearby pirates, merchants and naval frigates and put all the rewards in our bags!"

"Secondly, it must be noted that after hunting two Neptunes, the current durability is only 500 points, so we must try to avoid quite unfavorable to us. However, our current advantage is also obvious: more than 20 adventurers and elite pirates! I believe that this force will never be under any side! If you make good use of it, it will have a miraculous effect..."

"Finally," Lin Xiao briefly said about the plan, and then said in a low voice, "We must remember that we are currently a temporary team, and anyone who dares to stab teammates in the back will be hunted down by everyone!"

Everyone responded, so a vigorous sea battle was about to begin...

The sea breeze was strong, and the sails of the Dark Night Rose were full of wind and full swelling, strongly pushing the merchant ship to sail through the wind and waves in the sea. However, due to the heavy cargo, the speed can only be barely maintained. The hull of this medium-sized North Sea three-masted sailboat looks slender, and with the collision angle of the bow, it seems to be a flying fish with wide stripes of gray and dark blue sliding at high speed. From time to time, it breaks through the waves and jumps out of the water, and from time to time glides against the sea, which looks light and elegant.

At this time, the ship was also full of tension. The gunners were constantly checking the filled ammunition. They had to put the gunpowder barrels in a position that was not easy to be hit. The captain was shouting at the sailors to polish the blade of the sword, obviously placing all his hopes on the four naval battles guarding next to it. On the ship...

Although the big businessman Amstro is not well-known, he often runs around on the sea, but unfortunately, he just ate a delicious ice and snow caviar at lunchtime and encountered a huge storm. After such a bumpy on the ship, he finally couldn't stand it. He vomited in the dark and almost didn't Yellow bile is spit out. However, although it is disgusting and uncomfortable at this time, I can only stand up and urge the sailors to sail as soon as possible - God bless you, you have to return home safely!

I just met a tattered pirate ship. Although the escort navy quickly sank it, which ship is not equipped with a phone bug these days? Once the news leaks, it will be terrible...

Amstro is very shrewd, otherwise he would not have been able to afford such a big deal, let alone spend a lot of money to seek the protection of the navy, but in the same way, he has the common problem of businessmen - he loves money as much as his life!

Knowing that his position may be exposed, but he did not want to leave the full of gold and silver in the cabin. He could only stand in the bow with a pale face, praying for the blessing of the goddess of luck, while stretching his neck to look at the golden sky in the distance, looking forward to the rapid appearance of the horizon representing his hometown...

The wind on the sea is getting stronger, and the waves are ups and downs layer by layer. Looking at the ups and downs alone, there is a majestic and irresistible force between heaven and earth. If you look down from above, the Dark Night Rose, with a displacement of 600 tons and a carrying 200 people, is like a falling leaf, floating and sinking in this vast ocean, as if it will be overturned at any time.

But at this time, a huge light flashed in the distant sky! It was as if the dazzling lightning cut through the sky in an instant. At this moment, the skin of all the people who looked at the lightning was stained with a layer of luster, as if the electric light had come alive and wandered on their skin, and even the pupils became lonely. And the lookout on the sail has also called loudly:

"Pirate ship is a 'man-eating ice cream' pirate group!"

"The enemy is in the west, nine nautical miles away! It is rapidly approaching"

“...... Damn it!" Amstro's heart twitched fiercely, "Can't you damn dirty creatures slow down!" How can it be better than a dog's nose! ... Comrade Navy, you must escort us safely to the shore of the island!"

Money and wealth have always been the root of evil. Conflicts have been doomed to irreconcilable pirates and merchants from the beginning. They don't even need nonsense, and the battle just began.