Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 015 Killing at Sea

Under the command and control of the old sea dog, this black-eating battle entered the moment of ** in an instant - for adventurers, whether it is the navy or pirates, they are all targets that can kill and plunder!

Boarding the black shark pirate ship, the leader of another small team in the temporary team was the captain of the mandala team, who cold-bloodedly chased the soul girl.

This is a man in his thirties. The most profound image is his narrow and gloomy eyes. In the Three Kingdoms era, he must be a treacherous figure such as Cao Cao and big-eared thief. The weapon used was an ancient gentleman's sword, which was called swallowing a snake. His behavior was both good and evil, and he treated the enemy cruelly and viciously.

At this moment, he narrowed his narrow eyes, but his eyes flashed with a bloodthirsty and excited light. His body was straight and pressed his hand on the hilt of the sword around his waist. In an elegant posture of a general stepping into the dance floor, he took the lead in stride down the stairs of the cabin. The pirates behind him shouted and raised their weapons and rushed in.

Down the stairs, there was a resistance front organized by more than a dozen pirate sailors of the Black Shark. Relying on the narrow terrain of the cabin passage, several wooden warehouses half knelt on the ground in front of them, "Papa" pulled the trigger, and there were no bullets, but a large spray of white smoke gushed out.

The smell of gunpowder smoke is quite pungent, but just like some people like to smell the smell of car exhaust and the smell after the explosion of gunfires. This smell is nothing more than a powerful sensation for old pirates. Hormones, adrenaline and so on are rapidly surged, and their eyes are becoming more and more scarlet...< /P>

Because Ji Wuming's shape is obviously the leader among the pirates, almost all the lead/blastics are poured on him. However, Ji Wumei's face showed a cruel and bloodthirsty ferocious smile. She pulled out the swallowing snake sword at her waist in an instant and scratched and provoked at a dazzling speed in the air. The speed of action has reached a speed that is completely unreachable for human eyes, so that the scene seen in everyone's eyes is Several silver lines appeared around him, and then the lead/bullet shot at him was ejected out, deeply embedded in the surrounding wooden walls.

Then Ji Wuming's forward speed did not decrease, and strode through this temporary position built by pirates. Behind him, the faces of the more than ten pirate sailors were full of panic, and their faces were unbelievable. They were stiff in place. After a long time, their throats, eyebrows, chests and other key points shot out a warm heat. The sweet hot blood finally fell down slowly. The remnants of the pupils after their death are still the elegant, majestic and straight figure of Ji Wuming, who slowly disappeared!

The pirates who followed Ji Wuming first looked at their heads in awe, and then rushed up. They plundered and searched these bodies very professionally, classified the looted property, and then very simply wiped the blood from their hands with the clothes of the dead and threw them down the bodies stripped into bare pigs. The sea.

The adventurer behind didn't like this small profit and went straight into the cabin.

In the face of the adventurer's raid, the controller of the ship seemed to be stunned. Obviously, he did not expect that the other party would launch such a fierce and rapid counterattack, and the defense of his pirate ship was so fragile that there was no decent resistance at all.

In this way, adventurers naturally make careless mistakes..." With a loud sound, the broken boards splashed around, and a huge black axe broke the board wall of the cabin and flew down!

The axe surface of this axe is extremely wide, and it is dark at least the size of a round table. If you want to calculate the weight carefully, it will cost at least 200 kg!

Peng Yu's wide eyes were full of blood in an instant. At this moment, he barely had time to lift the dog leg/knife on his right hand to block it. Then the dog leg/knife was immediately blown out, and the huge axe blade that swept him directly swept him five or six meters and rolled on the ground several times and hit the back. The load-bearing pillar bounced back again, and a mouthful of blood spewed out! It seems that several bones on the body have been broken!

But before Peng Yu got up from the ground, the floor under him immediately scattered and flew out, stretching out a pair of big hands full of blue and black corpse spots, strangling his legs fiercely, and then a heart-piercing pain poured into the nerves, and the flesh and flesh on his calves were actually bitten off a piece the size of a bowl!

Peng Yu, who was shocked and angry, patted with one hand and stood up. He saw a gloomy giant standing on the next floor of the ship. He wears a black leather hood on his head, which is at least 2,000 meters tall. He also wears black leather gloves on his hands. ** The skin outside has clear suture marks. What's more strange is that there are many blood-stained sharp iron spines up to more than ten centimeters on his body surface, which looks like Something is parasitize in his body, squeezing the sharpness of this steel out of the surface of his body. A smelly evil came to his face.

Crazyly signaled for help, Peng Yu did not dare to neglect at all. A black cross appeared in his hand, quickly cut down, cut off the giant man's arm with a knife, and then rolled down to escape. But the moment he stood up, he suddenly felt an extreme cold in his lower abdomen, just like the cold that even his ears could freeze off when hunting white bears on the Siberian ice field!

The eyes began to relax, and the warm blood flowed out like a flood that opened the gate. Peng Yu lowered his head and only saw a man in a black cloak, stirring his arms with a sneer, and the severe pain instantly flooded the remaining thoughts...

When the adventurer arrived, only a cold body with a broken belly was left on the ground.

Lin Xiao quickly examined the body and said lightly:

"It's a trap. The dagger used by the assassin is smeared with strong neurotoxic, and it is accompanied by cold power... This is the enemy's counterattack on this ship.

Obviously, the adventurers on this ship are not good at stubbles. After knowing that the situation is irreparable, they immediately set up a killing game according to the advantage of seizing the opportunity. The purpose is also very clear - to sink Laozi's boat, and I will exchange your life.

The gloomy adventurer became cautious and quickly destroyed and sank the ship. In the process, two adventurers were ambushed and attacked by the enemy. Fortunately, with the timely support of the crowd, there was no death again.

And it was found that the enemy who had no chance to start also immediately abandoned the ship and fled into the ocean and disappeared...

The wrong opponent's Black Shark emitted black smoke, dragged the wreckage of the mutilated limb and slowly sank into the deep ocean, carrying a ship of pirate corpses and falling into the endless dark abyss.

The solemn prompt sound sounded in the adventurer's ears:

"Ding: Sink the pirate ship Black Shark, reward 3,500 points, double C-level sideline plot."

The reward of this point is naturally nothing, and there are few evenly distributed, but the valuables looted from the Black Shark pirate ship can sell a lot of points. Unfortunately, Peng Yu was killed, which covered the victory with a glimmer.