Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 018 The Last Winner

The Black Sharks, who failed to seize the flag and could no longer escape from the sea, were quickly defeated, leaving only four keys emitting red light. Naturally, the eight adventurers who stayed in the Mingyuan are allocated rewards according to their contributions... As for Li Yun's fake international seal, are we not familiar with it at all? So there is no pressure to start with a knife~~

solved this episode, and the multi-party melee on the other side is finally coming to an end.

The sea is like a pot of boiling water under the bombing of magic, and sailors and adventurers are dumplings. In this case, it is difficult to distinguish between southeast and northwest. What else can we talk about?

So the three parties coincidentally launched a charge, and several ships violently collided into a regiment, and briefly contacted them as a platform for fighting.

The real protagonist or adventurer of this melee, whether it is the navy or pirates, is weak, and most of them are cannon fodder.

By this time, Lao Huang, who led the charge, had sneered and jumped to the edge of the junction with the naval frigate. His calmness and calmness formed a sharp contrast with the chaotic and frightened pirates around him. Then he picked up a heavy axe from his feet. This two-handed axe was used to cut deeply into the board of the enemy ship during the port battle, and then tied a cable at the end to play a fixed role. It was similar to the anchor. At least, it weighed nearly 100 kilograms. Ordinary pirates can only barely lift it and want to It's impossible to dance.

How powerful Lao Huang was at this time? He took the huge axe up with one hand and put it on his shoulder. The awe-in and majestic style directly attracted the attention of many people.

At this time, two red-eyed naval soldiers rushed over from behind him with bayonets. The little Japanese-style obscene shape made Lao Huang quite unhappy and naturally would not leave his hand. He suddenly turned in place and roared, and the nearly 100 kilograms of huge axe hit it with a dull roar. As soon as the two navies rushed to Lao Huang's approach, they suddenly suffered such a vicious attack. Suddenly, they were swept out without saying a sound. The sword in their hands was directly broken into two pieces, dragging out a long scream in the air and fell into the rough sea! It's already a lot of bad luck.

Another leader-level naval captain rushed over, but the heavy axe held by Lao Huang with one hand swept around again with a huge wind. The wooden board broke and the dust flew up. This man was also a little capable of roaring to block Lao Huang's slash, but it was also a tiger's mouth. The blood flowed for a long time, and he took five or six steps back. Before he could stand firm, Lao Huang had strode overt, punched it, smashed the goods out of the starboard, opened his hands and claws in the air, and fell into the water after a sad cry.

With one enemy, but it is a complete victory. That kind of momentum is really a British courage that can't be a man. And Lao Huang never retreated even half a step.

For a while, the wind and clouds surged, and the huge waves surged, and smashed them into tens of millions of pieces of jade behind him. Lao Huang stood tall on the starboard, regardless of the seven or eight bloody wounds on his body, pulled off the tattered shirt on his upper body, held the semi-damaged heavy axe in one hand, raised it into the air, and roared crazily:

"You idiots! The surrenderer will not be killed!"

At this moment, the whole battlefield was a little quiet, but it was deterred by Lao Huang's momentum. Then the rest of the pirates raised their knives and howled crazily. After all, this is an era of advocating personal heroes and force, otherwise there will be no titles such as the seven martial seas and the four emperors. Lao Huang's bravery fell into the eyes of the pirates, which is a symbol of morale. In addition, they have no loyalty to their immediate superiors. It is estimated that as long as Lao Huang speaks, there must be a lot of pirates under his command.

Sometimes a small thing on the battlefield can change the final outcome. The role of several people can often stimulate the morale of more people. When those pirates who thought they were desperate suddenly found that the enemy was "more than that", confidence and courage naturally returned to them. Similarly, when they found that their companions were just meaninglessly treated as cannon fodder, the pirates simply shrank to the corner and handed over the real stage to the adventurers.

There are about 40 adventurers on the field, and a quarter of them are the locust team led by Lao Huang.

Seeing that the chaos was suppressed, Lao Huang shouted again:

"I have contracted this task with the God team. If you don't want to die, leave as soon as possible, or you will bear the consequences!"

The shadow of the famous tree, the God Team, the newly promoted four strong teams in the East District, is naturally well known by many adventurer teams, so after Lao Huang launched the flag, the adventurers suddenly set off a wave.

After a short silence, Lao K, who was shrouded in a shadow cloak, came out and said in a hoarse voice:

"Big Huang, we meet again. My angry team can give up this side mission, but I want to follow the God team next.

The old yellow eyes turned and laughed:

"Welcome! Anyway, they are also teammates who have fought side by side. There is no need to say more about the credibility of my Tianshen team. After joining us, you will be a teammate who climbs in the trenches and never abandon you!"

There were five people in the angry team, and then Qin Yujie returned to the team with the silent knight Xiao Pang, so in an instant, the number of locust team directly accounted for half of the total number.

occupies half of the numerical advantage, and the god team is famous again. The faces of the hostile adventurers have changed greatly. The two teams even drove away without even saying a word about the scene. Obviously, they are not willing to "contrave with the same flow". The remaining people were poor children whose ships were sunk and had nowhere to return. After hesitation, they quickly approached Lao Huang and asked if they could join the looting team. Old Huang, who knew Lin Xiao's plan, naturally refused and agreed with a smile on his face, although his expression was really a little like a laughing tiger...

So the sea melee, which lasted for nearly half an hour, ended in this way, and the locust team became the final winner with an absolute numerical advantage.

After the war, it was natural to sit on the ground to share the stolen goods. It is worth mentioning that under Lin Xiao's proposal, everyone did not kill the big businessman Amstro, but was first supported by a vampire duke who strengthened to A-level bloodline - that is, a brainwashing method with absolute loyalty to his subordinates.

And the purpose of doing this is also very clear: how can it be easily let go without squeezing out the last drop of profit?

After controlling the big businessman, he was not only able to release some stolen goods from the pirate ship through his channels, but also obtained some more advanced intelligence information. Just like raising a cow, killing meat is the stupidest way~~