Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 025 Night Killing

This great turmoil provoked by a group of adventurers finally entered the high/tide part in a grand arson feast after nightfall...

The prosperous streets in the past have become bloody ditches, and the bodies piled up in the roadside ditch even blocked the stream.

The blazing fire reflected crying and roaring. The wooden cannon symphony echoed in the night sky, and the fragrance of gunpowder and roses bloomed in the blood.

The laughter of pirates echoed on the island that has been ruled peacefully for 30 years.

In the chaotic darkness, the suppressed heart and the ugliness at the bottom of the heart are completely released, and groups of pirates can be seen scattered everywhere. From their urgent expressions and fanatical eyes, it can be seen that they also want to make a fortune in this chaos.

At this time, there was no cruel restraint and suppression of the pirate captain. These pirates became real locusts and rushed into the street shops. A little resisters cut them away with a knife, setting off a desperate wail...

Of course, most of the people who open stores on this free island are not good men and women, so in a short period of time, the whole island has fallen into blood, smoke and war.


And in this chaos, the adventurers also gathered together silently. At this time, Lin Xiao also came to the agreed place. He was wearing a storm priest's robe, and the corners of his clothes were hunting in the night wind. Under his long black hair was a pair of hot eyes that people dared not look at him!

Looking at the Fox family guards nervously patrolling back and forth on the sentry, his eyes suddenly showed fierce light and ambition!

"With such a long layout, we can finally harvest the fruits of victory. Then, let's start our feast!"

What is the purpose of adventurers doing this? Is it because you are bored to provoke a dispute on the island?

Don't joke, who doesn't know that adventurers have always been unprofitable and early, and those who are willing to put themselves in danger if they don't have enough interests to drive them.

So where do the benefits come from?

A pirate in ragged clothes and sometimes even poor to lose his trousers?

The navy that trains hard and drinks clear soup and wild vegetable porridge every day?

Of course, it is an alliance of businessmen who have been operating on the island for 30 years and can accumulate wealth! And as the eldest brother of the Merchants Alliance, the wealth accumulated by the Fox family over the years is enough to make anyone jealous!

Will the adults of the Cuckold Fox family swallow their anger? No man can stand this kind of thing!

So at this time, the castle of the Fox family must be poured out, and the defense force is extremely empty! And this is the strategic goal that Lin Xiao wants to achieve.

I still remember that last night, on the sea rock like water, Lin Xiao's eyes showed a rare greed. He lowered his voice and said mysteriously:

"Pirates are poor, and the navy is also suffering, so why don't we make another money from these businessmen with big waist and fat brains? The money of the big businessman Amstro alone is enough to pay for us running around the island to pick up some small tasks~~"

Wealth and silk touch people's hearts.

Taoting the current situation and taking huge returns and profits as bait, the adventurers who are worried about their pockets are getting together as soon as they get together, Taoyuan is righteous and embarrassed~~

The sound of fire rope wooden warehouses like fried beans on the island came one after another, and the smoke was filled with gunpowder, and the tragic white-edged battle also began, and the scene was tragic in the chaos.

Some of the lonely or later adventurers who did not participate in Lin Xiao's layout participated in this melee, either stabbed in the back to earn head points, or saved some important people and gained popularity, but the real winner has still touched Lin Xiao outside the Fox family castle. Wait for someone, everyone can make a full bowl!

In the final analysis: Where is it better to save people?

So after Lin Xiao put forward this plan, after the adventurer figured out the key points, everyone's eyes glowed like a hungry wolf! I can't wait to raise my hands and feet for approval:

"Ye, that's what I mean!"

"I'm the best at killing and arson!"

"Big Boss Lin Xiao, I will take the lead in charging!"


It is also to bleed and desperately, but at the end of one road, after risking your life, you can only get a few words of gratitude and perfunctory from the plot characters. I don't know how long it will take to convert gratitude into actual benefits, while the end of the other road is gently and coincidentally killing and arson, plundering... Even a fool knows which way to choose.

In such chaos, some speech-witched pirates rushed up quickly and in the direction of the Fox family castle. The motivation to support them is naturally the legendary wealth piled up in the castle. On the way forward, the warm body was trampled under his feet, breathing mixed with the bloody smell of gunpowder smoke. Many pirates couldn't help but be excited and shouted with their chests open.

This group of blinded pirates scolded any guy in front of them. Once there was a person in the way, they immediately waved a knife to open the wooden warehouse without hesitation! This barbarism and bloody practice is expected to cause great trouble at ordinary times, but it has undoubtedly had a good effect on this chaotic and rich island.

Unlike this group of temporarily pulled cannon fodder, the adventurers all kept quiet and silent, but the light and bloodthirsty excitement flashed between their eyes were even hotter!

Two miles away from the castle were ten sentries guarding, but under the haunted assassin adventurers, they couldn't survive a round at all, and their throats sprayed warm blood and fell on their backs, and all the sounds turned into clucky strange breath echoing in their throats.

...... Armstrong, a blood descendant/big merchant, should provide information, which can save a lot of trouble.

Standing above the Sentinel Tower, Lin Xiao's waist was straight. He stood with his hands on his back and looked at the Fox family fortress, which was "broken" by cannon fodder pirates and even the gate of the castle, but his eyes were deep and calm, and there was no trace of waves. At this moment, he took a deep breath and let the sea breeze with the faint smell of smoke fill his lungs, and a faint smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

"Somethings are going as I expected..."

For Lin Xiao, who created the current situation, of course, he knows what is worth worrying about, such as how many obscene adventurers there are in the face, such as the uncontrolled Lone Ranger on the island... But what about this?

Adventurers are not puppets of clay and woodcuts. How can they be obedient? All you need is to complete your plan with their hands.

There are only two possibilities for the plan here: First, the adventurer successfully entered the defenseless Fort of the Fox family and plundered a large amount of wealth.

Second, there is unfavorable progress and casualties during the propulsion process. However, people die for money, birds die for food, and wealth is there. If you can't get it, you can only blame yourself for incompetence. No one will blame Lin Xiao.


At this time, Lin Xiao took a deep breath.

The night is vast, and the sea shakes slightly. At the foot of the mountain in the distance, thousands of lights are brilliant, and the flashing fire rope wooden warehouse is like the stars in the night sky, constantly blinking.

Lin Xiao stood on the mountain rock, and his whole body seemed to be integrated into the deep darkness, with an indescribable mystery and strangeness.

His breathing seemed to echo the rhythm of the sea breeze. After a while, he said a murmur that only the night wind could hear and integrated into the black crowd...