Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 028 See the Dagger

It is not always possible to solve problems with robbery, hacking and killing. Pirates can have no brains, but they can't help but know how to judge the situation. Some people really can't afford to provoke themselves. So even if one hand is cut off, the pirate doesn't mean much resentment and anger - if the skill is not as good as others, then it's better to be honest than losing his life.

And the pirates are used to the days of drunken dreams. After tasting the mellow aroma of rum, the fragrance of tobacco, and the gentleness of women, what they are most afraid of is no longer death, but the days when they are poor, can only tighten their belts, and swallow rye steamed buns with boiling water! So the head can fall off and blood can also flow, except without flashing gold coins!

And subconsciously, this group of pirates have such an idea:

Just now, that group of guys can grab a few big boxes of treasure, so can I!

At this time, there is no need for Lao Huang to boost morale at all. The pirates who smell gold coins are like wild dogs out of their reins. They don't have to rush, and they will rush in without looking back. So they didn't see the meaningful smile on the corners of Lao Huang and Lin Xiao when they passed by the pirate team...

According to the information collected by everyone:

Little Fox, the young master of the Fox family, was obviously planted with a spell by Orochimaru from the world of Naruto - a way similar to controlling puppets in the first embrace of the blood clan, but because the pirate world and the Naruto world are "different from each other", these invaders rarely expose their existence, let alone living in the dark for a long time. Among them, the big snake pill. In addition, the average force value of the pirate world is not low. The three generals of the navy, Wang Xiaqi Wuhai and other characters are fully capable of single-handedly challenging Orochimaru, so nearly 80% of the possibility that the snake with "leukemia" will not join the outside fight.

In this case, Orochimaru will naturally choose a quiet place that will not be easily disturbed to carry out some unscientific secret experiments, and what is more quiet and more in line with the requirements than the cave wall built on the mountain behind the castle?

Of course, all this is a more realistic possibility derived from logic after analyzing various possibilities, but even if it is wrong, it seems that there is no loss - adventurers have at least emptied a lot of the wealth of the Fox family. After the director's drama spread out, they can gain a great reputation, no matter from In any respect, there is no loss.

Unfortunately, Orochimaru was really encountered by adventurers here, so... Just kill it. I can only blame you for your bad life.


Just as Lin Xiao and others followed this team of pirates through two corridors and were about to approach the battlefield, there was suddenly a subtle but strange sound in the air. The sound is not only like the gurgling of a stream that is about to be cut off, but also as if it were nibbled on the fine fragments of mulberry leaves, and something faintly unfolded in the darkness.

Then Lao Huang raised his eyebrows and immediately stopped, but the huge stone floor in front of everyone had suddenly reversed from the bottom to the top, standing abruptly in front of everyone like a high wall.

Four pirates were nailed to the slate with huge wooden stake-like nails. At least they were once familiar companions, but at this time, they were nailed alive on the huge black slate. I don't know whether they were dead or alive. ** The skin outside has an indescribable paleness, and it looks like all the blood is It was dried.

This sad and gloomy scene immediately shocked most pirates. Some began to shout, and some planned to save people. Just as all the pirates were confused and felt scared, there was a soft sound of "collapse" in the air again! This sound is like a whisper in the downtown. If you don't listen carefully and distinguish it, you won't notice its existence at all, but once you find it, it's close at hand... That's the sound of arrows passing through the air!

According to Lin Xiao's visual inspection, who fell behind him leisurely, the initial speed of the arrow shot from all directions can reach more than 100 meters per second, which is equivalent to bolts falling from 60 floors or stones thrown to cars at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour! The destructive power generated by such a speed is extremely amazing, and even the ordinary plate armor that reaches the thickness of the little finger within 100 meters cannot stop the powerful power. What's more, these strong pirates at most?

The sharp sound is ringing freely. These arrows are rotating at high speed in the air, dragging out a tail of cyan phosphor light at the end. From the perspective of length and standard, it should belong to the very popular angle iron arrows, the arrow body made of horn wood and the long arrow made of metal mixed proportions. There is a very inconspicuous small hole in the wall of the underground castle in all directions. Even if you don't pay attention during the day, it is difficult to find that the arrows are shot from here, and the remaining holes are like deep eyes that have been gouged out and staring at everything with resentment.

The pirates who rushed in front fell down like wheat waved by a sickle. At this critical moment of life and death, no one dared to hide their strength, and several pirates in the team roared and launched a counterattack.

The one-eyed pirate leader who ran in the front pulled out the sailor's knife from his waist at the first time. The knife was accompanied by a light blue light, and he chopped three knives in a row with lightning speed. He cut off three arrows alive, and then took out the fire rope wooden barn around his waist with his empty left hand and bombarded it. Two long arrows shot at the lower body.

But his outstanding performance also attracted the attention of those enemies hidden in the dark. Just before the light blue smoke dissipated, the patterns on the wall of the castle suddenly shone, and a huge sense of danger came to his face, so that the hair on the back of everyone's hands stood up one by one.

When the light first appeared, it was silent, but as it accelerated, there was a sad roar in the air, and then it curved into an oval trajectory in the air. The goal is the one-eyed dragon that is showing courage. Where it passes, it rolls out a hole in the dust in the air. The one-eyed dragon cut out with a knife, but it has no effect. In the end, a big hole was pierced in his throat by the light!

At the moment when the light broke out of the throat, everyone could even clearly see the scenery behind when the blood had not yet surging through the hole broken by the arrow.

Although it has plundered a person's life like a broken bamboo, the remaining momentum of this throat-breaking blow is not only undiminished, but also positive. When the one-eyed dragon's eyes were incredibly angry and blood gushed out of the wound in his throat, it shot through the chest of the pirate behind him and hit him whole body. Half-flying, it hit the stone wall of the castle behind, and the blood-stained body slowly slid down, as if pouring ink on the wall of the ancient castle with a sad oil painting.

Then this miserable white arrow made of special material was fiercely pinched by a big blue-reed big hand, and the arrow body was more than a foot away, and the arrow tail exposed outside was trembling.

Looking at the arrow in his hand, Lao Huang frowned, "This is the bone arrow of the world of Naruto... Jun Malu?"

"buzzing", another wave of bone spurs came. At this moment, Lao Huang's eyes suddenly stared, and a piece of earthy smoke surging under his feet. The cool linen clothes on his upper body were directly broken by swollen muscles in an instant, burst into pieces of butterflies, and the bone spurs in his hand were directly pinched by him.

Then he took a deep breath, and the rapid flow of the air actually showed a low roar. This action made the veins on his neck and head swell like a cyan snake, and then his swollen right arm was raised high, and then he punched hard and hit the floor in front of him!

At the moment when the fist came into contact with the hard floor, it could be clearly seen that Lao Huang's thick and exposed right arm returned to normal in an instant, and the ground in front of him was strangely protruding, and quickly extended to the darkness in the distance, and the earthy yellow wave angry dragon also seemed to spread.

With one punch, the whole castle had another violent shock. It can be clearly felt that its fundamental subject is trembling indescribably. At the same time, several strands of blood were shot from the hole where sharp arrows were fired from the right stone wall. The blood seemed to be squeezed and ejected out. It splashed on the ground and grined, and it could faintly distinguish something like muscle tissue inside. Obviously, the castle guards who controlled the mechanism in the dark have been squeezed to death with huge fists. Then a head with ferocious bone spurs was thrown out by Qin Yujie...