Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 037 Quiet Campus

Lin Xiao said in a low voice, "Since there is no doubt, let's take action now. First of all, we need to explore the surrounding environment clearly, and we must do it as soon as possible! Don't break into any house without special circumstances, because the danger inside is greater. While guarding against monsters, you should also beware of others stabing in the back... Although I don't know when it will switch to the 'Inland World', there is a buffer time of about ten minutes from the air defense alarm to the inner world. In the process, everyone gathers together as much as possible. Combined with everyone's movement speed and the time spent encountering dangers on the road... Let's set the exploration range to the current radius of two kilometers for the time being.

Everyone is deeply convinced. When you first come to a strange environment, you should first be familiar with it, then collect all kinds of necessary materials, find safe areas, check whether there are dangerous factors, etc. These are all daily compulsory content.

Lin Xiao has never disappointed people for so long, and this time it is the same.

Snakes can't do without a head. What a person is most afraid of in the predicament is the absence of six gods and panic and helplessness. Therefore, a strong and smart mind and a clear direction are easier to convince and follow.

Next, several people discussed whether to act separately or in a unified way. Xu Le's opinion is to act uniformly, on the grounds that it is undoubtedly very dangerous to separate from this damn place.

Lin Xiao shook his head and said:

"It's better for everyone to act separately." People make the best use of their talents and make the best use of things. This place cannot be described by common sense. It is not the safest place to get together, but a great waste of manpower. After all, we are not the only ones here, and no one can guarantee whether other adventurers will trigger some horror plots.

Lao Huang nodded and said:

"Then let's work in pairs, and there is also a response to each other."

"Well, that's it."

At this time, a pitiful aggrieved voice suddenly sounded in the back of the crowd and said weakly, "What about me?"

It is obvious that he just wanted to talk to the fat man who wanted to worship Xu Le. This guy ran away and followed closely behind the buttocks of the Tianshen team. At this moment, his eyes came up:

"You won't let me act alone, will you? Although I am fat, I have a weak heart, which can't help but be scared~~"


Everyone is speechless. At present, there are eight people in the Tianshen team, and a group of two is assigned to exactly four groups, but the fat man came in and there will be one more person anyway.

However, it is always to reach out and not hit the smiling face. The matter of "turning over and cutting people" always touches the almost finished moral bottom line of everyone. After a short silence, Lin Xiao said:

"You are in a group with us, Bai Yu and Xu Le..."

After the distribution, Lin Xiao waved his hand and shouted:

"go, go! Whether you find it or not, gather here in an hour! Let's go!"

No one was pretentious, and everyone sorted out their bags and chose the direction to set out.


As the adventurer dispersed, the atmosphere suddenly became deserted. Lao Geng shrank his neck, consciously came to Lin Xiao, and said with a shy face:

"Brother Lin, where are we going next?"

Lin Xiao pointed to a line behind him and said a rather philosophical sentence: "The future is far away. Don't ask where to go, follow your heart..."

Lao Geng's eyes lit up and thought:

"It seems that there is some truth... Can you walk out of the Silent Hill by following your heart?

"Of course not." Without saying anything, I heard Lao Geng's 'oops' and knocked down a broken brick wall, and couldn't help sighing, "I mean, you can't hit the wall if you follow your heart."

The next thing was simple. It took Lin Xiao less than a minute to find a yellow town map from a car full of ashes on the roadside.

Locate your location according to the nearby iconic buildings, and your eyes quickly fell on the location closest to the three of them: the campus.


The road was very quiet, quiet to death, and no monster jumped out to disturb the situation. Before long, Lin Xiao and the other three had stood in front of the campus. The ashes in the sky are still waving endlessly, and another layer of half-finger-thick ashes has fallen on the shoulders of the three.

Lin Xiao looked up at the school gate. Through the thick gray fog and scattered "ash snow", there are four rusty words covered with ashes on the mottled school gate, and it is faintly visible that there is gold paint left on the big word.

"Seeing this reminds me of the carefree green years when I was a child." The fat man blinked, "The streamer is easy to throw people away, throw people away."

Along the way, Lin Xiao and Qian Benying have also been used to the fat Lao Geng's self-entertainment and said without caring:

"I don't need to say more about the status of the campus in the Silent Hill. It must be dangerous to go in. Why don't you stay here and wait for us?"

The fat man grinned and laughed, "How can we? We won't let our companions break into the tiger's den alone. If we want to break through... You take the lead, my queen!"


Lin Xiao, who had no hope for this guy's shamelessness, walked in, followed by Qianben Ying, who didn't say a ghost all the way, and finally pulled a smiling face and the fat old man trembling all over his body.

The fundamental purpose of building a school is to teach and educate people, aside from the architectural style, this school is no different from many middle schools in the mainland.

Lin Xiao, who has done enough "work" before entering the Silent Hill, will naturally not foolishly explore and look for it. In fact, each of the people in the God Team has a delicate and profound understanding of the current world. Including Alessa's birth process, life experience, humiliation in school, injuries in the hospital, distorted religious ideas on this land, and speculation and inference about the origin of this evil force... Three days of preparation time is enough for adventurers to find out that Aretha is still wetting the bed.

There is nothing we can do. As an adventurer who "stands at the world from another height", if you don't know how to collect information in advance, analyze the plot, find breakthroughs, and draw up an action plan according to possible tasks... That's so stupid that it's not as good as pigs.

So, without hesitation, Lin Xiao pulled Qian Benying and quickly walked to the classroom that Alyssa remembered the most in the materials.


This is a classroom, a very ordinary classroom. Messy tables and chairs, gray ground, paper balls in the corner, graffiti on the blackboard...

There is no light in the classroom, the back sun, and the outside of the window is gray. The window is covered with ashes, and the light can't penetrate. Therefore, it can be imagined that the light in this classroom is very insufficient. One-third of the area by the window is a little bright, while the other two-thirds is getting darker. Alternately clear, dark and cold.

The desk and floor full of dust indicate that this classroom has been abandoned for a long time.

But on the ceiling, the four ceiling fans are still "squeak...squeak..." and turn very slowly, but there is no wind at all. Because the line here has already been exposed and burned, I really don't understand how the ceiling fan, which has been rusted to the point of almost falling off, turns.

Under the ceiling fan close to the back door of the classroom, there is a corpse hanging - to be precise, half of it is rotten and full of maggots.

The deceased was probably a middle-aged man with ragged clothes. A thin blue and white striped stripe strangled his neck and hung under the fan. The old elder whose neck was pulled, like an elongated duck neck, seems to have evolved "ad with the times" under so many years of gravity.

A rotten eyeball stared at his eyes, and the other eyeball was gone. His eyes were empty, half of his face was covered with sticky **, and a white maggot drilled around in the black hole...

Well, aside from the visual impact, this dead body hanging under the fan really has no deterrent power. Which of the adventurer who has lived to the present is not a blood-stained butcher? There are many people who have killed. Eating human flesh is also a matter of closing your eyes and biting. How can there be any psychological burden?

But at this time, the fat man shouted "Ah!" in horror, and his voice was like a cuckoo crying blood, as if it was melodious.

"What's wrong with you?"

"The blue and white striped towel used by this guy to hang is very familiar, and it seems to be mine..."

"What's yours?" Lin Xiao asked.

The fat man Geng pinched the corners of his clothes and said cowardly:

"It's my underwear, I hate~~"
