Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 051 Analysis

Things seem complicated, and it's quite simple to explain - if you want to live, adventurers will have to play the role of "nanny" for the next period of time. Responsible for the diet and living, eating, drinking and sleeping of the crazy believers in the shelter~~

Although several people are reluctant to leave the shelter, they also know that continuing to stay is undoubtedly equivalent to "suicide by taking poison", and it is also a very fast-acting poison like Hedinghong. Keeping warm can be done. Faith can resist the big devil, but it can't fill the stomach.

- Morality and belief must be based on food and clothing.

"Well, the nanny career has begun~~"

Although there are many people, the God team will not rely on the crowd to play big cards at this time. Lao Huang greeted them and walked out of the shelter and began the journey of "treasure hunting".

Xu Le scratched his head and said:

"Well, although the plot seems to be a little chaotic, it seems quite reasonable."

"These things don't matter." Lao Huang took out a map and said, "The materials searched are mainly food, so they are mainly supermarkets and restaurants..."

After selecting the search direction and target, everyone walked away, and the footprints and footprints were quickly buried by the ashes of the sky.


The Silent Hill table world is still quiet in most cases, or dead silence. The group marched quickly and didn't take long to reach the target location. The small restaurant is not difficult to find, although it stands in the middle of a row of four- or five-story buildings, and Feng Xiaoxi, who has the sharpest vision, quickly determined his goal.

This is a typical European and American restaurant, located on an inadvertent street corner. Its side is a narrow and deep alleyway, and the messy and dumped garbage cans and scattered debris are the only objects that can be seen in the fog.

"There are monsters." Feng Xiaoxi stretched out his hand.

In the pile of debris in the alley, a humanoid monster that seemed to be a dog skin plaster like a headless fly was bumping around, because the visibility was not very real. Feng Xiaoxi can only faintly distinguish its general appearance and characteristics.

It is a monster without upper limbs. Judging from its thin waist, plump and round legs, it seems to be more female-oriented.

But the monster has no prominent chest, and the whole upper neck and head are wrapped in a layer of translucent cortex full of toughness. It was a cage made of human skin peeled from it. It staggered, and every movement was full of pain and struggle - the person in the trap.

may be the only dark creatures in the world. From the perspective of modeling, they represent ordinary people/ passers-by who have no opinions, are indifferent and the same, and like to protect themselves with disguise.

- Sometimes, inaction should also be punished.

Molly raised her hand to aim, but was stopped by Xu Le:

"These monsters will only kill more and more powerfully. Try not to shoot without shooting. It's just suffering souls. Just leave it alone.

The girl pouted, but she was still very obedient and didn't do anything.

"Let's go into the room and say." Lao Huang said and walked to the small restaurant first.

A few small soft chairs are placed in the hall for small gatherings. Opposite the doors and windows of the street are bar counters that lead to the left and right. More than a dozen high-footed swivel chairs with red leather cushions are placed messy there, and there is also a billiards machine for entertainment in the corner of the room... Typical Western style.

The room is not covered with dust like outside. On the contrary, the tables, chairs, countertops and floors are very clean, giving people the feeling that they are still open for the moment before.

Xu Le sat on a soft sand, picked up a bottle of tomato juice on the table and sniffed it in front of his nose, squeezed it on the table to look at the color, and then said:

"It's very fresh. It won't take 48 hours to open it. It should be edible."

Lao Huang picked up a folded cardboard from another table and opened it and said, "Silent Hill Travel Guide... This is a map."

Bai Yu gently turned into the bar and entered the kitchen through a narrow door. A few people came out and shrugged:

"The fire of the kitchen gas tank is still burning, with a large pot stewed with unknown meat... The man's head and internal organs are frozen in the freezer. There is no trace of fighting in it. It feels like an ordinary restaurant.

Hearing this, no one showed a surprised expression. Obviously, they were used to it.

Not to mention just cooking a person, even if the man sings "the most dazzling national style" in the stew pot, it is not a strange thing in Silent Hill.

Xu Le reached out and took a bottle of red wine from the bar, bounced the bottle stopper, and then took a big sip into the mouth of the bottle.

Next to Jasmine, she hummed, "Cow chews peonies, rude!"

Xu Le shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm not a British gentleman in the first place. It's better to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf... It just tastes a little bad."

"That's what red wine needs to be tasted. If you drink like this, there will be no taste."

"How come? Have you never heard a word from your ancestors?' Beautiful and delicious! With such a cute girl sitting next to me, I feel like I'm 'Spartan'.

"You like to talk nonsense so much that one day you have to sew your mouth!"

"If there really is that day, I hope you can sew it with your lips~~"

"Shameless! B bitch!"


The two fought for themselves, and the others were also leisurely and did not see the dangers that could come at any time.

The fat man was so anxious that he sweated profusely and said with a wry smile:

"Let's find this place quickly and go back."

"Ok, then this glorious and difficult task will be entrusted to you," Lao Huang nodded. "The revolution has not yet succeeded. Comrades need to work hard!"

"..." The fat man's head is full of black lines, and I'm the only one who is busy!

The fat man who couldn't laugh and cry was not in a hurry. He found a soft sofa and sat down - so what? Although my legs are short, I just run fast! At worst, dead Taoist friends will not die~~

"Well, let's discuss the next action."

"Silent Hill itself is very profound, and all kinds of things in it have a very profound meaning." Bai Yu also pulled a chair and sat down.

"What do you say?" The fat man asked.

"For example, the fog outside. As we all know, fog is the product of water vapor condensation, but it is not water vapor mist, and the ashes are not the qualitative form of fog, so it can be guessed that fog represents confusion, and the soul is confused.

"Second, ashes. Ashes represent dust. Buddha has a saying that Bodhi has no tree, and the mirror is not a platform. Wipe frequently and do not stain the dust. The ashes scattered in the sky are not only the impurities burning in the underground coal mine, but also represent the earthly dust that falls on the mind, which makes people's ears and eyes closed and lose ground.

"Third, watch the world. Combining the first two symbolic meanings, it can also be concluded that the surface world represents the heart, the confused heart and soul covered by dust.

"It's the first time I've heard this statement. It's quite fresh." The fat man said curiously, "You mean we are in someone's heart or memory?"

Bai Yu looked at him and shook his head faintly:

"It's not that simple. It's like although we can't see the air and the fragrance of flowers, they really exist. Who stipulates that Silent Hill must be a existence that we can understand?

"Two-dimensional creatures don't know up and down, only know the front and back. Similarly, we can't understand the four-dimensional space, because we haven't been in contact with it."

"But one thing is certain is that Silent Hill is obviously not just what we see in front of us."

"So what exactly are we facing? A supernatural monster?" This time it was the girl Molly who asked.

"Silent Hill is really not just a place name."

Xu Le organized the language and said slowly:

"I am responsible for the collection and collation of intelligence data, so I have come into contact with the most... According to official information, the history of Silent Hill can be traced back to the 16th century, which is obviously earlier than the history of the United States. It is said that this place was originally regarded as a holy place by the indigenous people, and important ceremonies and sacrifices were often held. Translated, it is called 'the resting place of the soul'.

"Death?" Sister Qin, who leaned against the bar, answered.

"It's almost the same, but it's not as gloomy as you understand. I think it is more appropriate to regard it as a 'blessed soul resting place', because the Indians at that time believed that after death, his flesh/experience returned to the embrace of nature, and his soul should rest undisturbed. You can feel that there is no derogatory here.

Then, immigrants began to settle in Silent Hill in the early 18th century. And in the past 200 years, there have been some things here... I won't repeat the specific situation, mainly the large-scale plague and the death of prisoners of war and other events. In 1890, the power of Silent Hill was formed, and the first mysterious disappearance of a large number of residents in history occurred.

There is a saying that there is a great horror between life and death, and death and soul are always the most mysterious and unknown. It may be transformed by the combination of special geographical location, soul, death, resentment, prayer and other forces, and this place has become a 'silent hill'. And the big demon Alesha controls and uses this power.