Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 062 The Devil Comes

Adventurer City has never been a world that pays attention to rules and order. The only "rule" here is not to talk about "rules", and the only "order" here is that there is no "order"... Although it is not clear whether the big demon Alyssa has heard any wind and refused to come at the first time, the adventurer has However, if you dare to break the boat and launch a backwater battle, you will naturally take this situation into account...

So, an adventurer who was defeated and embarrassed by his own dark side roared angrily, grabbed the girl believers who followed him in a panic, and "hugged" together fiercely.

His mouth opened so wide that it was like an elongated black hole. The corners of his mouth cracked under his ears, the bridge of his nose contracted and became shorter, and his teeth were sharp. In an instant, this rather feminine and handsome adventurer has become more horrible and ugly than the nightmare ghost...

The girl's eyes pulled into his arms were confused, and her arms gently hugged the waist of the male adventurer. This elegant action looked like a pair of affectionate lovers hugging each other~~

After a while, the adventurer let go of his hand and the girl who was "hugged" slowly fell down. Her dead white face was still full of romance. It was a beautiful expression of enjoying death for love in extreme love, but the skin that lost blood was pale and shriveled, and it looked a little strange.

This scene looks like the martyrdom of a pair of lovers, as beautiful as a dream.

Wiping the corners of his mouth, the handsome vampire turned around and walked to the archbishop Chris Bella, who was hidden by monsters in the middle of the church:

"This time, I'll see if you can stand it?"

Being bitten by a high-level vampire is not only an ultimate enjoyment, but also can suck the soul of the prey away from the blood - in the Silent Hill, death is just the beginning of another torture, still under the domination of the great demon Aretha. But even Alyssa can no longer peel off her life and soul by the strong men of the count of the blood clan. That is to say, this kind of death is real death and a relief that will not be tortured again. Can Alisa stand this kind of toy out of her control...

Chris, who was meticulously processed under the arrangement of the adventurer. Bishop Bella became the best tool for blasphemy/blasphemy, making her lose the power to block the darkness and protect everyone in the dark night of the inner world.

And Chris. Bella herself is also the most hated target of the great demon Aretha. Although she is now worse than death, if she is eaten by a vampire, her soul will get eternal rest... And this happens to be the ending that the demon Aretha is absolutely unacceptable.

(It won't come out, right? It depends on how long you can put up with it!)

The vampire-level adventurer rushed to Bishop Chris Bella with a ferocious smile, with a bloody cloak behind him, and his slender fangs pointed straight to his neck...

"No! She is mine! It's mine! You can't take her away from me~~~!" At the moment when she was about to bite Chris Bella's neck, a girl's sad and angry cry suddenly sounded in the air, and then the ground began to shake slightly. The eternal dark sky in the world cracked huge blood stains through the sky, as if the end of the world was coming, and looked extremely horrible.

"Haha, it will come..."

"What if it angers the most terrible existence in the world? Horizontal and vertical is a death, and I will definitely fight!"


At this time, the circular prayer platform in the center of the church suddenly began to collapse by itself. After a thin layer of floor cracked and fell, a dark red hole that seemed to reach the center of the earth was suddenly exposed. Looking down from the hole, you could faintly see a dirty and bloody girl with a very strange face. The way to climb up. And behind her, countless thorn wires waved crazily like the tentacles of monsters, surrounded by a rotten hospital bed and rose upwards... The great demon Aretha, finally came...

"Get ready, everyone! Success or failure of life and death is here!" The big man Meng Hao's voice trembled slightly, and many people were already full of inflow.

It's not easy. After hanging out in the Silent Hill for so long, this is the first time I've seen the big boss, the demon Alyssa~~

Ants are still greedy for life, not to mention adventurers who struggle for survival all day long. If they don't have a strong desire to survive, they will not be able to live until now. After all, it's hard to live and easy to die. If you slack off a little, there will be monsters/killers/hunters and other creatures to free you, and give you a ticket to hell by the way...

So as long as there is a glimmer of hope for survival, they will not take the initiative to give up, although they regard Aretha's own mother and unabandoned soul as weights, and a girl who admires them as food for the most perfect anger, which is despicable, cold-blooded and unfriendly... But unfortunately, few adventurers who can live until now still care about their face. Compared with shamelessness, who will be the opponent of this group of adventurers who have no restrictions~~

With countless venomous snake tentacles climbing thorns and wires rushing out of the ground, the blood-stained purple Lori climbed out of the dark red underground abyss like the resurrection of Sadako, but she did not have a calm and strange smile as in the original work. At this time, Alessa gritted her teeth and stared at it fiercely and resentfully. With the vampire who just took away her "toy"...

The adventurer was so scared that he trembled all over, and a coolness went straight from the tail vertebrae to his forehead. He turned his head and ran away without saying a word, and dared not fart... Ancestor, don't stare at me. I have no choice!

Aresha in purple said viciously, "I will let you know how terrible it is to take the soul from a demon..."

The vampire trembled all over, wailing and holding his head... After all, he is the ultimate big boss. In the case of premonition, he can't have the courage to resist at all. This shows how important momentum is~~

For good, the demon Alysa did not chase vampires who ran faster than rabbits. Soon, the rotten hospital bed was also erected behind the little girl in purple. On the face of the disease, a middle-aged woman who was tightly wrapped in bandages and exposed a little skin was also covered with traces of severe burns. She was fixed on the bed like a live mummy. The only way she could use to express her hatred. Shi is the ferocious eyes, looking at everyone in front of him.

Under the gaze of these eyes, everyone feels like a frog being watched by a poisonous snake.

As a high-level demon in the abyss, on this face, Alyssa came in a three-part form, that is, the little Lori in purple as the dark side, Sharon, the adopted daughter of Ruth, as the heroine of the plot with a kind face, and as a material body, Alesha, a mummy who is more than 40 years old.

After separating the good and evil inside the body, the only thing left in Aretha's body is the boundless hatred for the fanatics and the desire for the maternal love that has never really been obtained.

And these two emotions are what she doesn't want to let go anyway, so the big demon Alyssa came as promised...