Infinite Dharma God

Chapter 072 Final Redemption!

On the one hand, there is the almost immortal evil god Aretha, and on the other hand, there is the pure holy power accumulated for thousands of years. When the two meet, it will be the most brilliant.

“...... The ark!"

The stunned demon reacted at the first time. As a fallen angel and a powerful creature, she naturally recognized this item at a glance and understood its power more than the adventurer.

So, she has no choice.

The thorn wire transformed into several shadows, piercing the distance through time and space, and gently stabbed the old woman. Then... Soul deprivation.

The old woman who was pierced with her soul stared, opened her mouth, and slowly fell to the ground.

The opening of the container was stopped, but Alesha did not have any joy... Does it mean that you will never get the most thirsty redemption by killing your biological mother with your own hands and being stabbed by your dearest adoptive mother?

However, it is still not over.

The great demon Aretha is quite powerful and has an evil god level. Adventurers play tricks under her eyelids, which is almost a joke. Whether it is summoning creatures or crazy believers, there is no chance to open the ark. Therefore, the adventurer made the simplest mechanism--

About 1400 BC, Moses received the Ten Commandments in Mount Sinai and made the Ark of the Covenant under the instructions of God. At the two ends of the benefactor seat at the top of the cabinet were two angels made of gold - Cherub. The two angels surrounded a space with wings face to face, which represented God. Where the Ark of the Covenant is placed, that place represents the presence of God. The Ark of the Covenant was a symbol of being with God in the minds of the Israelites in the Old Testament era.

Under the arrangement of the adventurer, the spider silk was tied to the two angels, and the other end was wrapped around the old woman's wrist.

Fortunately, the Lord did not seem to notice the situation at that time, so that the group of vicious guys of adventurers were not killed at the first time.

The attack of adoptive mother Lucy is undoubtedly to distract Alessa. In fact, the adventurer succeeded. The mother, who was regarded as the hope of "redemption", was stabbed, and even if it did not cause any harm, it still made Aresha appear in a trance and mental loss for a moment.

At the same time, her own mother appeared with the ark. Under the condition of mental fluctuation, Alessha's eyes were immediately attracted by the threatening Ark, and naturally ignored a spider silk wrapped around her mother's wrist...

So, the dust settled, the Ark opened, and the judgment came.


This is the salvation of the old woman and belongs to Aleisha.

Looking at the moment when her biological mother slowly fell to the ground, Alesa was stunned.

The reason why the old woman held the ark was that she didn't want to open it for fear of hurting Alyssa. It can be said that at the last moment, she finally fulfilled the responsibility of a mother - but Alessa smashed the redemption with her own hands.

Aleisha, who understood this, widened her eyes and shed tears for the first time in her more than 30 years of painful career.

The adventurer who tried his best and painstakingly laid out all this finally looked forward to the dawn of victory~~ Needless to say, it is tough enough to pull 10 kilograms of spider silk with the fall of his biological mother. At this moment, it became the last straw to overwhelm the camel. So...

In an instant, God came.

Even if they were at the other end of the quiet hill town, far away from the cathedral, the adventurer suddenly only felt a shock, and a sudden deterrent pressure made them almost unable to straighten their waist at this moment. Even the obscene Taoist priest who had been promoting all kinds of tonics closed his mouth at this time.

In this extremely powerful momentum, everyone feels the real fear, not the fear of power, but of the fear of a far greater majesty than themselves.

- God.

Gods can't really come, but God's power is with God, and the Ark of the Covenant is opened like God.

For thousands of years, the power of faith, spirit and idea was compressed and condensed at this moment, and then transformed into an irresistible substantial force, surging out at this moment with great pressure full of heaven and earth!

The silent mountain sky with black clouds and looming blood light. At this moment, a faint and bright hymn sounded, and it was pure and dazzling. More white flames than snow than clouds rolled down all over the ground, like a rolling river hanging down from the sky. After falling to the ground, it immediately followed all the passages. The indelibility spread and flowed away.


The purple loli struggle echoed in her ears and seemed to roar, but the sound was immediately submerged in the surging white fire.

The holy light is soft and eye-catching, calm and gentle, like a paradise in the minds of devout believers. That's right... All uncleanness will disappear wherever it passes, turning into a heaven-like tranquility and peace.

In the cathedral, when my mother fell and the Ark was opened, the extremely holy and pure flame suddenly swallowed up this terrible evil god... The pious prayers of believers who had accumulated thousands of years, and a large group of holy fire as bright as the sun came in an instant.

This is the judgment from God, the final salvation.

The purest holy fire exists to purify all evil and burn all impurities.

The extremely ugly monster evil god, under the burning of the holy fire, the filth and evil image on his body gradually dissipated, and then the last thing left was the Lori in purple clothes.

At this time, Lori, who always had a demon's smile on her face, held a bone crystal white bone in her hand, and her face was extremely dull and even trembling. Because of her adoptive mother, her redeemer, her only hope to save her soul, Lucy... is dead. Before that, she killed her biological mother who loved her...

What kind of sadness is this? Can it turn back into a river and spend time?

Although the holy fire is only effective against darkness, evil, and filth, it does not mean that it is a kind of compassionate fire. In fact, this kind of pure flame from heaven is the most ruthless and harshest flame. As long as the conditions for burning are met, it will not have any reason or humane.

Just like the archangel Michael, which represents "absolute justice" and belongs to the kind that can't rub any sand in his eyes.

Open the Ark without authorization, and in such a dirty and evil place, the judgment of the holy flame belongs to God's anger.

Lucy, as the adoptive mother of the hell demon split, is already the biggest unclean in itself. Just for this reason, under the burning of the holy fire, which is comparable to the glory of the Lord God, this great mother was burned into a bone in an instant.

However, this may also be a blessing for her. Because if she still has sages, then when she sees that the demon she was actually stabbed by herself is actually her "daughter", she will definitely collapse completely~~

The launch of the ark should not have been so exaggerated. In the original movie, only summoned a few thunder and lightning to kill several Nazi soldiers, and then returned to the initial calm.

However, this time the situation is too different.

In the field built by the evil forces of an evil god, the accumulated faith power in the Ark is out of control, and we will do our best to completely destroy the enemies of God!

Even the adventurers across the whole town were shocked by this divine power.

Looking at the milky flame that drowned everything that passed, and watching the wave-like flame seem to flow slowly and dangerously from the side, just the heat passing by has made the burning smoke on their bodies, and everyone's faces twitched extremely strongly at this moment.

"It seems to be a big game this time..."

I don't know how long it took, and finally everything returned to "silence".

The originally gloomy sky, the bloody withered earth, dirty and rotten ditches, rusty and mottled walls, and miserable monsters everywhere were all purified in the flame just now. Even the endless drifting ashes have disappeared cleanly at this moment.

The sky is blue and the earth is clean. However, there are no clouds in the sky and no wind on the ground. The four fields are quiet and silent. Maybe this is the real "silent mountain".

Adventurers looked at each other:

"Is this a success or a failure?"

"Why doesn't the master give a hint?"