Infinite King

Chapter 20: Planning and Delusion

When Gai Jun woke up again, he found himself lying in a dark space. He was about to look around carefully when his rotating neck suddenly hurt, and then he heard Li Jialei's exclaim and Hua Hero's voice: "Gaijun, you're awake!"

It turned out that when Gaijun and Tianjun fought at the dock, the huge energy fluctuations shocked the ghost servants in the sewer. In accordance with the principle of safety, the ghost servant went out to patrol and happened to find Gaijun lying on the ground with blood all over his body, and Tianjun was also dying, so he rescued him.

It's just that Gaijun looks too miserable now. Because there is no clear water, Gaijun's whole body is covered with black blood and dirt, and his clothes are also ragged, showing a state of being roasted, and many places are stuck together.

"What's wrong with me?" Gaijun subconsciously wanted to scratch his head, but the severe pain in his arm made him give up the idea and grin directly.

Li Jialei sat next to him and said with a smile, "It should be caused by your battle with Tianjun yesterday. You don't know that yesterday, your whole body was painted into a dark shadow at the end. I couldn't see your movements at all, and then the Tianjun was killed by you three times in a row. But you bled a lot later. I guess it's a side effect of this state.

After thinking about it, it seemed that it was true. The memory of the war in Gaijun's mind woke up, and then he suddenly asked, "In the end, that Tianjun should be dead, right?"

"Dead, I got it... I saw it with my own eyes. His head was pierced by me with a dagger, and then lay there motionless. He must be dead. Originally, she wanted to say that she had got the hint of the Lord God, but after thinking about it, Chinese heroes and ghost servants are all here, and it's still troublesome to explain the reward points.

"Yes." Gai Jun was not a fool. Although Li Jialei quickly changed his statement, he still guessed the truth, then closed his eyes and thought about it. He asked for a long time, "What time is it now?" How long will it take?"

Li Jialei was stunned, then looked at the mission watch on her wrist and replied, "It's 8 p.m. now. There are still 10 hours left before returning by boat tomorrow. This sentence is very vague, but the Chinese hero didn't hear any clues nearby.

Gaijun laughed at himself: "Ha ha, it seems that I have slept for more than 20 hours. Tomorrow, well, hero, you and I are both injured. It's a difficult problem to get on the boat. Although he said so, Gaijun didn't worry at all. With the experience of the last Silent Hill, it seems that as long as you don't need to go anywhere at the end of the task, you will be automatically sent back to the Lord God space.

However, after saying this, the ghost servant stood up and said, "No, the injured body is the three of you." After saying that, he looked at Li Jialei and signaled that Li Jialei was also injured.

Gai Jun was shocked when he heard this, but it should not be a big deal to think that Li Jialei was still laughing with him before. After calming down, he remembered that he had a mental scan. He smiled secretly and was about to observe Li Jialei with a mental scan. Unexpectedly, a tingling in his brain almost made him fall into a coma again, which also dispelled his idea of using mental scanning.

"What's wrong with you?" Hua Hero lay on the ground, but he also saw Gai Jun's expression and couldn't help asking. Although Jin Ao did not want Gaijun to be with them before, it was because Jin Ao did not know the origin of Gaijun and was worried that Gaijun had other plans. As for the later Gaijun's so-called murderous intent, it was human affairs in the eyes of Chinese heroes, because Gaijun's task seemed to be to save himself, and it must be to eliminate factors that were unfavorable to him. Hua Hero knew very well that Gai Jun and others had a special status and would definitely not harm him, and there was a trace of care in his words.

"Nothing, I just turned my head and touched my nerves. Li Jialei, where have you been injured? Will it affect the subsequent battle? Gai Jun sighed, "I definitely can't participate in the war tomorrow morning, and I don't know if they will stop us at the dock at this last moment."

"Hmm, I thought you cared about me very much. It turned out that I was just afraid that we would lose a combat effectiveness! But you will be disappointed. I have completely lost the ability to fight like you now. What's better than you is that I can twist my neck and buttocks, but it doesn't hurt. At this moment, Li Jialei's child became very happy and began to joke. However, this move was obviously very effective. Not only Gai Jun laughed, but also Hero Hua laughed. For a while, the atmosphere in the underground passage was quite good.

"Hero, I will take you on the ship one by one tonight and follow this ship to China. I don't think the invincible will get on this ship to China. The ghost servant sighed rarely, "Master's hatred can only rely on you to cultivate China's arrogance to a great success, and then find the invincible to settle accounts."

Hua Hero was silent, as if he suddenly felt that the burden had been planted. Who is Jin Ao? You can kill any of the four people in seconds, but in the end you will be defeated by the invincible. Although Chinese heroes have got the Chinese pride, Jin Ao also has the Chinese pride! Who knows how much invincibility will grow in many years? Do you have to wait until he is old to take revenge?

Suddenly, he found that everyone was silent. Gai Jun sighed and said to the ghost servant, "Ghost servant, just send the Chinese hero to the ship at night. You don't need to care about us." This is his own idea. Anyway, it is a burden for him and Li Jialei to follow the ghost servant.

When the ghost servant heard this, he became excited and walked to Gaijun and said word by word, "I don't doubt what you mean, from beginning to end. I didn't mean to leave you. Don't think too much."

Li Jialei knew that the ghost servant misunderstood their meaning, so she explained, "Ghost servant, we have no hatred with the invincible. He doesn't even know us. You and the Chinese hero are on this trip to China. It is difficult for one person to take good care of the three of us. It's better to take good care of the Chinese hero. As for Gaijun and I, as long as the injury improves, we will leave here immediately and live near the Zhonghua Building. If you need it after many years, Gaijun and I will definitely do our best to help.

What Li Jialei said is indeed the best way at present, but the ghost servant is still a little unbearable. In fact, under his terrible mask, he is an extremely kind heart, which is really difficult to choose. Half a day later, he said, "You... Gaijun, my master may have lost his eyes. I'm here to apologize to you for him. I'll go out." Then the whole person disappeared into the underground passage.

"What did he do?" Li Jialei struggled to sit up, but her waist had been worn through for a long time. Such a struggle directly made her frown in pain, but she didn't know if she had said something wrong and let the ghost servant leave like this.

"He should have found some food and water for you, otherwise you will starve to death if you don't recover from your injuries." Hua Hero smiled and said, "Brother Ghost Servant is actually a very good person. Although he has been hiding himself, I can still feel that he has a benevolent heart."

Gai Jun's heart moved and said, "This is not necessary. Hero Hua, there is a cloth bag on my chest with a lot of food in it. Yes, it's the bag where the cake was taken out on the boat. As I said earlier, we are not from this world, so you don't have to worry about our safety at all. This is the idea that Gaijun suddenly came up with. "In fact, we will return in the last few hours of this season, and we will naturally have God to continue my life. As for you, hero Hua, live well and avenge Mr. Jin Ao!"

Huaero obviously remembered something. Suddenly, he looked at Gaijun with hot eyes: "Gaijun, didn't you say on the ship that there will be two women who are related to me in the United States on my trip? Why haven't I seen them yet? Also, Jieyu, she pretended, didn't she? Do you know where the real Jieyu is now? In the end, he almost asked Gaijun in a pleading tone. No wonder his wife had traveled thousands of miles to find him, but now there was no news.

Gai Jun had a headache. At that time, he only cared about fooling heroes. Unexpectedly, now the plot has become like this. Where can he find Jieyu? I had no choice but to say, "I don't know this. History has changed, and many things are not what I want to happen. They are completely beyond my expectations. Therefore, heroes, I'm really sorry.

After hearing Gai Jun's words, Hero Hua sighed and lay on the ground, as if he muttered, "Heavenly Lone Star, I am solitary. I will die without company and live a lonely life. Is all this true? Master died because of me. Jieyu and the living slave are unknown, and you are also seriously injured. Is all this fate? What will happen to the future of the ghost servant? Some words were so sad that even Li Jialei couldn't even think of how to interrupt, so she had to close her eyes and pretend not to hear it.

The atmosphere in the underground passage fell into dull again, and no one looked at anyone's face in the dark. Until more than an hour later, the ghost servant returned empty-handed and looked solemn. As soon as he walked in, he looked at the Chinese hero and seemed to weigh something. It was not until he saw that the Chinese hero's eyes were wrong before he said, "Jieyu was caught invincible and is now in the China Building!" Invincible said, if you don't show up before dawn, find a group of Americans to put Jieyu in public..." The rest of the words were not said, but everyone present knew what it meant. A group of men, a woman, fools know.

Hero Hua immediately sat up, and the severe pain in his chest did not even make him frown. His face was pale, his fists creaked, and his whole body seemed to stand up.

Gai Jun's heart was cold. It was indeed a difficult horror film for 20 people. Where did this TMD Jieyu come from? Is it possible that the Lord deliberately arranged to increase or decrease the difficulty? Originally, I thought that everything was over, and I only needed to wait quietly until dawn to return to the Lord God, but this happened again.

Seeing that the Chinese hero was about to lose his mind, Gai Jun shouted coldly: "Calm down! In your current situation, even if you go, can you make a difference? However, it has little effect.

Li Jialei on one side suddenly said, "Jieyu, Jieyu, how do you know if this is true or false? The Japanese ninja face change technique is so superb that it may be another trap waiting for you to jump! Even if it's true, we must discuss the best countermeasure so that we can save Jieyu!"

These words calmed down Hua Hero. He nodded gratefully to Li Jialei, and then lay down again, thinking about countermeasures.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and soon I couldn't see my fingers in the underground passage. The ghost servant found a few candles from nowhere and lit them in the underground passage, and the swaying candlelight aggravated the solemn atmosphere in the underground passage. At this time, it was late at night, but none of the four people present could sleep.

The sea breeze outside has gradually slowed down, and the breathing of everyone in the underground passage can be heard clearly. Gai Jun was a little annoyed and asked, "Li Jialei, what time is it now?"

Li Jialei looked down at her watch and exclaimed, "It's five o'clock now. There is still an hour before dawn!" After saying that, she subconsciously looked at the Chinese hero, as if she was afraid that he would suddenly do something stupid. For the team members, as long as nothing happens to the ghost servant and the Chinese hero in the last hour, everything will be fine. But if the Chinese hero runs out with a hot brain, it will really be a headache.

With the reward points of Gaijun and Li Jialei, even if the Chinese hero and the ghost servant die together, they can safely return to the main god without being erased. However, Li Jialei also learned the importance of reward points from Gai Jun. Once the 6000 reward points are deducted, Gai Jun can't get any reward points.

"No, I'm going to save Jieyu!" Just when Li Jialei was worried, what made her most worried happened! Hua Hero's eyes were firm and looked at the ghost servant, "Brother Ghost Servant, I don't know what the master said to you. I want you to protect me. But now, things have developed to this point, and I will bear what I have decided by myself. Ghost servant brother, I will teach you the Chinese pride now. Please don't, please! Please live with this Chinese proud determination and pass it on to people with good conduct in the future!"

Under the words, the ghost servant was even stunned on the spot. He shook his head and said resolutely, "No, Master said that only you are the most suitable method for China's arrogance. Whether it is your character or talent, you must survive before you can avenge your master or Jieyu, who may have been poisoned!"

"No! Every man lives in the world and has his own way of living. I, a hero, will never lose his conscience in order to avenge his life. I have left Jieyu once, and I don't want her to suffer more humiliating treatment because of me. I have my way to live, even if I die in this foreign country, as long as I can die with Jieyu, I have no regrets in my life!" With tears in his eyes, Hero Hua looked straight at the ghost servant, "Brother Ghost Servant, even if I beg you!"

The ghost servant was silent, biting his lips and struggling in his heart, while Gaijun and Li Jialei were also waiting for his choice. For a moment, the whole hole was so silent, and the atmosphere was even more dead than just now!

"No, I can't promise you! You are now injured, and you can't beat me. If you do anything out of the ordinary, I will stun you and take you back to China. Hero, if you want to hate me, just hate me. I don't care. The faint words of the ghost servant did make Gaijun much more relieved, but the Chinese hero was different. His whole eyes were red and he glared at the ghost servant.

"Hero, hero!" Suddenly, a weak voice came, and the people present were shocked. The ghost servant disappeared into the underground passage in a blink of an eye. He should have gone out to check the situation, and then Hua hero heard Jieyu's shout: "Hero, I know you're here!" Let me tell you, Jieyu from Zhonghua Building is fake. Don't go out!"

My God! This is the only idea of Gaijun's alarm clock. The current situation is getting more and more chaotic, and he can't even tell what. However, the Chinese hero beside him suddenly stood up and got out of the entrance of the underground passage, and then he shouted, "Jie Yu, I'm here!"

"What's going on?" Gai Jun gritted his teeth and turned his head to look at Li Jialei on one side. After two days and one night of recovery, Gai Jun's situation is almost free to move, but this time his action is too large, and several wounds have collapsed, and a large stream of blood flows out.

"I don't know! Shall we go out and have a look? Li Jialei was also surprised, "Now all the heroes have gone out. If something happens, our place is not safe!"

Gaijun gritted his teeth, supported himself to stand up, and then said, "Well, let's go out together." I can still barely use some hematitis now. I hope everything will be fine in the last hour!" However, Gaijun's guess is that the Lord God will never give them this horror film so easily, so the most likely is!

"Ba Ga, they are there! The invincible man really expected things to be like a god, and he used such a trick to be false and real! Hahaha, Huo Shura, go and take down the Chinese heroes, and I will reward you well!" I saw a fat Tianjun smiling wildly, and the strong murderous intention in his eyes almost came out.

The invincible beside him frowned, but still ordered, "Huo Shura, the teacher ordered you to catch the Chinese hero back, and then I will teach you the Shura knife method."

Jieyu, who rushed into the arms of the Chinese hero, was obviously scared. She looked at Huo Shura with a sad and indignant face, gritted her teeth and said, "You are lying to me!"

And Huo Shura in the middle of the field clenched his fist and said with hatred, "I didn't lie to you! Master, can't you let them go? They are miserable enough! Master, don't be obsessed anymore. You are not as kind as me now..." Before the words fell, another thinner Tianjun waved his long knife, and Huo Shura turned into flying ash, and then condensed again not far away. His reaction was also fast enough that he actually used a stand-in.

"Ba Ga!" Invincible looked at Huo Shura coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes, "I don't need you to teach me a lesson!"