Infinite King

Chapter 46: Liusha River

Gaijun and the three returned to the Black Tiger Barracks. At this time, the sky was a little dark and the temperature was lower. The Black Tiger greeted the winter rain reincarnation team to sit by the fire and drink some rice wine to warm themselves.

A group of newcomers of the Eastern Reincarnation Team seem to have adapted to the life of the world of horror movies, lying lazily around the bonfire. Several male newcomers or vaguely glanced at ** mature women Wang Wei, and their eyes flashed ** evil light.

After making sure that she was not in a dream, Wang Wei made a preliminary plan to take advantage of others. Before entering the horror film, Wang Wei was the private secretary of the vice president of a large group. Through some of her own small actions, she simply controlled the vice president. After that, she could be said to spend a lot of money, which was very comfortable. The good times did not last long. When the general manager of the company found out what Wang Wei had done, the underworld general manager suddenly became interested in her.

A week later, a young and handsome young man appeared in Wang Wei's sight and quickly attracted Wang Wei's attention through his own method. Then in just a few weeks, he completely conquered Wang Wei and obtained all the information, including bank cards and so on.

That night, when Wang Wei snuggled up in the man's arms and the general manager suddenly appeared and applauded, Wang Wei knew that everything was over. She asked the man with tears, "Have you been lying to me?"

The man was very ruthless and directly let go of Wang Wei and stood beside the general manager. It seemed that Wang Wei was an abandoned doll that was not worthy of nostalgia at all. Wang Wei's heart was broken at this moment. She chose to commit suicide. This is a relatively easy way to die, and she hopes that she will no longer worry from now on. But when she woke up, she found herself in a group of people.

After a short observation, Wang Wei finally found that all this was true. She did die, but she was reborn in this world. Having a huge wealth and experiencing betrayal, Wang Wei realized that everything except strength is false, even if it is love.

She understands that as long as she can get the favor of Gaijun in this team, she can easily survive, become strong, and even surpass Gaijun in the end! So she kept teasing Gaijun with various body language, but there was no result at all. Wang Wei, who didn't know why, had her own mind. She entangled the little girl Niu Shiya, who knew nothing, and kept instilling in her the idea that seducing men could live, and deliberately or unintentionally teasing the six new men. Through observation, Wang Wei found that Gai Jun is a person who only pursues his own strength and ignores many things in the team. Li Jialei only falls in love with Gai Jun. How can the remaining Su Qing be his opponent in fighting wisdom and courage!

Just when Gai Jun said that he would give the captain position to Su Qing, Wang Wei knew that her opportunity had come! The long-planned plan in her heart is about to be displayed, and the chess piece she used, Niu Shiya, didn't even know that she had fallen into a trap.

Feel the burning eyes, Wang Wei suddenly made a seductive stretching movement. The amazing curvature of her chest trembled slightly, and moved aside with the sleepy Niu Shiya. All this seemed very natural. Only Gai Jun shook the pottery bowl with rice wine in his hand, and then it was meaningful. Look at Su Qing.

At this time, Su Qing's mind was full of ideas about how to gain the trust of the Liusha Emperor, and he had no time to take into account the performance of these newcomers. Previously, when exchanging intelligence, Su Qing knew that there would be no so-called potential seeds among these newcomers, so he only needed to protect them when they were in danger and charge the corresponding fees after returning to the main god space. As for the rest, Su Qing does not have so much time to consider at present.

Li Jialei's mood at this time can be described as bad. At the end of the last horror film, perhaps no one knew about her madness except Su Qing. It was that kind of madness that Li Jialei found that she had unconsciously fallen in love with Gai Jun. However, through Gaijun's various performances, Li Jialei can guess that Gaijun has been deeply in love with another person. Li Jialei herself has experienced ups and downs, and her body has become dirty. Maybe she is no longer worthy of Gaijun. In this case, she chooses to deal with it calmly.

In the face of Gai Jun, she is not as shy as a girl's crush, nor as cold as she treats others, but can act as a cute girl like a little sister next door, at least so far. But now she is in a state of rampage, because every time the black tiger on the main seat drinks a few mouthfuls of wine, it will stare at Li Jialei for a while, so many times.

Finally, when the Black Tiger looked at Li Jialei for the Nth time, Li Jialei couldn't help standing up and pointed to the Black Tiger coldly and said, "What do you mean!" She didn't say anything specifically, but expected that the black tiger knew it.

When Li Jialei shouted, several sleepy newcomers were shocked. Niu Shiya rubbed her eyes and looked at Li Jialei and then at the Black Tiger. She was shocked that there was a conflict between the Eastern Reincarnation Team and the Black Tiger.

Black Tiger was originally thinking about problems. He had a habit that once he fell into thinking, he would keep looking at somewhere. When Li Jialei suddenly stood up and cursed, the Black Tiger did not realize that it was him, but soon he found that Li Jialei was pointing at him and couldn't help wondering, "What's wrong with me?"

Li Jialei gritted her teeth with hatred and sat down with a cold hum, which made everyone confused. The Black Tiger was even more confused, but he quickly recovered and said, "I was just thinking about one thing, that is, what you said when you came back asked me to transfer 1,000 soldiers to the Liusha River to intercept. Who are you trying to intercept?

Su Qing came back from thinking and said with a smile, "Brother, to tell you the truth, there is a group of people staring at the golden staff. The leader is the white-haired witch who sat down at the first stop of the Yujiang God of War, and there is also a small group of scouts. Our idea is to lead 1,000 soldiers to guard the only way to the Liusha River. If the chosen ones are found, 100 soldiers will escort them to the top of Wuzhi Mountain, and the remaining 900 soldiers will immediately block the entrance and prevent anyone from catching up with the chosen ones.

The black tiger pondered for a moment, and this method seemed to be good, so he said, "I, the black tiger, am the king of this mountain, and I must be responsible for his people, so it is impossible to accompany you in person. I have 1,000 personal guards here. They are all dead soldiers who have been loyal to our family since their ancestors. I will dispatch them to you and hope you can treat them well. If it's not necessary, I hope you don't let them die in vain!"

Su Qing comforted: "That's for sure, we are not murderers, and these worries are also human beings. In addition, there is another ruthless request, that is, I hope that the black brother will equip us with horses, including 1,000 dead soldiers, otherwise I'm afraid it will be too late. At this time, Su Qing suddenly thought that Miao Miao's light spirit and wind practice in the Beimo reincarnation team can make their speed no less than that of horses. If Gai Jun and others just walk, I'm afraid the plan will change.

"This is a little difficult. It is impossible for us to take out 1,000 horses in the mountains. 100, at most, you can lead 100 people first. My personal guards are not weak, and 100 people can also support them for a period of time. What Heihu said was indeed the truth, so Su Qing did not do much to fight for it. Instead, he seemed to be a little calculating.

He held the pottery bowl and said to the black tiger: "Brother, it's rare for you to be so righteous!"

"Do it!" The black tiger smiled, looked up and drank all kinds of rice wine, then directly wiped the wine stains on the corners of his mouth with his sleeves, and poured a bowl of wine again and said to Li Jialei, "Sister, to be honest, why do you play with knives and guns all day long for such a beautiful little girl? Listen to my brother, this time it's over. Find a good person to get married!"

Li Jialei was just worried because the Black Tiger had been looking at her. When she heard the Black Tiger say this, she was so angry that she gritted her teeth. However, after seeing Gai Jun's eyes at her, she resisted the impulse to buckle the bowl on the Black Tiger's face and took a symbolic sip.

At this time, a big fat man named Qian Duoduo among the newcomers, that is, the fat man who stood in front of Gaijun and felt the power of the arrows, smiled and said, "Well, captain, can we not go with you? I think what you said before is indeed a good suggestion for us to go south, don't you think so?

All the newcomers in the rear nodded, and Wang Wei also replied, "Yes, captain, it may be safer for a weak woman like me to go south with everyone to hide!"

The black tiger was stunned, and then said with an unnatural expression, "Why, can't you stay with me?" If I don't brag, even if 100,000 Yujiang troops come, they may not be able to capture my mountain.

Gai Jun shook his head and said, "Brother Black has misunderstood. It's not that we don't want to stay here, but we are afraid of being involved with Brother Black. There is a curse that does not harm relatives and friends. If the chosen one fails to save the Monkey King, then at least you can be safe.

Maybe the black tiger lived on this mountain all year round and rarely dealt with outsiders, so he didn't bypass it for a moment. He nodded and said, "Then I'll prepare some entanglement and dry food here, and prepare eight horses for your friends to escape to the south."

Qian Duoduo seemed to be very satisfied with these arrangements. He sat down again and drank happily with several newcomers around him. Su Qing stared at these people and seemed to feel a little inappropriate. However, think about it, the Jihai reincarnation team has signed a contract with them, and the Beimo reincarnation team has no way to send people to attack and kill, so it should be very safe. However, before these newcomers left, Su Qing still had something to explain. At present, he arched to the black tiger and said, "Brother, it's getting late. We still have to go tomorrow. Let's go back and rest first."

Su Qing has already said so. Although he hasn't had a good time, Black Tiger still sent someone to arrange them to the best room and then arrange the thousand guards.

Su Qingqing, who entered the room, retreated from the idle people and wanted to ask Gaijun's opinion, but Gaijun pretended not to ask. Su Qing had to say according to his own ideas, "Guys, we are going to separate tomorrow, and I don't want to say more. Your eight newcomers are not strong enough. It is better to keep a low profile for more than two months. For southern cities, I suggest you go to Dali in the south, about two months, and then go west to the top of Wuzhi Mountain. If there is no accident, the battle is basically over at that time, and you still need to return to the main god space through the doorless gate.

The newlyweds said they had no opinion. At this time, Gaijun stood up and said, "One more thing, if any of you dies, our team will deduct one point, so I don't want you to die. Finally, when you return to the main god space, each person will take out a total of 3,000 bonus points, right?

At this point, the newcomer has been surprisingly silent. Li Jialei's eyes were cold, and Gai Jun restrained her and said, "There is something you may not know. After returning to the Lord God Space System, I don't need to deduct reward points to kill you. I don't think you can beat me by then. Needless to say, we have protected you for so long in this horror film, which is not negotiable. If you don't want to pay 3,000 bonus points for the next horror film, I won't force it. It's late at night, go back to your room!" The last sentence is like an expulsion order, and it is difficult for the newcomer to say anything.

Su Qing looked at the direction of the newcomer's departure and sighed, "Captain, after looking at the three teams, I increasingly feel that the most important thing in a team is the overall strength. Maybe we go wrong, the nature of the team is defined as a breeder team, and there may not be newcomers with greater potential, but I think that as long as the reward points are enough, we can still become a strong generation.

Gaijun shook his head and said, "You're half right. In the world of horror films, potential is not everything. My potential is average, and I can still protect myself now. Moreover, among the newcomers this time, there is a newcomer that interests me very much. Our team may be very interesting in the future. Without much explanation, Gaijun went to the bedside and slept with his clothes.

This room is large enough to sleep more than four or five people. The three have had two experiences of fighting together, so they don't have much idea about sleeping in the same room. At present, Li Jialei also found a spare bed and lay down, but she has been thinking about what she is thinking about. As for the specific thing, a little girl of this age can only describe it in tens of thousands of words.

The other eight new men and women live in a room. Wang Wei naturally sat in ** with Niu Shiya, who had slept and was not very sleepy, and said kindly, "Sister Shiya, we are leaving the captain tomorrow. Will you be afraid?"

The two shrugs on Wang Wei's chest made Niu Shiya feel a little uncomfortable. She adjusted her posture as much as possible and replied with a red face, "One thing, but aren't there six big brothers and uncles with us? They should protect us."

Wang Wei shook her head with a smile, as if talking to herself and muttered, "Men are unreliable animals. Sister Shiya, you have to remember that you can let men protect you through your own body, but don't pin all your hopes on men.

This passage was a little too explicit. Shiya, a 14-year-old girl, listened to her cheeks burning red, but she also understood that a little girl could not survive alone in this dangerous world at all. Coupled with Wang Wei's indoctrination for several days, her thoughts were also a little loose. She whispered, "Do you think the captain is awesome? I think he can protect us. Why don't you follow the three of them?

A strange smile flashed in Wang Wei's eyes, and her tone did not change, "Sister Shiya, do you like the captain brother?"

A trace of confusion flashed in Niu Shiya's eyes. Little girls at this age may have more worship for some strong people, and it is difficult to get in touch with them. But often when outsiders joke or hint, it is likely to make a little girl of this age give themselves a wrong understanding, then that sense of worship is like.

Seeing that Niu Shiya fell into confusion, Wang Wei's strange smile was even more. She said to the tip of Niu Shiya's ear, "But the captain has someone he likes. Can't you see that he and Li Jialei's eyes are very ambiguous?"

After Wang Wei's reminder, Niu Shiya naturally thought of Li Jialei, and then every time Gai Jun looked at Li Jialei, her eyes in her mind seemed to become different. Finally, she actually came to the conclusion that Gai Jun did have a good relationship with Li Jialei. Thinking of this, her eyes dimmed.

"If the captain likes Sister Li Jialei, I naturally won't rob her." She felt a little uncomfortable, which was the so-called white sadness.

Wang Wei suddenly wrapped her hands tightly around Niu Shiya and said, "Have you ever thought that when you become stronger one day, you can protect the captain, and even let the captain notice you, so as to grab the captain?"

Niu Shiya's mind was in a mess. At this time, Wang Wei whispered in her ear again, "If you want to become stronger, just listen to your sister, but if you want to gain something, you have to pay first!"

On the bank of the Yellow River, Sun Yu seemed to be adjusting his breath with his eyes closed, and the water surface of the Yellow River returned to calm, but several of the Jihai reincarnation team looked embarrassed.

"Hebo, it's actually Hebo. Why did a river suddenly pop up in "King of Kung Fu"? I'm speechless. I thought it was a plot boss at the beginning. Sun Jian took a deep breath and just had a game with He. He didn't know the real identity of the old man until he killed Hebo.

"Sister Qi Yun, it seems that the Chiyu Reincarnation Team that exchanged information with us lied to us. It's really hateful." Youyou sat on the bank of the Yellow River and looked at Sun Zhen, which seemed to be a little worried, but then said, "Uncle, you are really so hard to deal with a river uncle. Are you acting?"

Sun Qian said with a wry smile, "Captain, no, I really tried my best. This Hebo's Hebo is too perverted and fights at home. It's not easy for me to do this.

At this moment, a woman in a white robe came out of the polar sea reincarnation team. Her appearance can only be said to be ordinary, and her figure is even slightly fat, but her whole body seems to be shrouded in a faint milky light, which is particularly holy. She silently walked to Sun Jing, put her hands together and lowered her head to say a few prayers, and then a soft white light enveloped Sun Jing. Sun Jing seemed to enjoy this feeling very much. In a few seconds, the fatigue on her face was swept away.

"Thank you very much, Sister Lin Ru!" If it hadn't been for Sun Ji's words, who would have thought of this mediocre woman in her early thirties, eleven middle-aged women in her early fifties?


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